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26 Oct 2010, 2:34 pm

Crabs_the_Warthog wrote:
I am going to attempt to cure or at least treat my aspergers disease with the GFCF diet. The Diet consists of 3 main rules to start out with:
1. No Dairy (Caseine), and No Gluten (Dairy)
2. I can drink only Water (No milk, juices, or soda)
3. No Sugar, and no Soy [cancelling out almost everything nowadays]

Vitamin C – 500% [needed for Autism to grow and function]
Vitamin E – 250% [needed for Autism to grow and function]
Thiamin – 1667%
Riboflavin – 1471%
Vitamin B6 – 3750%
Folic Acid – 200%
Vitamin B12 – 1558% [required for Autism to grow and function, very important for Focusing as well as Mood]
Biotin – 200%
Panthotenic Acid – 2000%
Zinc – 200-533%
Selenium – 143% [required for Autism to grow and Function]

and 167% extra calcium. This should make my brain fluctuate better and give me confidence over time. Next, I am limiting TV screens and computer screens to maybe 2 hrs. a week. Finally, I am going to seek speech therapy. I will try this out for 30 days and record any changes in (M)ood, (F)ocus, (E)nergy, and (S)ocial skills.

Day 0 - Today I totally pigged out at my all I can eat cafeteria at my college. Waffles, Pizzas, Burgers, Cookies, Lasagna, Chocolate Milk, and plenty of glutens. You name it, and it probably went down my throat. To bad whenever I go on these eating rampages, I can never remember what anything tastes like. And when I'm done, I look down at my plate, and my food is gone.
M - 1/10
F - 1/10
E - 1/10
S - 1/10

Day 1 (Sunday) - 1 banana, a bunch of organic free samples from earth fare for lunch, and 1 bowl of soup with crackers and crutons, plus my Multi V.
M - 1/10
F - 1/10
E - 1/10
S - 1/10

Day 2 - 1 banana, two organic peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (with organic gluten) 1 slice of pizza (With Gluten), and my Multi V., and 3 cups of organic milk (with casseine) I felt a little bit less moody today, so i will rate Mood a 2/10.
M - 2/10
F - 1/10
E - 2/10
S - 1/10

Day 3 (Tuesday) - I am planning on eating 1 waffle, with butter and syrup for breakfast [the last of my sugar intake up until Halloween Night], 3 cups of organic milk, 2 sticks of celery and organic peanut butter ( 1 each for lunch and dinner), and continue my multivitamin supplement. Furthermore, I realize how much rules of the diet I have been breaking; Let me state that I have been cutting back on sugar, as you can see.

You may feel healthier but you will have Asperger's for life and it will never be cured. Furthermore, Asperger's is NOT a disease.


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26 Oct 2010, 2:38 pm

Ackman wrote:
Newsflash: Asperger's is a disease.

It's a neurological disability, not a disease. You can't die from it.


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26 Oct 2010, 2:45 pm

yeah... I think of Asperger's as sort of like something where in exchange for intelligence and talents which most, if not all of us have, our social and communication skills were lowered. It's like our special talents come with a price. However, what we can do is try to improve on it just like everyone else does with their imperfections and at the same time allow our strengths to reach their highest potential.

Tufted Titmouse
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26 Oct 2010, 4:20 pm

Your all being ignorant. Don't you realize that for every action their is an equal and opposite reaction.

It is a proven fact that Aspergers has certain traits that are curable such as
1. A Lousy Mood, as well as lack of energy due to feeling depressed and / or isolated from the rest of the world
2. The Disability of not being able to show emotions
3. The Disability of not being able to focus properly (pay attention to things such as school work)
4. The Disability of having little to no socializing skills or techniques.

These are the traits that an aspie can be cured of (with a balanced diet Such as the GFCF, a limit to TV screens, healthy excercise, and therapy towards social development) It has been proven by Science, and if you don't believe me just go to youtube and type in "GFCF Diet" or "Autism Recovery", and you will see before and after footage of aspies and auties who have completely cured these disorders. These are the traits that i have seen fit to record data in during my month period.

Other traits of an aspie, cannot be cured, and are part of that Aspies personality. If a parent attempts to cure these traits, they won't be curing anything but instead be turning a child into something its not. Also let it be known that i have not seen fit to record data in these areas, as they are not treatable and not a disease or disability anyways.
01. solving problems differently (focusing more on analyzing problems rather than taking immediate actions to solutions)
02. repetitive behaviors and routines (this is not a disease because this is how we keep organized, don't get overwhelmed)
03. Peculiar obsessions with certain topics (I don't see anything wrong with memorizing every single state and capital's national bird, or having over 80% of the items in your room to be the color green because it is your favorite color. Therefore they are untreatable without changing the Aspy's favorite color or love of birds.

