Weird senses/abilities?
I can't hear the first 5 or the last 6 but all the ones in between clearly, my oldest son can hear all but the last 3
Oh god, that was like needles in the ears. I can hear all of them. One of them made me drop the f-bomb and I'm at school.

I'm sensitive to tv's, too. If a tv or computer monitor used to make that sound I had to be far away from it and it would have to be returned to the store. *shudder*
Does it count if you turn up your volume to hear them?
If I do that I can hear them all, but I'm not sure my speakers or soundcard are reproducing the last two properly, they sound a bit weird.
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If you are a teen you can anyway. Alot of teens use the 21000Hz for a ringtone for there phone for like the texting so they can text in class without the teacher knowing.
News Story: ... ults-cant/
sry to bust your bubble.
Overall I can here Dog Whistles and The Utrasonic Pest Repellent.
I did the hearing frequency test on that site here are the ones I can here
overall the high range
I did it with Standard Laptop speakers and laptop speakers are not that great. I will have to try it again when I get home from from my buddys house in the next few days when I am on better speaker.
My Blog:
-Diagnosed with High Functioning Aspergers back in High School-
For me its weird reflexes. If you throw something at me at cannot track it to catch it. But if I am not paying attention and something falls off the counter or a shelf I could catch it on reflex before I really see it falling. I was constantly doing this in my resteraunt job and when I was at the machine shop to the amazement of my co-workers.
Also in pitch black conditions like when the power would go out in machineshop with no windows I could sense my way around the shop I could feel if something was a machine, a table, or a person without physically touching anything. The workers would be yelling for everyone to stand still so the dope (One of nicknames) can walk his way to flashlight or fuse box. Our work floor had bins full of cut stock ready to be machined or finished product that had the potential to be knocked over and ruined. My idiot NT co-workers were constantly moving the flashlights from their work areas then forget where they put them.
One of the guys I worked with was HFA he could pick up the corner of 12 foot long metal rod or square stock and tell you the exact weight of it. He could also tell you the weight of a full tool box by lifting then they would run it over to the scale and sure enough he was dead on. The guy also had a 30 inch waist and could eat 9 hotdogs one right after another non-stop without so much a flinch. He had an apetite of two men and never put on weight.
There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die -Hunter S. Thompson
I can hear every single one of those frequencies though the 500hz one nearly made me go into sensory overload!
My senses are weird. I don't think I have any super-kind of senses, though.
Some people are autistic... deal with it!
Self-diagnosed female Aspie (AS- 171/200, NT- 26/200)
I am very sensitive to sound and smell. This has been more of a problem than a benefit. I hate the sound of babies screaming, people chewing, trucks. When a loud truck barges past me on the road my first impulse is to turn and scream, "F*** YOU!". I can't sleep without earplugs and I often wear them during the day. I can hear the buzz of the TV as well and someone mentioned dental work which is interesting because back when I had braces, one morning I woke to the sound of radio talk in my ears which cut off when I lifted my head. I went to my radio and it was off. Nobody else in the house was up and it was 7am on a Sunday so that was weird...
I find I can smell a mixture and pick out some of the components, like parts of chemicals or perfumes. This once led me to form theories about Aboriginal petrol sniffing being related to mineral deficiencies since I could smell high mineral content in the petrol. Yeah, needless to say, I'm a biology person.
A lot of other weird stuff: Although it's not really a sensual thing, I can tell time quite accurately, almost to the half-minute, even if it's been hours since last looking at my watch. Why I'm always late for appointments then is a mystery. I also believe in mental telepathy. Sometimes when I meet someone, I'll get a picture in my mind e.g. a horse, and then later on I'll realise their life is associated in some way with that picture, like they're into horses or something. My mum and I also have a strong telepathic connection. Several times I've smelt a food and realised she was thinking about it/cooking it at the time, even though we were miles apart. And for a few years now I've had this creepy habit of crying uncontrollably for no reason a few days before someone I know has died. though the 500hz one nearly made me go into sensory overload!
My senses are weird. I don't think I have any super-kind of senses, though.
How are the last ones supposed to sound? I can hear a little click of sorts, but not the high-pitched sounds the ones in the middle have. 'course, it could well be the speakers I'm using.
I blame my tinnitus on my brother. He once set off fireworks right next to my ear.
The audible hearing range is 20 Hz - 20000 Hz.
The mosquito tone is around 17400 Hz, the average human adult can hear is between 16000Hz to 18000 HZ.
I know what I'm talking about here.
Also, you might not be able to hear all of the tones because your speakers or headphones cannot output that high of a pitch.
