Cannabis as medication for Asperger?
Have tried it, so my opinion is from personal experience, and not ignorance. Caused every single aspect of my AS to be MUCH worse than without.
Been clean since 1990. No interest in EVER repeating that experiment (13 years!) again.
I became more withdrawn, more entrenched in my thinking, and more isolated from the real world than ever. IMHO, those that claim it has enhanced their social abilities are fooling themselves. The only "enhancement" it had on my social life was that I was surrounded by a lot of fellow potheads, equally withdrawn and isolated from real life.
I never would have known though, if I hadn't given it up. Now, my head is far clearer, and I can actually SEE how clouded it was all those years under the influence. I see it now in the few potheads I have occasional contact with. In a way, it's kind of amusing how convinced they are that pot is making their life better when now, from the outside looking in, it's plainly obvious to me it's doing the exact opposite.
I'm sorry, but as a former user who once believed that pot was perfectly fine, I now realize it's anything BUT fine. It may be perfectly fine for some choice few who only use it very occasionally and under safe circumstances, but for the most part, I'm now convinced it's downright dangerous, ESPECIALLY for anyone with ANY mental or neurological condition.
Ever see that ad with two kids talking about the dangers of pot? The one where one says, "Nothing's gonna happen."? And the other answers, "Yeah, nothing!"?
Well, guess what? That's exactly what happened to me for the entire 13 years I used it. Absolutely NOTHING! It was, in short, a complete and total waste of 13 years of my life. Time is our most valuable asset. Anything that has the ability to waste that much of our time, IMHO, is dangerous.
I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...
I could go into the economic benefits of marijuana- beyond the smoke supply - but I won't bore you with those tree hugging details. It's an amazingly useful plant and several cultures revered it as sacred to the gods for many reasons. Don't even get me started on the war on drugs...
I would love you to bore me with the tree hugging details. I am a member of The applications for hemp are virtually endless. It is the most amazing plant ever.
As a member of you probably know more than I do!
I think the most legislative friendly argument we can make in favor of the marijuana plant, in general is it's economic viability as a cash crop. Even if you leave out the overwhelming evidence that legal pot would instantly end this 'recession' - the plant's value to the economy and our own 'green power' initivative is huge. It is an annual plant that is resistant to pests and is adaptable to a wide range of soils. It can be grown without fertilizer application because, as an annual plant, it dies back every year. If grown in the same field, and the leaves (which have little economic value) are left in the field - or composted and returned to the field the following season - it is self fertilizing. Even if soil fetility is boosted, the plant responds just as well to organic, renewable fertilizers such as seaweed, fish, guano - hell, even zoopoo. The leaves of the plant shade out other weeds that may threaten the crop thus no Roundup - sorry Montsanto, we don't need your frankenplants. the plant is naturally resistant to pests thanks, in part to those compounds, the pot community enjoys so much. the stems and branches are an extremely high quality fiber - hemp is the crushed and processed stems of the marijuana plant. It can be used to make fiber for clothing, rope (GWashington grew hemp!), and, most importantly paper! Imagine a 100% renewable source for all paper products that requires less effort to farm, can be processed with very little or NO petroleum products (paper processing is a major pollution source) and costs many times LESS. (are you starting to see why big business and government don't want to legalize?) Hemp is not your grandparents hippy hemp anymore. And I haven't even touched on the seeds yet. Hemp oil has one of the highest vegetable based concentrations of omega 3 and omega 6. It can be used to replace industrial petroleum based lubricants and additives. And the seeds are tasty - kinda nutty!
Sorry - I could keep going but I'll spare you all!
Yes, Phosphatidylcholine in large quantities. It reduces anxiety to near zero and relaxes the CNS for an amazing sleep quality when taken before bed..
Cognition is subtly improved. It's relatively cheap.
Try it!
I really don't think it's a good idea to use any drug as a permanent solution to sleeplessness or anxiety, that's what you need your Ashtanga Yoga for!
Cannabis as medicine for autism is more for addressing the core 'traits'. Anxiety is a secondary symptom I believe?
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I smoked pot daily for a while in college. It just became another routine like other stuff I've done. I think it's healthier overall for me than alcohol. I definitely enjoyed those times, but people always made me out to be a "dumb stoner" given the stereotypes and how dazed or giddy I probably seemed. It also caused me a few problems in a legal way (never with the police, but I was kicked out of my dorm room and had to relocate). I did become more social in most cases. The problem is when I wasn't doing it routinely it made my autism worse. I remember having a few meltdowns which seemed directly related to being under the influence of pot.
You wouldn't know if I was stoned in your presence anyways. I've been called a stoner since I was a 'tween, long before I earned the title.
That's what most people who smoke pot seem to like to think. In fact that's what most people who do any drug seem to like to think, as the most of them impair one's ability to properly judge one's self, but pot users are the least willing to apologize for the effects of their actions or even acknowledge the effects of their actions on others.
lol @ Chronos who
a) needs to 'eat' some 'pot' (i.e. ingest some cannabis in a way that won't upset his inner smoking police) and
b) is going to look rather silly if he carries on like this and I start posting links to science.
