Please Help Me To Understand This Conversation
i AM upset!! !! ! i am upset!! !! !! it's not just you that is made to feel upset by other people. omg!!
I've cried so much over this last night and now again this morning. I'm drowning and don't where the lifeline is.

don't cry over this!! you apologised in the deepest way possible, does she expect you to lick her toes also?? delete, move on! what a

i would seriously reply by "ok, be upset, see how i care"and delete her. ok i might be sliiiightly impulsive but jeez, don't let her insult you and then make you feel bad for upsetting her! she was the one to attack first here, you did nothing but apologise...
tell her to go read a self help book about sense of humour or something.
and STOP feeling bad. this is an order.
edit: i can't help chuckling every time i read those 'i AM upset!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!" lol, sorry but it's funny

Even if the jokes fell flat, the apologies couldn't have been more polite. Make no mistake about it. I am fairly high-functioning (except when I open my mouth in public, but this is different). From my perspective as being rather between these worlds, I can tell you that what you typed in the way of an apology was not in the least arrogant and patronizing. I mean, what I read sounded like a gracious apology to an agitated person by someone genuinely puzzled at the aggressive reaction. It read that way, really. How anyone could read it and get more irritated I'm sure I don't know.
The fact is, a person can be nice sometimes and still have a side to them that is something to avoid. If a person can't cool off in the time this person has had, then they are not likely to do so for quite a long time... if ever. There are times when I swear a person is trying to be angry. What I'm seeing here is one of those exposures that sometimes happen... a person showing a side of themselves that trumps the "ordinarily she's very nice" that always seems to come in the wake of such moments.
In other words, you would not be out of line to say that you're not sure you can continue the friendship if this is how she feels about you. I know you don't want to lose the friendship, but if it was me, I would never again be comfortable posting a comment that this person could read. I would wonder every time whether she would be waiting to pounce, having already concluded that what she sees as arrogant and patronizing comments are apparently a capital crime. Even if you did sound that way (which you didn't), it wouldn't warrant this tantrum, especially after your effort to apologize.
I guess what most concerns me here is that she is determined to find fault and this gives you pain, and she has no use for common courtesy such as you have displayed, and I hope you will at least find a way to get away from the conversation entirely. I'd suggest a final polite response and then say nothing more of the matter. She isn't working toward resolution as you are. She seems to me to be eager to stir up contention. Some people get a buzz from doing that.
"Pack up my head, I'm goin' to Paris!" - P.W.
The world loves diversity... as long as it's pretty, makes them look smart and doesn't put them out in any way.
There's the road, and the road less traveled, and then there's MY road.
i AM upset!! !! ! i am upset!! !! !! it's not just you that is made to feel upset by other people. omg!!
... and so on ..
seriously, this woman has a very short fuse and is mean.

