I think in a perfect world, those of us who have kids CAN be open about who/what we are.
As it is, people like myself will have to remain "in the closet" about AS until such a time as it is apparent there is nothing "wrong" with us.
What we do with our children, which I think is superior to a lot of NT parents, is we train our children to be entirely self-sufficient. Both of my kids--my 3 year old and my 1 year old--know how to go to the refrigerator, bring me the juice bottle, and let me fill their cups AND take the bottle back and put it up. We DO play rough, admittedly, and we actually do encourage "fighting" between our children. This works for our family because it forces our children to communicate and work out their own issues--and for US, it WORKS. They don't have much conflict between each other, and when they do, it's our little girl that does all the damage!! ! They are unusually affectionate towards each other, and our boy will throw a massive FIT if he sees us correct his sister. I've never seen kids that tight before.
Instead of baby-gating EVERYTHING, we let our oldest boy climb up the stairs in our old place. He was fascinated by the stairs, but frightened once he got on them because he didn't know how to come back down. So we made him climb all the way up, and then we taught him how to hold on while climbing back down. He has NEVER fallen down stairs, even at less than 1 year old.
We don't really pick up our kids and play with them because they are simply just not interested. They come to us when they want us, and they know enough about their world to stay safe.
Where it goes wrong is when hypersensitive parents see how we interact as a family, since I'm kind of a weird guy anyway, and they just assume something is horribly wrong with us. I wonder if they aren't somewhat jealous of how independent our children are. Apparently someone who used to be close to us developed some grudge against my wife. So social services knows all about our private affairs, my son's ear infections (which he has now outgrown, btw), our stress in dealing with job loss and nearly losing our daughter to premature birth, and my undiagnosed AS. My wife was escorted from church on two occasions, and she wasn't even causing any trouble or anything!! ! PLUS, we were accused of watering down our son's formula. Um, what??? We let the social workers see our son, who was drinking juice from a sippy cup and hadn't been drinking formula from a bottle for over 6 months by that point. We strictly prohibit pacifiers and bottles after a year, and I see parents with 2 and 3 years who can't kick the habit. UGH... And WE'RE the bad parents!! !
Our boy plays rough, but he's not atypical. He trips over his own feet, falls on his own toys, and runs into things just for fun. So he has a lot of bruises that are either accidental or self-afflicted, not anything out of the ordinary--heck, I was covered in scrapes and bruises when I was kid. I don't even want to think what DHS would say if they saw my kid, but then they'd have to round up all the kids in the area because they aren't any different!! !
ANYWAY, sorry for the rant. I don't want to hijack the thread with my personal bitterness. DHS is evil. And the fact that anonymous hotlines can be co-opted for malicious attacks on families you have a beef with is just insane.