Oh brother; do I.
It started when I was 9 years old with vintage TV sets, which I would pick up, repair and keep for my collection. Then it was Toyota cars & trucks with Diesel engines, until I got about 14 of them, and had to pare back since I couldn't pay the upkeep and insurance on all of them. Now it's both of the above, plus air raid sirens. And I don't mean the handheld ones; I mean the huge ones mounted on utility poles that weigh 500-1200 lbs!
Yes, I collect things. But I'm also a neat freak, and I can't sleep if I have any disorder in my collections. If I can't keep something neat in it's place, I sell or give away. All of my vintage TVs are stored and/or displayed nicely, and all of my cars and trucks are clean, licensed, and insured and I do drive and maintain them. I promise myself I'll never let stuff fall to ruin, as so many hoarders do. Right now, I have a couple hundred TV sets in my collection, 12 vehicles, and a half dozen large sirens.