I fear I might become racist against NT's...

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07 Jul 2010, 6:44 pm

azurecrayon wrote:
but i guess thats just my inferior nt-ness showing

Actually, it was the rest of your post which showed that. I think you're really reacting far too emotionally to a post which was supposed to have a much more logical use. In doing so you miss the point and aggravate the argument.

How about trying to respond based on things you do agree on? Like how he said that he has preconceived ideas about people (like all humans) and is open to learning more about people on a person to person basis? That is essentially what you just said, so it looks like you agree.

manifoldrob wrote:
When you work with someone or know someone you get to know them and your opinion of them changes. If after finding you are a wonderful person they still didn't befriend you just because you didn't have AS that would seem very wrong to me, but that's kind of an unlikely scenario. After all, Spock had great friendships with humans.

See? Azurecrayon, it would seem from the overall tone of his post that you are in agreement, just coming from (surprise, surprise) different experiences. So even though he is an arrogant aspie, and you are an inferior nt, you would probably both vote on the same laws regarding human rights or whatever.

Now, I find that sort of misunderstanding totally baffling, but this is probably how you act all the time. I wish you'd tone it down a bit around me though, since I'm toning down my condescension towards you. :P


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07 Jul 2010, 10:29 pm

ruveyn wrote:

Beware of being hostile to the people that feed, house and clothe you.


That's slave mentality,
People,especially NT's, that uses their control of resources to enforce corruption or as a limiting factor on relationships and more creative, honest and free development are one of the fundamentally worse influence on society on many levels,
they are destructive force at the academy,family and government circle and we should resist them as much as we can as they seed corruption and human suffering,
People should give to help not to enslave
other wise their gift is poison.


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07 Jul 2010, 10:37 pm

Apx wrote:
I think you're really reacting far too emotionally to a post which was supposed to have a much more logical use.

and i think you ASSUME i am reacting emotionally simply because i am nt. i am actually a very logical thinker and not likely to react emotionally to a post by a stranger on the internet =)

Apx wrote:
How about trying to respond based on things you do agree on?

that would be illogical because i didnt have a question about any of those things. i asked a question because i was genuinely curious about his answer. i'd still like to hear his answer. and i highly doubt manifoldrob needs me to clap for the things we have in agreement or statements of his i approve of. something tells me his ego doesnt need that stroking =P

im not exactly sure why you felt the need to attack me or to repeatedly defend him in this thread. perhaps you are reacting too emotionally? :lol:

Apx wrote:
Now, I find that sort of misunderstanding totally baffling, but this is probably how you act all the time. I wish you'd tone it down a bit around me though, since I'm toning down my condescension towards you. :P

awww, i am sorry to tell you, you are failing miserably =( better luck next time =P but you inspire me to try to tone down my sarcasm!


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07 Jul 2010, 11:06 pm

azurecrayon wrote:
and i think you ASSUME i am reacting emotionally simply because i am nt. i am actually a very logical thinker and not likely to react emotionally to a post by a stranger on the internet =)

What I meant by that specifically was from an emotional point of view. For example, there was a study done on ASD/NT people to see how they reacted differently to questions when phrased with triggering emotional language. In the study even questions which were phrased with emotional language were generally taken logically by the ASD participants, whereas the NT participants were more subject to emotional distractions. I'm sorry I don't remember where the study was offhand, as the nature of questioning might be handy to quote here.

The way I considered that an emotional response was that it seemed to disregard (what seemed to me) the obvious point of the post, and focused on the emotionally triggering topic of homeless people. To me it seems that it's obvious the poster is capable of getting to know people on a person to person basis, so the question you asked seems odd.

Combined with the use of "inferior NT" it seemed as if you were reacting more than comprehending.

that would be illogical because i didnt have a question about any of those things. i asked a question because i was genuinely curious about his answer. i'd still like to hear his answer. and i highly doubt manifoldrob needs me to clap for the things we have in agreement or statements of his i approve of. something tells me his ego doesnt need that stroking =P

Ah... Ok. Well, at this point I am curious now too. I would personally be pretty irritated if someone asked me such a thing, so I wonder if he's a nicer person than me. :P

im not exactly sure why you felt the need to attack me or to repeatedly defend him in this thread. perhaps you are reacting too emotionally? :lol:

One of my rules in life is to defend the people I agree with.

awww, i am sorry to tell you, you are failing miserably =( better luck next time =P but you inspire me to try to tone down my sarcasm!

I know I need practice, but I am trying! :P

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08 Jul 2010, 5:44 am

I'm not going to argue.

This site has a generalised 'distain' for 'NT's, sustained by a few, perhaps, but felt as a general overall atmosphere.

