I have meltdowns only extremely rarely, maybe once or twice a year, and never in public- I'm so self-conscious. They were mainly caused by frustration- I just couldn't stand not understanding other people.
From what people describe here, I often have a shutdown. A good, full on one will be pretty rare, and will be caused by criticism. Yes, criticism
If someone is teasing continuously, I will say 'shut up' constantly, or cover my ears, because unless they shut up soon, I will totally 'fly off the handle'. I will just curl up, cry, or silently torment myself inside. Then I'll lose it, go up to my room and throw a few things, bite things, clench my fists, and rock back and forth. My bed is my absolute haven, and is the only place that can possibly calm me down. No-one knows they even happen, as I as I normally quite good at controlling my shutdowns.
Someone said to me today that I always seemed, miserable, nasty and ready to 'fly off the handle' at any time. But that's because I'm trying hard NOT to lose myself. XD
Some people are autistic... deal with it!
Self-diagnosed female Aspie (AS- 171/200, NT- 26/200)