Never getting to go to college .
I never have any food in my house because i cant afford it, My rents too high, Apartments too small, I have to settle for a mini computer because i cant afford a normal sized one!
oh i could go on...
It seems to me that if ASS-P actually wanted any input on how to go back to college his post would relect that, i mean all it is is a bunch of complaining! he doesnt want any help, he wants to gripe!
Perhaps you should try the give me money or I will kill myself scam I do not think anyone has pulled that one on WP yet. So far we had My Girlfriend is Sick scam and I am About to be Homeless scam
I am about to off myself......give me 1 million dollars......
Anyway, todesking. You seem like a pretty cool dude. I would soooo send you like 50k to go back to college if I had it.
I am considering going into physicians assistant school.So, that might be a reality some day.
Wow. You guys bully people often, or just ASS-P? I don't see why you feel justified in ridiculing him in this thread for something he hasn't done - namely, asking for money to go to college.
Ok, yeah, ASS-P did ask for money in his "about to be homeless" thread, but all he seems to have done in this one is gripe about the fact that he didn't get to go to college when he was younger. He never suggested that he was attempting to get into college at this point, nor did he ask for money to do something which he appears to realize is not realistic for him (at this time, anyway). It seems more likely that he's realized that his lack of college probably contributed to his current situation, rather than seeing it as his savior now.
I agree that he needs to find work and a stable home before pursuing further education, but I disagree that higher education is pointless at his age - which is why I've been taking full-time classes for the last year.
Nevertheless, he now has an offer of BOTH a job, and money for college. If Fixergirl was offering either of those to me, I'd be falling all over myself to find out if the offer was legit or not. The ball is now in his court, and I hope he takes full advantage of the opportunity.
To Fixergirl: I know that you made your offer as a "put up or shut up" challenge out of disgust at ASS-P's apparent unwillingness to help himself, but if you are sincerely willing, and able, to follow through on it, you are to be commended for making it.
mostely because i'm saving moneys for my fire agate ring
Because after all, a fire agate ring is a priority and a healthy diet is not.
Thanks for clearly demonstrating your judgement is questionable at best. I have believed it was all along, but I do appreciate the confirmation.
To Fixergirl: I know that you made your offer as a "put up or shut up" challenge out of disgust at ASS-P's apparent unwillingness to help himself, but if you are sincerely willing, and able, to follow through on it, you are to be commended for making it.
Being that this is the internet, I cannot be absolutely certain, but I believe she does have the ability to follow through on both those offers. These aren't hand out offers; they are hand up.
But changing momentum is really hard to do. I can see the person receiving the offer coming up with a million reasons why they can't be real or accepting them won't work, or how the conditions are impossible. Still, if he can gather up what it takes to find out for sure, this could get very interesting.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).
I say stuff when I think people are trying to scam money out of people on WP. I have two friends who do internet scams that they learned how to do while they were in prison on various drug charges. One of them actually told me how to run several scams that involve going on to message boards. He even told me how to set up fake blogs using captured photos from other websites and even how to do a fake organization to get donations from websites that are helping someone with a terminal illness by getting them to let you to link your fake website to gain an air of realness.
There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die -Hunter S. Thompson
...Literal answers time:
I have not threatenhed to kill myself , the person/s who noted that I didn't say " I want to go to college now " are correct , my HS , etc. , records are in another state anyway , if you do not have a phone/" real " address ( I have spoken of my need , even if I am HL , to get a postal box , anyway . ) appplying for college/lookin for records , etc. , is fairly pointless , and FG's offer comes off more like blowing her mouth/steam off , anything else aside .
She certainly hasn't given " real world " details or PM-d me .
I have not threatenhed to kill myself , the person/s who noted that I didn't say " I want to go to college now " are correct , my HS , etc. , records are in another state anyway , if you do not have a phone/" real " address ( I have spoken of my need , even if I am HL , to get a postal box , anyway . ) appplying for college/lookin for records , etc. , is fairly pointless , and FG's offer comes off more like blowing her mouth/steam off , anything else aside .
She certainly hasn't given " real world " details or PM-d me .
Aren't you close to starving by now? How can you think about something like college in such a condition?
