Sparrowrose wrote:
AardvarkGoodSwimmer wrote:
I mean, where do you take it?!?
That's pretty much I did before I was a student when I didn't want to talk about disability. I had written some articles and a book but I noticed that when I said I was a writer, people got really interested and I didn't feel like talking about my writing either. But then I saw that when I described my writing (non-fiction, technical writing, instructional manuals) people got REALLY bored and wanted to talk about something else. So then I was happy to answer "what do you do?" with "I write" because "ooh! Have I read anything you've written?" was answered with, "I don't know - do you like to read technical manuals?" and suddenly the topic of conversation dramatically CHANGED.
Another answer I used to give before I started getting published was to turn it into a joke and then immediately ask them something about themselves to distract them. Like:
"ha ha ha I'm independently wealthy. So, have you lived in this area all your life?"
Well... I DO write just not enough to get off disability and because my right hand is currently paralyzed....
I think when/if I get the use of my hand back (almost had it then radiation started) I'll just say I write then quickly ask them what they do. Its pretty obvious right now that I'd be on some kind of disability.
Because "How to win friends and influence people" showed me that there is nothing an NT loves doing more than talking about himself....
What on earth do you think you are, if not a robot, albeit a very complicated one? - Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene