Did / Do you have 'Meltdowns' or 'Shutdowns'?

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Did you / Do you have "Meltdowns" or "Shutdowns" as an Aspie?
I mostly had "Shutdowns" 48%  48%  [ 51 ]
I mostly had "Meltdowns" 19%  19%  [ 20 ]
I had both 34%  34%  [ 36 ]
Total votes : 107

Snowy Owl
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30 Oct 2010, 3:24 pm

For me, it depends on the situation. It's been a while since I've had a meltdown, so I'd say I get shutdowns more often when meltdowns are obviously not a reasonable reaction to the situation or that I can control myself enough to go into shutdown than getting myself lost in a meltdown.

Also, shutdowns applies to me when it comes to sensory overload.


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30 Oct 2010, 3:25 pm

Shutdowns more often than meltdowns... I'd say 80% of the time they're shutdowns, and 20% of the time they're meltdowns.


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30 Oct 2010, 3:27 pm

AnnePande wrote:
If you feel like your brain stands still and is filled to the brim, you can't follow what people are saying, your head is tingling, and you may not answer them anything else than "just a moment, I can't do this", or may begin to cry, and afterwards get tired till your bones and marrow....
Is it then a meltdown or a shutdown?
Or just a sensory overload?
I am quite curious because I don't know where to place my own experiences of overwhelmedness. I have had difficulties recognising all the meltdown thing in my own life, when I have read about what different people in here describe them like. But I do have experiences like the one described above.

I think you might want to check out Calista's ten-point overload scale:
http://chaoticidealism.livejournal.com/84655.htmlTen-point overload scale
Personally, I gleaned a lot from reading it.


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30 Oct 2010, 3:35 pm

Severus wrote:

I think you might want to check out Calista's ten-point overload scale:
http://chaoticidealism.livejournal.com/84655.htmlTen-point overload scale
Personally, I gleaned a lot from reading it.

Yep, I found that a while ago and made my own scale. It kind of freaked me out to realize that I spend most of my time in the higher levels.

Snowy Owl
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30 Oct 2010, 3:51 pm

I have meltdowns only extremely rarely, maybe once or twice a year, and never in public- I'm so self-conscious. They were mainly caused by frustration- I just couldn't stand not understanding other people.

From what people describe here, I often have a shutdown. A good, full on one will be pretty rare, and will be caused by criticism. Yes, criticism :lol: If someone is teasing continuously, I will say 'shut up' constantly, or cover my ears, because unless they shut up soon, I will totally 'fly off the handle'. I will just curl up, cry, or silently torment myself inside. Then I'll lose it, go up to my room and throw a few things, bite things, clench my fists, and rock back and forth. My bed is my absolute haven, and is the only place that can possibly calm me down. No-one knows they even happen, as I as I normally quite good at controlling my shutdowns.

Someone said to me today that I always seemed, miserable, nasty and ready to 'fly off the handle' at any time. But that's because I'm trying hard NOT to lose myself. XD

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30 Oct 2010, 4:02 pm

xemmaliex wrote:

From what people describe here, I often have a shutdown. A good, full on one will be pretty rare, and will be caused by criticism. Yes, criticism :lol: If someone is teasing continuously, I will say 'shut up' constantly, or cover my ears, because unless they shut up soon, I will totally 'fly off the handle'. I will just curl up, cry, or silently torment myself inside. Then I'll lose it, go up to my room and throw a few things, bite things, clench my fists, and rock back and forth.

That sounds more like a meltdown, imo . When I have a shutdown I usually can't think and can't understand what people are saying to me, or I might be able to understand but I can't remember how to speak, and I'm disconnected from my body and my feelings.

But I don't think there is a definitive line between the two (shutdowns and meltdowns).


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30 Oct 2010, 4:10 pm

I've just come out of one. I'm happy now.


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30 Oct 2010, 10:18 pm

I need another option: I always have meltdowns. I have never had a shutdown.