I have not threatenhed to kill myself , the person/s who noted that I didn't say " I want to go to college now " are correct , my HS , etc. , records are in another state anyway , if you do not have a phone/" real " address ( I have spoken of my need , even if I am HL , to get a postal box , anyway . ) appplying for college/lookin for records , etc. , is fairly pointless , and FG's offer comes off more like blowing her mouth/steam off , anything else aside .
She certainly hasn't given " real world " details or PM-d me .
Aren't you close to starving by now? How can you think about something like college in such a condition?
A literal , two-part , answer:
I have had some food , though I suppose I may be on a deficict , calories-wise , I can think under a lot of conditions...I am overweight , too , and , so , strictly literally , I...Well , I have a lot of overweight .
I've been overweight my entire life .
At 6 I was 60 pounds .
I have not threatenhed to kill myself , the person/s who noted that I didn't say " I want to go to college now " are correct , my HS , etc. , records are in another state anyway , if you do not have a phone/" real " address ( I have spoken of my need , even if I am HL , to get a postal box , anyway . ) appplying for college/lookin for records , etc. , is fairly pointless , and FG's offer comes off more like blowing her mouth/steam off , anything else aside .
She certainly hasn't given " real world " details or PM-d me .
No, you would be expected to pm her. How far do you expect her to go? If she's serious, she's challenging you to make a series of risky moves to show that you are willing to put something behind your words and change the direction of your life. If you want to take a chance that one tiny step can change the direction of your snowball, you take the risk of pm'ing her and her laughing in your face if that is her choice. Nothing in this life comes completely for free. You have to take some risk and you have to DO something. Put one foot in front of the other and see what happens. Perhaps she is betting that you can't do it. It doesn't matter. It is up to you to show that you can. The worst thing that can happen? You fall flat on your face and get to keep complaining about how unfair life is.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).
I have not threatenhed to kill myself , the person/s who noted that I didn't say " I want to go to college now " are correct , my HS , etc. , records are in another state anyway , if you do not have a phone/" real " address ( I have spoken of my need , even if I am HL , to get a postal box , anyway . ) appplying for college/lookin for records , etc. , is fairly pointless , and FG's offer comes off more like blowing her mouth/steam off , anything else aside .
She certainly hasn't given " real world " details or PM-d me .
No, you would be expected to pm her. How far do you expect her to go? If she's serious, she's challenging you to make a series of risky moves to show that you are willing to put something behind your words and change the direction of your life. If you want to take a chance that one tiny step can change the direction of your snowball, you take the risk of pm'ing her and her laughing in your face if that is her choice. Nothing in this life comes completely for free. You have to take some risk and you have to DO something. Put one foot in front of the other and see what happens. Perhaps she is betting that you can't do it. It doesn't matter. It is up to you to show that you can. The worst thing that can happen? You fall flat on your face and get to keep complaining about how unfair life is.
...For one , someone who does not state where they are physically located is somewhat questionable .
She talks in a fairly combative manner , as well .
I HAven't Had time to read your entire post now...(IHAREP).........
I have not threatenhed to kill myself , the person/s who noted that I didn't say " I want to go to college now " are correct , my HS , etc. , records are in another state anyway , if you do not have a phone/" real " address ( I have spoken of my need , even if I am HL , to get a postal box , anyway . ) appplying for college/lookin for records , etc. , is fairly pointless , and FG's offer comes off more like blowing her mouth/steam off , anything else aside .
She certainly hasn't given " real world " details or PM-d me .
No, you would be expected to pm her. How far do you expect her to go? If she's serious, she's challenging you to make a series of risky moves to show that you are willing to put something behind your words and change the direction of your life. If you want to take a chance that one tiny step can change the direction of your snowball, you take the risk of pm'ing her and her laughing in your face if that is her choice. Nothing in this life comes completely for free. You have to take some risk and you have to DO something. Put one foot in front of the other and see what happens. Perhaps she is betting that you can't do it. It doesn't matter. It is up to you to show that you can. The worst thing that can happen? You fall flat on your face and get to keep complaining about how unfair life is.
...For one , someone who does not state where they are physically located is somewhat questionable .
She talks in a fairly combative manner , as well .
I HAven't Had time to read your entire post now...(IHAREP).........
