glider18 wrote:
I have been deeply moved by your comments tonight.
Thank you Hyperlexian for your great support of my confession. Wow!! ! Your teaching experiences were incredible. I doubt seriously I could have lasted there as long as you did. Those were indeed serious situations.
DenvrDave---I don't know what to say except "thank you." I never realized I have had such an impact---it is difficult for me to acknowledge compliments (my therapist worked with me on this). But I want to acknowledge yours. I am so moved by you saying that I am the reason you are a member here so that your son can see the many paths to a successful life in the face of adversity. That's a compliment I will never forget. I wish your son all the successes that life has to offer him. You seem like a caring parent, and I am sure your son is lucky to have you. Again, thank you.
thanks, but i greatly admire you - you stuck it out and made a success of it! teaching is dang hard for an aspie, in my opinion. i gave up, and you did not. i like that you are so honest about your journey.
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