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30 Oct 2010, 11:40 pm

i've very seldom lost control to he point where it could be described as a melt. it is interesting to see the term "shutdown" as it is used & described here. i think that has been part of my adaptative process for most of my life. as i have grown older i've become able to recognize its nuances, degrees & stages & to some extent mitigate them.

knowing that stress makes me close myself off emotionally, i make an extra effort at those times to make contact & to explain what i am experiencing. but it has already reached a certain point, before i am able to notice it.

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01 Nov 2010, 11:52 pm

found this thread really interesting. thanks for starting it.

I identify strongly with the shutdown phenomenon. I've never understood why it happens or what happens but now I'm getting more of an idea.

It happens for me in varying levels of intensity including very severe. Most commonly, I experience something like what someone called 'mute mode' where I just can't take in anything more so I go silent. When the 'implosion' is much worse I experience the 'extreme stillness' meditiatve type reaction where I'd totally stop moving, talking, responding, lie down etc. This used to happen in public all the time - people actually had to carry me because I'd shut down to such a degree - it could happen at a party, train station, in class etc. Now, it generally doesn't happen in public because I don't try to do all the things I used to do and I know that I need plenty of time to myself. I meditate a lot which gives my senses time to recover.


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02 Nov 2010, 1:36 am

I had both. I have more meltdowns than shutdowns now. But I do get those catatonic episodes where I can't speak or move. I'm more attuned to nature when I shutdown.
And shutdowns feel more unhealthy to me. Letting it all out gets rid of the terrible emotions but I can't always do that in public.

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02 Nov 2010, 1:55 am

I've had to think some way back to remember whether i had either melts or shuts. And yes, both. It's kinda upsetting to think that i could get that distressed. i feel bad for anyone that melts or shuts down or a regular basis


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02 Nov 2010, 5:51 am

I definitely have shutdowns. Had one recently when my husband's parents came over to stay. They're nice people but they stayed in our house for 5 days and they require constant attention. I made it through 3 days and then completely broke down at the end of the 3rd day because I couldn't face another 2 days without any time alone. I tend to just lock myself in the bathroom and cry uncontrollably but silently... Sorry if that is too much information!


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02 Nov 2010, 6:53 am

I have more shutdowns than meltdowns.

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Snowy Owl
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02 Nov 2010, 7:22 am

Some great replies.

It's amazing to see the commonality of experience with regard to 'shutdowns'.

I didn't like and didn't identify with the literatures usual representation of people on the spectrum regularly freaking out in spectacularly explosive screaming fits, when in fact it seems the majority usually 'suffer in silence' and do so far more often than they 'meltdown'. But as was said earlier, the 'experts' are often more likely to identify and discuss aspects which affect NT's and which are more obvious to them.

I agree with an earlier poster who said that they didn't think there was a clear line between "shutdowns" and "meltdowns". I think they are essentially the same thing, manifesting differently and one can turn into the other rapidly. For instance, I sometimes start to shutdown but someone starts requiring me to explain what is happening to me or insisting on speaking to me but I can't think to form my words and it's like my voice is stuck in my throat. I'm imploding. I'm 'stuck', but they keep pushing to engage me. At that point, I can sometimes 'explode' or 'meltdown' because of the frustration of trying to meet their request and yet not being able to.

It's almost like, at that point, the 'gravitational pull' of the black hole of 'shutdown' is so strong that the only way to escape it is the explosion of 'meltdown'. Of course, it never works and turning into a raging mess who can't coherently communicate is little better than the mute catatonic mess I was a few minutes earlier. But it's not really a conscious choice anyway, it just happens.

Usually though, if I'm just left alone I will nearly always just 'shutdown'.


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02 Nov 2010, 5:04 pm

Can someone enlighten me what they both are please? This all new to me, sorry for being a noob. To tell you the truth, I've always been a calm individual; but I may have meltdowns, it probably effects me differently though. I just looked it up, and yes I do have meltdowns. But shutdowns? Never really had one.