Some headphones only have 80 - 18000 Hz
I know this is odd, but I can sometimes figure out the meaning of complicated songs with an aid of a MAD sometimes, and I can also sense emotions quickly. Do you ever have that ability lying dormant in you, because it was there (in a less-potent form) for a while, and in fifth grade, it disappeared (just like my self-esteem, my friendships, and my sanity)! It came back in sixth grade, and now it's growing more powerful. I think have mirror-touch synthaesia, and it's making me unable to watch movies or do things without feeling pressure or a strong emotion.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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I can ense when peoI staring atme, even without looking at them. When I'm walking in the street there are some people I walk by who I just know they aren't looking at me at all, and others I can sense it and become very self-conscious. I've experimented this a few times for proof. If I walk past a person and my senses tingle, I glance at them - and every time I get it right, they were staring at me. If I walk past another person and feel relaxed, then I know they aren't staring me, and I do a quick glance and I get it right - they wasn't staring at me. I get it right every time.

Joined: 12 Aug 2009
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Sometimes I am so overwhelmed by psychic stimuli that I need to lie down. I often feel what others are feeling, in that my empathy is too much, so I avoid closeness and 'connecting' with others
I do this too, I get very overstimulated in crowds and I think that this is a result of mass psychic energy buzzing around. It is almost like I feel the vibrations of the people around me and in a large crowd it is like a clump of sand stopping the flow of a funnel. I just shut down.
As far as abilities go, I am very creative and learn the arts much faster than the average person. The first watercolor I ever did in art class, mom took it to the smithsonian and they said that they never seen such a realistic watercolor fruit picture before. I also learned to spin fiber in 4 days of class which usually takes people months to learn to do. In that way, guess I am a creative savant. But interestingly enough, I usually dont apply my creativity to my daily life, as I can be kinda rigid and dont like change well at all.
Not very often do I come across an art form that I have a hard time with, but when I do, it throws me into meltdown...often the reason I cant do that art form is not because of a lack of creativing learning, but because of a lack of strength on my hands. Things like throwing pottery on a wheel and broom making require alot more strength than I have, but things requiring flexible nimble hands I am very good at
All art is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up.
-James Baldwin
1. Premonitions-Random thoughts often pop into my head like a certain music tune and then I run into it in real life. My mom's new ringtone was stuck in my head for about a week before I ever actually heard it! At first I thought it was just because it is also in a movie I saw before, but I don't see any real reason why I would've started thinking about that movie just then.
I read an interesting scientific article showing people who took a test and then studied after did better than people who didn't. Who would study afterward was selected randomly. If anyone here has a strong interest in quantum mechanics or the physical workings of time or some other field that might explain how this phenomenon works I'd love to hear it.
From my experiences in life I have an exaggerated sense of "what's going ot happen" at least with sounds but have never had an experience where I could actually put this into practice to help me or anyone else with anything(like avoiding bad experiences for example). And then there's no qualitative difference between sounds that I later hear and ones I don't so I won't know that I'm getting a premonition.
I don't how "real" this ability is. It could all be coincidence and maybe the real ability is "memory" so I wind up remembering these occurances more than most people, and if it wasn't for that scientific study I'd assume this must be the real cause.
2. Light Visual-Sound Synesthesia-It also seems like the flashes of light that gets stuck in my eyes if I pay close attention follows the "rhythm" of sounds but it's not noticeable unless I pay close attention. Most noticeable if I close my eyes and pay close attention. Even if I don't I still see visuals but can only notice how the sounds are influencing them if I pay close attention. Closed eye visuals are usually just red and purple figures, but sometimes blue, more rarely green.
3. Sensory/Emtional Filtering-I can purposefully "filter" my sensory information if I think about it. If I can think about the aspect of a "taste" I don't like before eating something I can remove that sensation and be left only with the good parts. I can also turn off pains by thinking about the function of pain logically(i.e. if it won't kill me there's no purpose in feeling pain, and if it might then it's acknowledged there's a problem and I need the pain to stop so I can do something about it like get to a hospital). I can do this with emotions too by thinking about what I know about the physical interactions involved and their functional purpose. I increasingly find I can also "turn on" emotions this way, even entering states of euphoria through sheer will. This is an ability I didn't even realize I had until I tried it. Maybe we all have this ability. Thoughts are fundamentally physical so thinking things sends signals from one part of the brain to the body or to other parts of the brain. If I direct the "logic" part of the brain to turn off or change the emotional or sensory parts it makes sense that it would work.
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