What I'm saying is, you can't rewire a brain, unless you use mind control and manipulation. You can't weed out a repetitive behavior or routine, because Aspies must be organized - its the only thing that keeps them sane and keeps them looking forward to something. and you can't delete an obsessive topic or obsessive behavior. These weren't what i was attempting to cure in the first place. However, and Aspie can cure depression, lack of energy, lack of focus, and lack of social skills, which is my main goal. The GFCF diet gives one a healthy mind, and with Vitamin B12 gives one more energy and confidence. Social skills come second after a healthy and confident mind and body. And while 30 days isn't enough time to cure these symptoms, I will undoubtedly see amazing results.


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26 Oct 2010, 5:10 pm

OK first of all Asperger's is not a disease. When I see how "normal" people usually act I think "and they say I'M the one with a brain disorder!". Second that diet is much too strict for ME to follow, I have a hard enough time sticking to a "normal" diet. I'd be going insane and pigging out on sweets in only a few days. In fact I did it on Sunday when I stepped on the scale after a week of exercising and eating healthy hadn't helped me lose weight at all. :( Third I am so very very sick of being told ALL THE TIME what foods I can and cannot eat! :evil: I'm sick of all these health nuts who act so high-and-mighty because everything they eat is organic and they never touch meat and live on vitamin pills like some astronaut and if I put real milk to my lips I must consider myself DEAD. :evil: ...I don't mean you. of course. :)


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26 Oct 2010, 5:35 pm

If you leave any Asperger's traits remaining, that's not a cure.

I'm using a non-verbal right now. I wish you could see it. --dyingofpoetry



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26 Oct 2010, 5:44 pm

The inability to show emotions! I believe that Aspies choose who they are empathic towards. I mean, would you feel sorry for a criminal who assaulted someone if he got beat up himself while in prison? I wouldn't. But I am empathic towards someone that I really like and trust when recently her father passed away. I was very nice to her. It makes me feel good to spead some happiness to those that are hurting. I did make her feel a lot better, also she does like me alot. I select those who I shed tears over, a famous actress that I really like - YES. A person like Hitler - NO.

I know of another Aspie where I live and he has a different outlook on situations, he is, I have been told, largely self centred whereas I am expressive and caring. He is also on the lower end of the Aspie line, he also has intense interests and routines. I am on the complete opposite end of that same line, I have interests and no routines, I live most of my life with the NT influence over me, I am in their world, going through the same stuff as they are.

Tufted Titmouse
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26 Oct 2010, 6:42 pm

It is a cure, because it cured something. If it wasn't a cure, than it woudn't have cured anything. But it was. You see how this works?


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26 Oct 2010, 6:48 pm

The diet the OP is describing is almost certainly a starvation diet, much like what you might expect of someone who is borderline anorexic. In general, if you were to eat that kind of diet, you would at first get a rush of energy and good feeling, which is designed for you to be able to seek out food when you're starving. Many people mistake this for the effects of a good diet.

Since Crabs is male, I am going to assume an average male weight of 150 pounds, a generally inactive lifestyle, and an ideal calorie intake of 2000 per day. In general, it is not wise for an adult male to eat less than 1600 calories per day while trying to lose weight; and even then, 1600 is not recommended. If you are a growing teenager, you shouldn't be eating less than 2000 (or whatever stops you from feeling hungry). If you're a teen, in fact, you shouldn't be reducing calories at all; you should be increasing exercise and eating more nutrient-dense foods. A highly active individual, or one growing very fast, may need as much as 5000 per day. Even at the low end--a small woman with a low activity level--daily requirements don't get much below 1500.

Here, let me break this down for you:

1 banana, a bunch of organic free samples from earth fare for lunch, and 1 bowl of soup with crackers and crutons, plus my Multi V.

Banana: 120 calories.
Free samples: I'm going to guess 500 calories at the very most, though it's probably closer to 200.
A bowl of soup: I'm going to assume this is a good, high-calorie kind of soup, and say 700 calories at the very most. (500 is more likely.)
Total: 820-1320.

1 banana, two organic peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (with organic gluten) 1 slice of pizza (With Gluten), and my Multi V., and 3 cups of organic milk (with casseine)

Banana: 120 calories
2 PB&J Sandwiches: 700 calories
1 Slice Pizza: 300 calories
3 cups whole milk: 480 calories
Total: 1600 calories.

1 waffle, with butter and syrup for breakfast [the last of my sugar intake up until Halloween Night], 3 cups of organic milk, 2 sticks of celery and organic peanut butter ( 1 each for lunch and dinner

Waffle: 250 calories for a frozen waffle, or 500 for a large waffle
3 cups whole milk: 480 calories
Celery with peanut butter (5 tbsp per stick): 500 calories
Total: 1230-1470 calories.

Bottom line: You're starving yourself. Stop it. Or do you WANT to be a 98-pound diet-obsessed guy who can't get up a flight of stairs without stopping for breath halfway? Eat fruit, eat vegetables, eat whole grain, meat, milk, etc. But don't restrict like this; it's not good for you.

