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18 Oct 2010, 7:56 am

genly wrote:
Alcohol affects me less now. My body has gotten used to it. Caffeine doesn't affect me but sugar makes me hyper.

As a kid, I had a really bad sensitivity to sugar and e numbers, I couldn't eat Smarties or anything like that because I used be dead hyper.

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18 Oct 2010, 8:31 am

I get drunk fairly easily but most alcohol makes me feel weird and spacey and sort of as if everything's hazy and slow motion even though it doesn't look it, that's how I feel, don't know if that makes sense? Now I avoid alchopop type drinks and only drink spirits as they cause that less. We paid out recently for smirnoff vokda (to lazy to walk to supermarket and is all local shop had) and I found it didn't have that effect at all and though I knew I was obviously drunk I felt totally clear headed

I don't drink caffeine as I don't like most drinks that have it in. We went out with my in laws a while back and when they asked what I wanted to drink I just said whatever everyone else is having and ended up drinking red bull and coke. Even in the morning I felt like I had vibrating jelly for blood :? very odd.


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18 Oct 2010, 11:05 pm

From what I understand of alcohol my tolerance is fairly high for someone who refuses to drink. It took me 3 big glasses of wine to get drunk (not even drunk enough for how I felt at the time). This of course is the equivalent of 9 big glasses of beer. After drinking this much I found i was more forgiving of my girlfriend at the time and how I caught her in bed with her ex boyfriend, I walked over 2 miles with some effort and overall I was disappointed with myself. The pain didn't leave me, I was just not my usual hateful, unforgiving self. Since that ex (Marie) talks with my other ex (Cate), Cate knows about how I behaved when drunk and her thoughts on it are "I wish you were always drunk". I really love my ex girlfriends NOT!

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19 Oct 2010, 1:07 am

I am very sensitive to the pharmacological effects of both drugs. Whereas ethanol has a negative effect on me, even in low doses: caffeine has more or less a positive effect, being a stimulant. It helps me get out of my low level chronic depression. I need coffee to get going every day when I get up. Alcohol, on the other hand, is a depressive. So it only makes those like me who are prone to depression, much worse off. Therefore, I avoid alcohol almost entirely.


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19 Oct 2010, 1:17 pm

The same happens to me, I have no tplerance to both alcohol and coffee, and also smoke of cigarettes. Probably the same to other drugs too.

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19 Oct 2010, 4:34 pm

I think I'm addicted to both caffeine and alcohol.


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19 Oct 2010, 4:39 pm

I can drink quite a bit. It's strange... If my friends and I are drinking at the same rate, they are wasted by the time I reach the level of a typical sober person. And about the same time they're falling asleep, I'm just catching my buzz and hearing crickets. lol :D

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19 Oct 2010, 5:29 pm

Alcohol makes me sleepy and nauseous, I don't drink it.

Caffeine doesn't seem to have much effect, none that I'm aware of anyway.


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19 Oct 2010, 8:55 pm

I used to drink massive amounts of beer (or anything else) and had little effect on me.. but these days I rarely drink and when I do, I get warm and fuzzy from a 6 pack..

Caffeine on the other hand, I must have massive amounts of caffeine to function and I don't have any trouble falling asleep after drinking coffee all day up till bed time.. my lack of sleep comes from not having time to! lol if I suddenly switched to decaf I'd probably slip into a coma!

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19 Oct 2010, 11:49 pm

I can't have caffeine anymore because of my stomach issues, but back when I did have coffee or soda or whatever I definitely seemed sensitive to its effects. Having a Mountain Dew or a Frappucino was practically like taking a mild form of speed for me.

Alcohol I tend to have a very low tolerance for, both in that it takes me very little to get drunk and that I'm not a big fan of the stuff generally. The only time I drink anymore is at social events, as it is pretty helpful in making me outgoing and talkative like I'm usually not. But hangovers are just awful, and even when I'm drunk there's a kind of unpleasant sickly feeling to everything. I also feel like I just get dumber when I'm drunk; contrast this to cannabis, which if anything gives me interesting and novel insights, new ways of looking at things instead of reverting back to the most basic animal instincts. Also I can't really just have a glass or two of wine (or a beer) by myself anymore, as it just makes me depressed and instantly want to be sober again.


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19 Oct 2010, 11:53 pm

Well the last time I had a cup of coffee I wanted to go to 2 in the afternoon. I think I do get drunk quickly, like after 2 or 3 drinks but I've cut down on how much and how often I drink. When I was drinking a lot it would take twice as many drinks to get drunk.

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28 Jun 2015, 2:03 pm

I seem to be hypersensitive to caffeine and alcohol but it tends to vary.

caffeine sometimes gives me gastrointestinal issues and worsens my anxiety. Once I had a bag of coffee beans in my room (christmas present for my dad) and i was really hyper and practically up all night from the smell. Not sure if that is normal or not. Can people get hyper from just the smell of coffee beans? (this was a whole bag full of them...and probably quite

I'm particularly sensitive to alcohol when i'm tired. I can't drink after work because I will get wobbly after one glass and once I was wobbly and drunk from just half a pint of beer. Once was extremely wobbly after just one cocktail. On most nights one beer is enough for me.

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28 Jun 2015, 2:04 pm

Another reason I can never drink that much alcohol is because I can't get over the taste! I just really don't like, I screw up my face whenever I drink beer. Even sweet alcohol is quite offensive to me haha.


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28 Jun 2015, 4:15 pm

Alcohol makes me feel and appear high. People always ask after I've had a few drinks if I'm stoned.

BTW: does anyone else go deaf (deafer in my case) when they drink? Just me? OK.

I will do things like smile at the ceiling and spin around in circles. I always have an overwhelming urge to lie down on a hard floor. Not because I can't stand up. It just feels really good. I will start talking to myself and verbal stimming. Then I may go catatonic and stare into space. Alcohol seems to make me more autistic, and I don't need to consume much for this effect. Needless to say, I don't drink a lot in public these days.

Coffee, on the other hand, has little effect other than making me slightly tense and increasing my tinnitus. Sometimes it makes me feel nauseous. I don't even really like the taste.

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28 Jun 2015, 4:31 pm

I am unusually sensitive to both alcohol and caffeine.


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28 Jun 2015, 4:32 pm

I have an alcoholic drink (usually wine) almost every evening about a couple of hours before going to bed. Ten years ago it was a bottle or a bottle-and-a-half of strong wine (Shiraz or Cabernet Sauvignon usually) per night, equating to about 80 units per week. I've gradually cut this down so that at present it's a maximum of 45 units per week, usually of slightly tamer stuff like Chardonnay. This just relaxes me and allows me to 'forget' my troubles to some extent, I don't get into a bad state at all as I used to do.

I'm also a coffee addict. Up to 10 cups per day. I've read some interesting stuff in recent years about the alcohol:coffee relationship. ... dwellbeing