I came here to find support, having been going through a difficult time trying to seek diagnosis.

I avoided making a 'Do I have AS?' thread, because I know this can be annoying, as it's done so frequently.

I'm now going to leave.

I had not realised I would be given a name, 'NT' and then find distain for this.

This, people, is not to be disregarded as just an 'NT' being 'emotional', 'inferior', or worse, intolerant of AS.

This is a partly emotional reaction, that is true, but look deeper, 'swallow your pride' so to speak, try to see it from my angle, if at all possible. You have hurt my feelings, you have made me feel unwelcome. This is not something to 'throw aside' as another emotional reaction from an 'NT'. You know how rejection feels. It feels like an emotional poison. It's like pain. Some of you have done this to me. I hope you believe it and care, even if you don't understand. I haven't done anything wrong here, but I have been hurt. That is something to care about. That's not logical, that someone who aimed to be friendly, has been met with distain for her being an 'NT'.

No one has actually told me they dislike me for not having yet been diagnosed. But think of it this way. Imagine if a person had distain for black people, but they had a friend who was black, who they liked. If they said, 'Well, you're ok, I like you, but I don't like other black people, I don't like people of your kind.' That would still hurt and be offensive to that friend.

I would openly admit I have the potential to be prejudice, I don't mean to, but I'm human and I'm not perfect. Definitely. But I am also the most accepting, caring, open minded person you are likely to meet. I have put years of effort into understanding AS, and hoped to be friendly with people here. But you make this difficult. When a person tries to explain these things, they get looked down on for being typical of an illogical, emotional 'NT'.

Hey, this is just not ok. There is a problem here. And I guess it's only going to change if some people here change their attitude and stop this labelling and distain.

I am truely sorry that people here have had bad experiences with people who don't have AS who have been hurtful or illogical in a bad way. But some people without AS are just trying to be decent, friendly people, nothing else.

I'm not sure what else I can say. I'm hurt. I'd rather have had a punch in the stomach than feel the distain here. I would liken the two things, in terms of emotional pain equating to physical pain.

Most people here are accepting and kind. Those who have a grudge against 'NT's, you people are doing something distructive, whether or not you believe me. You really are. Please think about it and consider changing, even though I know you don't want to. Otherwise you'll make other people feel upset.

A lot of what I've said can be argued to be illogical. But it is still valid. I'm really disappointed I couldn't fit in here. You have chased away a decent person by the attitude you've expressed. That is not good. You know it. You can choose to give a damn if you wish.


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08 Jul 2010, 6:05 am

sErgEantaEgis wrote:
I don't really know how to explain this to you...

It seems that I'm starting to get a feeling of hate and superiority toward Neurotypical people. I have read many things writed by so called "experts" NT's who are very insulting and false to autistics and Aspies. Many openly called me "ret*d" and said me very offensive things that will forever affect me, almost everyone in this f***ed up humanity never understood me and treated me like a mentally crippled or like a second-class citizen.And it seems each of these times,it fueled some kind of rage,some kind of anger against the whole NT kind.I feel like they are the mentally ret*d,not us,they are the one who have social problems (being so mean,not being able to understand the principle of diversity and tolerance,the drive of socialising that is as important and powerful as the need to breath or the drive to reproduce,the need to force other people to be "normal",etc...),they are the one who lack empathy!I was one in a restaurant once,and one of the waiter dropped all his trays (not sure on the spelling of this one),I wanted to help him,but my mom (an NT) didn't wanted me to do so because "we add bad service from the kid".It also seem that everytime a guy get an hearth attack in the street and no one help him,it is NT's who didn't helped the guy,and then we don't have any empathy?!?!Who is mentally disabled in the two?Plus,my parents and my brother never understood how I felt,they alway assumed I was like an NT,with the feelings and the needs of an NT,even when fully aware of my condition.They alway reacted with anger or ridiculised me when I tried to talk about my Asperger-related issue.This add led me to slowly stoping identifying with my famil,slowly stoping to love them and to enjoy the time with them,for I felt like I wasn't related to them in any way.But I'm afraid that this feeling might turn me into a racist,a monster.We fight hard for the NT's to respect us,we should respect and tolerate them too right?I don't want to turn into what I always hated, a nazi, a monster, a racist. I am tolerant by nature,yet I feel slowly a dragon named hate consumming me from the inside,like if it was fed by the very hate of the NT's.It's ironic,by feeling superior toward NT's, I am slowly beginning to turn into one of them,an intolerant jerk (some NT's are nice people,but the ratio of as*hole NT versus cool NT's I met tend to be very unbalanced and you can guess on wich side).Please help me to get out of this dementia,I am slowly becoming crazy...

