phoenixjsu wrote:
parallaxed wrote:
i usually repeat stuff i have said in a conversation i had that day or will play out possible scenarios in conversations i may have in the future.
I do that too. I even play out scenarios that could have been had I reacted a certain way. (I find it helpful in future situations)
hahaha... Before I read this thread I had never told anyone about any of this.
I do that, too. Or I'll have pretend conversations that I WISH I had said instead of what actually did get said. My job interview being a case in point. After I went into my current place of employment, all I did was talk as if I were in the job interview, answering the questions with just the right answer, and generally wowing the socks of the store manager who would offer me a job right then and there. Oh, too bad REAL life doesn't work as well as REEL life, eh?
Superman wears Jack Bauer pajamas.