CJame wrote:
Also, I love how my teeth feel so smooth and clean when I leave the office.
I was amazed to discover that once I changed my diet and changed the way I was cleaning my teeth, my teeth have that just-went-to-the-dentist smoothness every day now.
Probably not a solution for most people because all the time when people see me eating, they start asking a lot of questions and end with "I couldn't live like that!" (although, for me, to go back to the way most people live would be a punishment, it feels so good to eat natural foods!) But that was the one thing I was missing about going to the dentist was the super-clean tooth feeling and now that I've found that on my own, the only reason I forsee for me to go to the dentist is if a tooth hurts or a filling falls out or something along those lines.
I've even healed my periodontal disease with my lifestyle changes. The last time I went to the dentist, the hygienist measure my gum pockets and was amazed because I had reversed the damage and my gums had grown back where previously they were bleeding and receding. I love the way I heard someone else put it: if you eat processed food, expect to have processed teeth. I thought it was silly until I tried it for myself and now I understand how much damage I was doing to my teeth by eating a poor diet.
"In the end, we decide if we're remembered for what happened to us or for what we did with it."
-- Randy K. Milholland
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