Your family I guess don't understand ASD and/or may be too close and emotionally involved to accept an explanation for your characteristics that came from yourself.
If they had always put certain behaviours from you in the context of normal NT behaviour (i.e. the way their own minds think) - which is probably what they have done, this may have built up over time to be resentment. Then subsequently they may see your attributing your behaviour to AS as just an 'excuse' for what they mistakenly see as being bad NT traits.

I'll give you an example of this that directly relates to me. My young autistic son never shows interest in me the way an NT child does; he doesn't look, he doesn't smile, he doesn't acknowledge me in the way an NT child would. That kind of behaviour from an NT child is a deliberate unspoken communication for 'I am not interested in you/I am scared of you'. But I know he wants to be with me because he will take my hand and take me back to where we were playing if I get up and go away.
If I hadn't had access to a lot of information about Autism and spent a lot of time reading and reading (and on here) I would have put his behaviour into the only context that I understood - NT - and been pretty confused and dispirited.

Being able to understand him has been the best thing.

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08 Jul 2010, 2:08 pm

azurecrayon wrote:
manifoldrob wrote:
I once mistook a Romanian mathematician for a homeless person on a city bus. I was able to revise my opinion rather quickly and had a nice conversation.

im curious to know, did you try to converse with the person when you thought they were homeless, and if not,

I remember it well. My usual bus seat had someone nearby so I had to sit in the more open section. There was an old man nearby. He had long hair and a bear and a dark maroon, shabby looking coat - sportcoat, and he had several plastic bags on the seat next to him. One bright orange and very worn. I assumed he was some derelict and carefully avoided catching his eye.

I took out my math text and started reading. After a few minutes he leaned towards me and said something to the effect of "What is that there?"

I though "Oh no, this is going to be a long bus ride, please don't slobber on me or other wise touch me." But then I realized he had a heavy accent, and few derelicts do. I showed him the cover and said it was a book on Topology. He then lit up and explained he was a retired math professor from Romania visiting his daughter. He said his specialty was differential geometry. We ended up having a nice discussion about Riemannian spaces. At the end of the ride I directed him to the right metro platform and that was it. Very nice.

azurecrayon wrote:
...couldnt you have had a nice conversation with them even if you still thought they were homeless?

Yes I could, if the other person started to talk first, or was reading a math book. My idea of a nice conversation is actually talking about interesting things, not small talk. One of my favorite mathematicians, Paul Erdos, was practically homeless. If you ever get a chance, I recommend you read "The Man Who Loved Only Numbers" by Paul Hoffman.

azurecrayon wrote:
we are each the sum of our experiences, we are not just a snapshot of who you see at one moment in time. people can be fascinating creatures with interesting stories, regardless of whether they are homeless or a mathematician. thats one of the problems with generalizations and prejudices, you dont get past that snapshot.

Agreed, but we are forced to make judgment calls based on limited information, based on that snapshot. We all do it, even you. You may want to engage strangers on a bus. I would rather be left alone.

azurecrayon wrote:
but then i come from a completely different place than you do. i believe respect is deserved. i believe people deserve to be respected as human beings, as fellow sentient creatures on this planet we all share. until they do something to retract that respect, i give it freely. but i guess thats just my inferior nt-ness showing, shame on me for being so accepting of people :o

I won't tell anyone.

Seriously, you and I know there's nothing wrong with being outgoing and accepting of others, except perhaps a slightly elevated chance of you being abducted and murdered, not statistically significant. Perhaps yields a rich social life for you. I don't have the social skills you have. Furthermore, luckily, I don't want them. There's nothing wrong with being introverted and guarded.

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08 Jul 2010, 2:49 pm

CocoRock wrote:
I came here to find support, having been going through a difficult time trying to seek diagnosis.

I avoided making a 'Do I have AS?' thread, because I know this can be annoying, as it's done so frequently.

I'm now going to leave.

Well, at this time yesterday I was ready to quit this forum. When you make arguments and have a lot invested in those arguments it can be difficult to hang in there when your arguments are attacked. Especially when you have character traits that make you want avoid other people, the response is just to leave. I think it's kind of funny that there is a social website such as this for unsocial people, and it seems to function OK. But in making the arguments and trying to convince people otherwise, you are opening yourself up to attacks. I know, people are attacking your ideas, but you feel personally attacked, but that is not the case.

If it's any consolation, I have disdain for aspies too. Like my mom always said, "I'm not prejudiced, I hate everyone."

