tangomike wrote:
mine specializes in aspergers but she doesnt think I have it, or she said it doesnt appear that I have aspergers but aspie traits. She said that I dont appear to be aspie because I'm clean and dont have hygene problems...which I find insulting because I dont think many of you guys are unhygienic....are you? I dont think she knows aspergers as well as she should
I only brought it up with one psychologist, who clearly wasn't specialized in it, but he did seem to acknowledge that it was a possibility. He suggested ear plugs (and maybe sunglasses, can't remember) for me when I brought up sensory sensitivities, and then emphasized the ways how what I was describing was true for a lot of people in social environments. He tried to give me some advice on how to make conversation and "improvise" with others. That stuff went in one ear and out the other because I feel generally uncomfortable in counseling and don't usually like to go back. I'm supposed to be seeing a more Asperger-experienced counselor soon, though, so we'll see.
Regarding the hygiene thing, I'd say my hygiene has always been moderate. I was raised to bathe regularly, brush my teeth twice a day, and so forth. I do have slightly lower standards than many when it comes to general house cleaning, but I'd still say I'm reasonably clean overall. Oddly, I just received some severe criticism (some of the most vitriolic I've ever had) that even went so far as to be abuse from a roommate (due to which I am now relocating), along the lines of "you're filthy," "you never clean," "you can't even keep yourself," and so forth.