Craig28 wrote:
The word "Neurotypical" was coined by Aspies, to clearly set out a situation of "them and us".
It's originally a bigotry term when it got made up. I learned that at my autism group. Someone in the autism community made it up like how a white person made the N word up for black people and I said in the group if they ever made a word up for white people for bigotry. They actually do have a word for us but I forget what it is. Someone in the group told me what it was.
Now NTs call themselves that or people who aren't on the spectrum even if they have mental issues. My group leader hates the term "Neurotypical" so he never uses it. He said it doesn't make us any better to bash them and make up a word for them to put them down.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.