zweisamkeit wrote:
You may not know right off hand, but have you been told that you walked funny or even ran oddly?
I've been reading about how children with ASD run when they are young. Before they were told how to "correctly run."
I used to run with my arms straight and back or straight and at my sides.
I was told by a basketball coach that my posture in doing a jumpshot was awkward; also, when trying to learn to snow ski, I was told by the snow ski instructor that I didn't bend my knees as was the style needed to snow ski. I can jump but not skip evenly. I have brought the topic up with several neurologists/neurology offices and the topic was simply dismissed/ignored by them. I finally found some small insights into the answer (about gross and fine motor control, crossing the midline of the body, body balance, etc.) from a number of websites including the UK website: Hemihelp. Words: Neurology, dyspraxia, hemiparesis, gross and fine motor control, midline of the body, body balance, cerebral palsy / subtle cerebral palsies, out-of-sync child/teenager/adult, and so on.