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26 Oct 2010, 9:38 pm

Crabs_the_Warthog wrote:
It is a cure, because it cured something. If it wasn't a cure, than it woudn't have cured anything. But it was. You see how this works?

Which is besides the point. The question isn't if what you are doing is a cure. The question is if it's a cure of Asperger's. It's not, based on what you said, and based on my understand of what "curing Asperger's" means.

not aspie, not NT, somewhere in between
Aspie Quiz: 110 Aspie, 103 Neurotypical.
Used to be more autistic than I am now.


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26 Oct 2010, 9:42 pm

Crabs_the_Warthog wrote:
Your all being ignorant. Don't you realize that for every action their is an equal and opposite reaction.

Newton's second law can be used to prove many many things, but this really is not one of them. I don't how eating well and being cured of autism are equal or opposite.

I am fairly confident that if i 'catch' autism i am not going to spontaneously vomit an intact banana. There was no sign of such evidence at my birth.

The GFCF diet gives one a healthy mind, and with Vitamin B12 gives one more energy and confidence. Social skills come second after a healthy and confident mind and body. And while 30 days isn't enough time to cure these symptoms, I will undoubtedly see amazing results.

A healthy diet can certainly effect you energy and maybe your confidence, it seems to for most people. Having energy and confidence can help when trying to learn social skills.

The things you listed are specific symptoms, the majority of which I think can be overcome or adapted to. If this method helped other people adapt, it could be wroth a try.

The argument of it like it is a scientific fact, I think is to far though.


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26 Oct 2010, 11:18 pm

Crabs_the_Warthog wrote:
It is a cure, because it cured something. If it wasn't a cure, than it woudn't have cured anything. But it was. You see how this works?

Cured what? Certainly not Asperger's.

Want to join tautology club? If you join tautology club you'll be a member of tautology club because you joined tautology club. If you weren't a member of tautology club, you wouldn't have joined tautology club. See how this works?

I'm using a non-verbal right now. I wish you could see it. --dyingofpoetry


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26 Oct 2010, 11:54 pm

hI Crabs I suppose it's not really a cure because if it was the aspergers would stay away, it's more an alleviating of symptoms, though symptoms not the right word, more a lessening or removal of those things which dont make you function at your best. But if you were to go back on the gluten/casein, those things would come right back, probably.
But I totally support you in your endeavour because I know from personal experience one can feel more energetic, clearer head etc by leaving out the g/c.
But unless you are particularly overweight, whats the point of limiting your calories while on this diet? If you deprive yourself unnecessarily, you will only end up stuffing yourself later because the body hates deprivation , and start obsessing over foods you're not allowed. Try to make it as pleasant for yourself as possible, have those g/f c/f treats at least once a day and the whole thing will be more do-able.
(They don't call me the voice of reason for nothing, you know!) :)

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17 Feb 2011, 2:15 pm

Wow. I'm excited to see that you are trying this diet. I've started it as well! I am amazed at how many naysayers there are in the Asperger community. I guess being negative is an Asperger trait as well. Good luck to you and keep posting your results.

Oh and eliminating soy is huge! Maybe even more important than GFCF!


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17 Feb 2011, 3:00 pm

There are so many things wrong with thinking that a diet can fix a neurological disorder, I'm not even going to get into it.

It takes a village to raise an idiot, but it only takes one idiot to raze a village.

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17 Feb 2011, 3:51 pm

All of the people saying that you can't rewire the brain aren't exactly correct. There are many ways to rewire the brain. The one that is most well known is repetition of specific thought patterns. When your brain receives a stimulus, it is automatically transmitted down a specific pathway that has been set through habitual, repeated thought processes. The more one utilizes this specific pathway, the more automatic the association of a particular stimulus with that pathway becomes. By focusing consciously on thought patterns and responses, one can forge new neural pathways, thus rewiring the brain. I'm certain that this particular form of rewiring could help alleviate or reduce the severity of certain symptoms of ASD, at least in some cases.

Diet can absolutely help in rewiring the brain, based on the introduction or limitation of certain chemicals into the system. I'm not certain that it would help in this particular case. I think the OP has gotten hold of a certain hypothesis that ASD starts as a gastrointestinal issue where the body cannot break down certain things correctly, leading to the release of chemicals that inhibit one's brain from functioning in a neurotypical way. However, he has taken it to a bit of an extreme, especially for something that has yet to be proven to work.

Also, while it's wonderful that so many of us have accepted our "different wiring" and embraced it, I don't think there is any need to be offended by someone who simply wants to be normal or fit in or have an easier life.

As for those quibbling over disease versus disorder: Disease is a broad term referring to any condition that impairs normal function. While disorder carries less of a stigma, ASD technically could fall under either. It's really more of a connotation issue than anything else. The word "disease" itself does not mean anything offensive.