Although I don't know you - as a 'Veteran' you must realise that people respect you, surely? - I advise you not to leave because in retrospect you will probably regret it.
When I was having a VERY tough time last year - prior to my diaqnosis - I made a spur of the moment decision to the leave the MxTabs forums over the heads of a fairly gruesome picture posted by a newcomer. Already being in a fragile state of mind at the time I was intererpretting things in such a twisted logic that even to this day I can't figure out exactly how I 'connected the dots' and said what I said. When I referred to this incident here, I almost felt the same feeling of being misunderstood but at least I could acknowledge the liklihood that someone somewhere on this site could relate to me.
Although the majority of these so-called 'farewell posts' are indeed probably to gauge sympathy, I don't feel I done it for those particular reasons, and maybe you didn't either. If it's a case of feeling that you don't fit in, it's the 'wrong planet' for you, then you should try and realise that even in places like these there will never be people who don't quite 'fit the mould'. Nobody quite knows the 'the half' of anyone over the internet or in real-life, whether that's good or bad I don't know.
I hope that helped - minus apparent contradictions, and I hope you reconsider. I think I may have posted this too late...