Science eats Chronos, who is only really skilled in ad-hominim and ad-populous debate.
Did you hear me Chronos? YOU are not the 'pot' expert, any more than you are emotionally sensitive enough to advise others on which medicine they use.
Your demeaning tone would not really be welcome in a genuine therapeutic setting, you can get away with it on WP but that doesn't mean it's right.
Now, what myth/rumour needs proving or dispelling, or shall we just skip straight to the boring medical explanations for why cannabis actually really works as medicine for autism (i.e. not just instilling a deluded user with the illusion of effect).
Typical response of a pot user. Thanks for proving my point. Case rested.
Yes, Phosphatidylcholine in large quantities. It reduces anxiety to near zero and relaxes the CNS for an amazing sleep quality when taken before bed..
Cognition is subtly improved. It's relatively cheap.
Try it!
I really don't think it's a good idea to use any drug as a permanent solution to sleeplessness or anxiety, that's what you need your Ashtanga Yoga for!
Cannabis as medicine for autism is more for addressing the core 'traits'. Anxiety is a secondary symptom I believe?
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Try a search engine for this as related for help with autism ; I can't find the link now, but I remember at least some anecdotal evidence on this.
Lecithin is found naturally in foods, but you may need a whopping dose of it , as in triple strength lecithin with taking 4 @ night for me.
Stating that potheads are low life individual is another "argument" I often hear. Well the friends I have are good people, intelligent and have a futur. Did I say that most of them are going to university in engineering? I'm doing a master in eletrical engineering, another friend of mine is doing a master in robotics, another is a genius in guitar solo and one of the best car mechanic (he even got a second place in a national competition)... Cannabis doesn't lead you to homeless situation. Maybe beying told by everyone that you're a loser help someone believe they are and will stop to dream.
Hmm did I said I have a lot of friend? I think so and I do have Asperger Syndrom. I've tried to stop cannabis for about 8 months, those months where horrible to me. I haven't been more alone in my life than during those months. Without cannabis I can surely state that today I would be on my own with no friends at all.
MrXxx, where do you live? What kind of cannabis did you use? Do you even know the strain or did you use street cannabis? I can tell you for a fact that strain is as much important as medication posology. If you took indica, which would be the most populare strain for large production (because they are smaller and take less time for harvest), well you did take something that worsten your symptom. It did too for me on some occasion, but it was directly related to the quality of cannabis I was consuming. Quality control is the way to go. Saying that pot is bad based on BAD experience is not a valuable argument. It's like giving Valium to someone who suffer from too much sleep, it doesn't help, it make it worst. You have to know that cannabis's strain have a WIDE spectrum of effects. Some are more prone to worsten depression other strain will remove depression...
You are misinformed and for me misinformation is as good as ignorance!
Hmm did I said I have a lot of friend? I think so and I do have Asperger Syndrom. I've tried to stop cannabis for about 8 months, those months where horrible to me. I haven't been more alone in my life than during those months. Without cannabis I can surely state that today I would be on my own with no friends at all.
If they are not your friends when you/they are not smoking pot, then they are not your friends, period.

Joined: 6 Jan 2011
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 35,023
Location: Somewhere in Colorado
Some of the main reasons I smoke cannabis are:
helps me keep my depression under control and lowers the amount of suicidal thoughts I have.
helps keep anxiety under control.
It makes it much easier to relate to people and interact socially.
It helps me get to sleep.
Helps me organize my thoughts and sometimes helps me focus on things.
and of course music sounds even more amazing while under the influence.
Its pretty helpful in general, so I could definatly see it as being used for aspergers considering that it makes social interaction easier.
Hmm did I said I have a lot of friend? I think so and I do have Asperger Syndrom. I've tried to stop cannabis for about 8 months, those months where horrible to me. I haven't been more alone in my life than during those months. Without cannabis I can surely state that today I would be on my own with no friends at all.
If they are not your friends when you/they are not smoking pot, then they are not your friends, period.
LOL, that's a funny sentence. Do you even know why I stoped seeing them??? It was because they were going out a lot in bars or place with a lot of people. We are a good gang, at least 12 of my friends got to university, with their girlfriend that makes big party, 20-30-50 people... So without cannabis I was just too anxious. They did called me to do stuff, but I just refused, just too much too handle this on a regular basis. That's a problem you have Chronos, you talk before you know!! !
For example, just last night, my friend did a show in a rock contest in a Montreal Bar (they won 1st place by the way

Cannabis is an illegal drug and is illegal for a reason and that is because it is harmful to the body and if you have any children the use of illegal drugs is even worse because you are setting the worst example to children having a illegal drugs around if you need stress relief then you should turn to your local doctor not your local drug dealer.
Dillon--I agree that it's a bad idea to smoke pot, but it's no worse than drinking; probably somewhat better than drinking, in fact, because drinking is more dangerous.
Until it's legal, I won't recommend it to anyone, but mostly because the government overreacts to drug convictions and you don't want to ruin your prospects of a job. A temporary high is not something worth risking your future for.
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