narcissism has to do with being highly fond of oneself. If you knew anything about me, you'd know I hate most things about me, except for my love for writing in general. I dont even see myself as a great writer or I would have already turned in one of my 600 different poems/raps/flows(whatever you want to call them). I have been told by a lot of people, mostly NT's that my writing is very fluid and intriguing, a sincere introspective look at myself.(I dont follow the rules of meter and such, but rather more of a rule of water). I dont like being the bad guy, the villian, the outcast, the loner. It's just who I have become in my 21 years of existence. I was surrounded by NT's, hung out with my brother's friends.(he's NT) I gained a persona of just not caring. I learned that if all you had in this world was yourself in the long run, who cares? I try to be as good a person I can, but just like everyone else here and in the world, I have my limitations and things that set me off. Your's might be someone picking on you every day of your life, or people making obnoxious noises, or whatever the case may be. Mine is when it seems obvious to ME that someone is disrespecting something I love. I may not have all the confidence in my writing that I could, but I still write with as much intensity and depth as I ever have and ever will. When I read something that doesn't seem like someone put in enough effort towards a finished product, it pisses me off. Hell, i get pissed off when people dont look over what they're posting and just make themselves look like idiots. It takes a minute of your time to read over what you put in the box slowly and carefully to make sure you're wrote it the way you thought it. Check your spelling, make sure you didnt forget words or use the wrong word. I had a teacher who was a nazi for grammer and rhetoric. We did a paper every week using different tools of rhetoric(antithesis, chiasmus) and had to have vocab words from each week in it as well. It's just part of me now. I understand why he put so much emphasis on it now. The way you write shows off your ability to use the language to express your feelings and opinions in an intellectual fashion. By not using the words dude, um, like, basically, and many other "simple" words, you allow others to see how much you believe in yourself. I understand that a lot of you took her poem to heart, because you understood her point of view. Don't mistake me as someone who didn't. I definitly understand, the points I kept making where that there was no effort to use any type of depth or word selection. It was as if a 10 year old wrote it. She's not 10. I too feel like I am still only 12-14, but I also have other reasons for that.(I suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(diagnosed)) I too lived a life of torture and pain. That doesn't stop me from doing the best I can at everything I put my mind to. It shouldn't stop any of you either.