99% of the time, no clue if someone is flirting with me
99.9% no clue someone thinks I am flirting with them, when I am not meaning to appear that way either
labnjab wrote:
The only time I ever noticed flirting was online. Gods honest truth due to the emoticons.
Yes!! They are perfect - plain simple, really easy to understand generally - I adore emoticons because, I can say if I am mad or happy, clearly to a person as well.. some can't tell... but I can't tell what they mean either.
Willard wrote:
I have learned to recognize it at least some of the time. I can't explain it, but I notice that there is frequently a change in the quality of a woman's smile when she's flirting with me - I can't describe it, it just looks different than a normal everyday social smile.
On the other hand, I've had female friends who's everyday conversation was laced with sexual innuendo, lots of big smiles and winky looks and they were that way with everybody - it meant nothing.
But, what if a persons smile changes, just because they have gotten more comfy around you? I go from my forced smile, to a more relaxed real smile sometimes if I know a person a bit better..
I am bad for sexual innuendo, or right out and out saying, but big smiles.. no and winky looks? No idea if I do that..
I have been told I am a flirt - forever
so I just admit to being a flirt - not really sure 100% either way..