Please don't take this personally. I do feel bad that you want to leave. That was never my intention or that of anyone else here, I'm sure. I would also feel bad though if someone else thought their arrogance was somehow wrong because of what you said, and I left your comments unanswered.


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08 Jul 2010, 3:01 pm

And here lies the discrepancy:

CocoRock wrote:
I came here to find support, having been going through a difficult time trying to seek diagnosis.

manifoldrob wrote:
When you make arguments and have a lot invested in those arguments it can be difficult to hang in there when your arguments are attacked...but in making the arguments and trying to convince people otherwise, you are opening yourself up to attacks.

Some come for support, others come for the sport of argument.

CocoRock please don't leave yet, please give WP another chance. I try very hard not to take the NT-bashing personally, and the benefits of participating here for me far outweigh and negativity against NTs. Please give it another try.

manifoldrob, there are a couple of excellent forums on WP with some top-notch debaters who appear to love the art of argument, I suggest you check out Politics, Philosophy and Religion (PPR) and Autism Politics, Activism, and Media Representation (APM).


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08 Jul 2010, 3:34 pm

First of all CocoRock, you have to grow a tough skin around this board to make it. I hope you stick around.

To the OP, I would just like to say that there are many small minded people out there (NT or otherwise) that will judge you and treat you harshly because you are different. I would, however, like to point out that this is not a trait solely displayed by neuro typical people. Hatred, Judgment, Bullying happens to neurologically typical people too. What a lot of people here on WP don't seem to realize is that many segments of society are deemed inadequate, strange, or less-capable merely because of the fact that they are different. You don't have to be an Aspie to be different and ridiculed (as is clearly demonstrated by your reference to NT's as less than intelligent). I know that this board focuses on AS so that is your perspective but I just wanted to broaden it a bit.

Also, there are many NT's that celebrate and embrace diversity of all types.

So I hope that all of you that have expressed loathing and hatred for NT's rethink your stance, perhaps use a bit of the Aspie intellectual reasoning and deduce that your hatred is merely a misguided and probably mislabeled reaction to the pain and suffering you've endured at the hands of MEAN, SMALL MINDED people that weren't necessarily NT's.

And just for the record I am am not an aspie but my brother and my daughter are. I suffered terrible beatings from my brother as a child but he is nicer to me now. I like to think we are all different in some way. I tell my daughter everyone has strengths and weaknesses, what is more important is what you do with them. :)


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08 Jul 2010, 3:47 pm

nara44 wrote:
ruveyn wrote:

Beware of being hostile to the people that feed, house and clothe you.


That's slave mentality,
People,especially NT's, that uses their control of resources to enforce corruption or as a limiting factor on relationships and more creative, honest and free development are one of the fundamentally worse influence on society on many levels,
they are destructive force at the academy,family and government circle and we should resist them as much as we can as they seed corruption and human suffering,
People should give to help not to enslave
other wise their gift is poison.

Economic interdependence is a social fact. It is not slavery. No one in a modern society is self sufficient.



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08 Jul 2010, 4:48 pm

Mama_to_Grace wrote:
your hatred

What is with you people? Hatred? Are you serious? How can we even have a serious conversation with you guys when you make such erroneous emotionally charged judgments? Honestly, I wonder.

I'm sorry, but for the most part, I don't even feel much, let alone hatred. I generally only feel the emotions which are strong enough to affect my body. Otherwise I am a dark chasm of intellectual lust, responding only to information, other intelligent people, or when I know I've failed or succeeded in a way that matters deeply to me.

I don't hate NTs. They often bore and irritate the hell out of me, but my hate is reserved for some very special people IRL who I perceive as enemies of truth and justice. Hating all people with poor reasoning skills would just be mean, and exhausting. Being honest about it, however, keeps me sane.

*shakes head* honestly... hate????

And just for the record I am am not an aspie but my brother and my daughter are.

Obviously. For your daughters sake, you really need to open your eyes to reality a bit here. As nice and tolerant as you may think you are, your inability to truly comprehend something so simple is going to upset her if she's at all intelligent. By your articulate post I would say she probably got the good end of the aspie stick, and therefore you are in trouble! ;)

DenvrDave wrote:
manifoldrob, there are a couple of excellent forums on WP with some top-notch debaters who appear to love the art of argument, I suggest you check out Politics, Philosophy and Religion (PPR) and Autism Politics, Activism, and Media Representation (APM).

Oh no you didn't. You did not just tell an aspie to go hide in the library, did you? I totally understand your well-meaning-ness here, but Coco is clearly disturbed, and could just as well be asked to frequent the Haven. I don't see how marginalizing an aspie in yet another social environment is ok. And defending your own ideas is so wrong you should only do it in a debate forum?

Honestly, I don't hate you guys, but your thought processes totally bewilder me.

:doesn't get it at all:


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08 Jul 2010, 5:00 pm

Apx wrote:
Mama_to_Grace wrote:
your hatred

What is with you people? Hatred? Are you serious? How can we even have a serious conversation with you guys when you make such erroneous emotionally charged judgments? Honestly, I wonder.
I don't hate NTs. They often bore and irritate the hell out of me,

*shakes head* honestly... hate????

Main Entry: ha·tred
Pronunciation: \ˈhā-trəd\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from hate + Old English rǣden condition — more at kindred
Date: 12th century

1 : hate
2 : prejudiced hostility or animosity

I'd say prejudiced hostility or animosity is exactly what you are expressing.


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08 Jul 2010, 5:07 pm

Apx wrote:
Obviously. For your daughters sake, you really need to open your eyes to reality a bit here. As nice and tolerant as you may think you are, your inability to truly comprehend something so simple is going to upset her if she's at all intelligent. By your articulate post I would say she probably got the good end of the aspie stick, and therefore you are in trouble! ;)

What reality should I open my eyes to? To the fact that she will, just by the fact that she is neurologically different, not be tolerant of other's actions or views and see them as petty by virtue of her profound intelligence?

What simple thing am I not comprehending? The reasons Aspies "feel" alienated and judged? I hope that I can be tolerant of her differences and teach her to be tolerant of all diversity in the world. I also don't want her to have a superiority complex as my brother does. Yes, he is superior in many ways but as I said we all have our own unique strengths and weaknesses. No one is perfect.


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08 Jul 2010, 5:38 pm

Mama_to_Grace wrote:
I'd say prejudiced hostility or animosity is exactly what you are expressing.

Oh no, I assure you, people bore and irritate me quite sufficiently on an individual basis. I'm often still surprised when it happens.

I don't see how that isn't clear.

prej·u·dice (prj-ds)
a. An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts.
b. A preconceived preference or idea.
2. The act or state of holding unreasonable preconceived judgments or convictions. See Synonyms at predilection.
3. Irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, or religion.
4. Detriment or injury caused to a person by the preconceived, unfavorable conviction of another or others.
tr.v. prej·u·diced, prej·u·dic·ing, prej·u·dic·es
1. To cause (someone) to judge prematurely and irrationally. See Synonyms at bias.
2. To affect injuriously or detrimentally by a judgment or an act.

I'm sorry but you are just wrong. I don't see how it's not obvious to you. Do you still bear hatred for your brother and now also your daughter, and you presume we're all just selfish, mean people who don't want to hug you enough? Something is getting in your way of perceiving truth.

Seriously, I can't put it any clearer for you. You guys definitely irritate me as individuals. That doesn't stop me from loving my family, having some NT family friends that I inherited and love, even though they're pretty vapid, I do care for them and talk to them sometimes. The father of my baby is NT, and I tolerate his inability to think, because his emotional nature is also why I love him. His emotions are beautiful to me, but he has serious issues with logical thinking. I'm glad I don't have more NT people in my life than this because I wouldn't be able to handle it.

We may be "black and white" thinkers sometimes, but you can never accuse us of being simple. And frankly prejudice is the crutch of the simple minded.


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08 Jul 2010, 5:40 pm

Apx wrote:
DenvrDave wrote:
manifoldrob, there are a couple of excellent forums on WP with some top-notch debaters who appear to love the art of argument, I suggest you check out Politics, Philosophy and Religion (PPR) and Autism Politics, Activism, and Media Representation (APM).

Oh no you didn't. You did not just tell an aspie to go hide in the library, did you? I totally understand your well-meaning-ness here, but Coco is clearly disturbed, and could just as well be asked to frequent the Haven. I don't see how marginalizing an aspie in yet another social environment is ok. And defending your own ideas is so wrong you should only do it in a debate forum?

Honestly, I don't hate you guys, but your thought processes totally bewilder me.

Absolutely not, you took my quote out of context. I most certainly did not tell anyone to "...go hide in the library" figuratively and I never would. I pointed out the difference in motivation between some people who come here for support and others who come here for spirited debate, and the fact that there are certain areas of the site set aside for each person's needs/wants. But you cherry-picked my statement to set me up as a just another NT bad guy. Nice try, but it ain't gonna work. I made a well-intended suggestion in a dignified, nice, resepectful way. And furthermore, you have no clue about my thought processes, so please don't comment on them. You may not hate "us guys" but you sure are combative.

Sorry to the OP that this topic has devolved to the point it has.