I know she can get quite combative. My first interaction with her on these boards did not go well AT ALL. But I didn't give up; I accepted the false steps I had made, and felt something more was there with her that I was missing. And I was right. She's brilliant, generous and has a really good heart, but you aren't going to find her "easy" or sympathetic (Fixer_Girl, I hope you don't mind that description; I hope you know I have the utmost respect for you). She's not going to walk you through this. Not her style. Nor, I might suggest, what you need. I know where she is physically located but you ... you will have to ask. Like I said before, I don't know how serious she is, but I believe she is in a position to make good and, if I were in your shoes, I'd be hungry enough to take the risks and find out.
I posted that this could get interesting. I didn't say someone had just handed you the golden goose.
So. What do you want and what are you willing to risk to get there?
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).
Last edited by DW_a_mom on 05 Nov 2010, 4:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
She certainly hasn't given " real world " details or PM-d me .
(second post)
...For one , someone who does not state where they are physically located is somewhat questionable .
She talks in a fairly combative manner , as well .
Yep, she comes across as a stone cold b!tch.
So what?
She made it clear she isn't going to play kissy-kissy with you, and also made it pretty clear that she doesn't think you have the stones to even TRY to improve your life. So what? If someone throws you a rope to keep you from drowning, you don't have to like them to grab hold of the rope. She made an offer. Now it's up to YOU to do something about it. She has no reason to post her location openly, or to give concrete details of what job she has in mind for you - nor to go further out of her way to make that information available to you privately. I have NO idea if she is, or her offers are, for real, but - you are homeless, broke and (from what you say) pretty much unemployable. WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE BY ASKING HER FOR MORE INFO? The worst that happens is you remain homeless, broke and unemployed. The best is a job, re-entry to a stable life - and maybe even college. I gotta say, I'm not seeing any downside here.
To those I chastised for giving him a hard time - would you be willing to take a break long enough to see what he does with this offer? Whether you think he deserves it or not, he has an offer of help - and as DW_a_mom says, it's a hand up not a hand out. What he does with that offer will tell us all a lot about his motives.
Her abrasive tone aside....I do applaud Fixer Girl for making such a generous offer. If she is sincere...this says quite a bit about her and cancels out any unpleasant characteristics she may possess. Indeed....she is likely a better person than me in this respect. I would never make anyone such an offer unless I had AT LEAST $1,000,000 to my name.
I hope ASS-P accepts her offer and I sincerely hopes he succeeds. I would be willing to lend some support to this endeavor as well, but with $69.00 to my name for the foreseeable future and a whale of my own problems (which I have discussed countless times before on WP) to contend with, I doubt there's many meaningful contributions I could offer aside from mere "moral support".
Still....I am forced to wonder what many of you would think of ASS-P if he accepts this offer and does not succeed.
Would you hold him in any contempt whatsover? would be logically untenable for you do so UNLESS and UNTIL you are CERTAIN that human beings have some quality which can genuinely be defined as free will. Even if some do.....does that necessarily mean that ASS-P does?
Even our fairly harsh judicial system can find people not guilty of a particular crime because they lack the mental wherewithal (whether because of severe mental illness, diminished cogntive functioning, intellectual disabilities or some configuration of two or more of these) to control their behavior. Therefore....I would like to kindly remind you all that NONE of us are in anyway qualified (over the internet at the very least) to make such a determination in ASS-P's case. one really knows if human beings really possess this ghost in the machine which can truly be defined as free will in the first place. Our current understanding of genetics, epigenetics, neurology/neuropsychology, etc.....would certainly be a reason to at least question whether we possess said quality.
ASS-P, I'm struggling through college right now. Mental health and other health can definitely get in the way, I understand. :[ And money can be very hard -- I'm paying for college only with loans, and it's been very hard for me to get through so I do understand that part as well. I don't know if I will be able to finish college because I don't know if I can get enough loan money. I don't have any advice, but sometimes it can feel a little better to complain about it anyway. It sucks that things aren't fair :[ Everyone's circumstances are different, and we don't always get what we want or even what we need... I'm sorry you never go to go to college before this if that's what you wanted, and sorry I don't have any good advice since I'm terrible at these kinds of things. I wish everyone could have an equal chance with equal support to go to school. :[[
I always thought it was NTs who would rather have bling and look good instead of eating a healthy meal.
There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die -Hunter S. Thompson