you're right - it's not ok. it's as if your friend is using the knowledge you have asperger's to make you out to be wrong and also assume you are an emotionless robot who can be insulted without reserve.
it's my solid belief that to sort out a conflict both parties have to take each other seriously, even if they don't understand. so i am not going to give you advice on how to accommodate this woman. why bother? she does not sound like the kind of person who will make an attempt to understand you at all.
Now a penguin may look very strange in a living room, but a living room looks very strange to a penguin.
This is like deja vu. I used to have these kind of misunderstanding's all the time. Though, on message boards rather than individual friendships. I think the main reason I've gotten less of that is a matter of who I interact with. If I'm doing something different, I don't know what. Well, I know how to deal with them better. Especially, just let it go is sometimes the best thing. But, if I'm doing anything that makes these kind of things not start, I don't know what.
not aspie, not NT, somewhere in between
Aspie Quiz: 110 Aspie, 103 Neurotypical.
Used to be more autistic than I am now.
Having a troublesome "friend" is worse than having no friend.
This friend of yours just doesn't seem like a very nice person - unless they are just having a 'bad day'.
What you said did not warrant her nasty replies, IMO. I think she is the one who should apologize.
Find more understanding and less volatile friends would be my advice.
i know our replies might not be what you wat to hear, you might be thinking it's easy for us to say that this friendship is not good for you and advise to let go of it, but i know from experience that we are prone to dismissing bullying as " she was angry because i did something wrong and she must forgive me" type of things.
Not everybody can end up liking you. i know it's harsh but sometimes it's good to set boundaries for yourself and decide what you can or cannot accept from people.
i agree with other people who said she might be getting a kick out of making you feel like this, she is just letting all of her rage out, for no reason ( i mean, even if you had been arrogant and not joking about feeling like you read a lot, is it a reason to say she is "upset!! !! !!" like you had personally insulted her or something? i think not...)
just mention to her what katzefrau said. The fact that you have asperger's doesn't mean she can use you as emotional punching ball.
(Hoping not to kill the thread)
I have seen this stuff play out IRL and it seems to quite often occur within groups of women.
I wonder if a small part of the jigsaw is that women are still not really supposed to be competitive. They are supposed to sit demurely in the corner, with their eyes lowered, waiting for someone to approve of them.
(NB that is my tongue-in-cheek)
It should be acceptable to talk about the books you have read, without someone thinking you are boasting or competing.
Maybe she has a chip on her shoulder about her education for some reason.
Shame about the double standards that people often apply - if someone finds it hard to pick up social skills, it is no more their fault, than someone else struggling with academic studies.
People often pigeon-hole others and then interpret what they say in the light of whatever label they have applied. As in what they would find funny off one person, they take as an insult off another.
I think you didn't mean to upset her and there was no real reason for her to take it that way.
Further more you have apologised, that she felt upset by your remarks.
End of story - you can't do anything more.
Maybe after some time reflecting, she will apologise for over-reacting and/or admit some failing/insecurity/problem that might have contributed to this. (Or is that just too optimistic!)
(edited for spelling)
I have seen this stuff play out IRL and it seems to quite often occur within groups of women.
I wonder if a small part of the jigsaw is that women are still not really supposed to be competitive. They are supposed to sit demurely in the corner, with their eyes lowered, waiting for someone to approve of them.
(NB that is my tongue-in-cheek)
It should be acceptable to talk about the books you have read, without someone thinking you are boasting or competing.
Maybe she has a chip on her shoulder about her education for some reason.
Shame about the double standards that people often apply - if someone finds it hard to pick up social skills, it is no more their fault, than someone else struggling with academic studies.
People often pigeon-hole others and then interpret what they say in the light of whatever label they have applied. As in what they would find funny off one person, they take as an insult off another.
I think you didn't mean to upset her and there was no real reason for her to take it that way.
Further more you have apologised, that she felt upset by your remarks.
End of story - you can't do anything more.
Maybe after some time reflecting, she will apologise for over-reacting and/or admit some failing/insecurity/problem that might have contributed to this. (Or is that just too optimistic!)
(edited for spelling)
I agree with this interpretation. You made a silly joke. It poked at her insecurities (best guess). You apologized and that just poked at her insecurities even more. These things happen and there is just no way around it. But that's no reason to write her off as a friend and decide there can be no further interaction between the two of you. These sort of snags just come up in so many social interactions. The way I handle it is just to let it drop. You made a sincere apology and explanation. It's not your fault if she has an insecurity about how many books she has or has not read. These things happen very frequently in NT-NT interactions. I've had it happen to me. I've also been the one to explode at people because they accidentally touched on my hot button issue in a way that was frivolous to them but hurtfully meaningful to me. Then I aplogized later for exploding. Hopefully she will too.
I'm wondering if there is a bit of a history of competition between the two of you in other areas, you might often come out ahead? Maybe she was feeling that in this area she was clearly the "winner" and then you tried to justify why you might be "even" and this annoyed her?
It's so hard sometimes when things are in print to understand how someone meant something. I wouldn't let myself be upset any longer about it.
Most of the time people could care less to hear "the rest of the story". It would be better to ignore those time killer hooks, surveys and the like because it somehow validates they matter. You had some need to explain why your list looked different ((hold on I got a good reason my list is shorter...hold on for the rest of the story....noone cares)) and she picked up on it and threw in a slap. Again noone cares about 'the rest of the story' in this cold ass world. I don't understand why people actually think anyone cares to hear it. Hers is longer and that is all she cares about.
The important thing in this life is you know yourself and stop looking to others to understand you think special. Stop looking for validation in meanless interaction with people who you have to explain yourself to. I'm done explaining, don't care if they know me and if they do they will ask. You will find if you don't offer the 'I'm different' information, noone will ask unless it is for real.
don't look for understanding, equality...validation, then you won't be disappointed when you are called out for seeking it...harsh but true