Are there any groups you absolutely CANNOT get along with?

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16 Mar 2011, 4:10 pm

Supermarket check out staff are my nemesis.


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17 Mar 2011, 1:00 am



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17 Mar 2011, 1:03 am

I just want to point out that no one is at fault for being raped. That someone chooses to commit rape, that there is no reason anyone should choose to do this - not how anyone is dressed, how they behave, how much they have to drink. Rape's a violent crime, not a response to an invitation.

And yes, my thinking is pretty black and white on this.


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17 Mar 2011, 7:01 am

Don't get along with alpha tards and women. An "alpha tard" is what I call any male who behaves as though he has a license to walk all over me. These guys have all or most of the following characteristics: jerky body language, a loud voice (even though they have no apparent trouble hearing), an unpleasant whooping laugh, aggressive, inconsiderate behavior, which includes (but is not limited to) grabbing things out of my hand, invading my personal space (e.g. standing really close and breathing heavily) and trying to humiliate me in front of others. If I behave in a similar manner towards them, they'll play innocent victim and throw a temper tantrum. Thing is, I don't think they're hypocrites. It's like they're in a world of their own. I worked with one guy who believed that he was the sexiest man alive. I got the impression that he really believed that, all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding. They're not autistic by any means, but they do exhibit a sort of social blindness in their self-image.

With women, it's the hyper-emotional, hyper-empathetic, passive-aggressive vindictive ones I can't stand. The trouble is they're like 80-90% of the female population. They love innuendo and games, and they constantly harp on about my personality. For example, they complain that I don't smile, that I don't talk, that I seem aloof, sad etc, but they make no effort to change this. In fact, what they do makes it worse. They command me to smile and complain (sometimes angrily) about it. People smile because they're happy; complaining doesn't make people happy (not me, anyway). If these chicks really think that complaining and issuing commands like a dog trainer will cause me to smile, then they're even more socially ret*d than aspies. If it's some sort of innuendo, just spit it out. I'm not telepathic.

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17 Mar 2011, 8:48 am

I don't get along well with people who are choleric in temperament. I also cannot get along with people who expect you to read their mind. They expect me to act like a NT and I don't know how.


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17 Mar 2011, 5:19 pm

I hate people who spam me with crackpot theories.

I find bureaucrats and paper pushers to be incomprehensible. How can anybody spend their life worrying about ridiculous rules and regulations?

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17 Mar 2011, 5:40 pm

There are certain characteristics of indviduals that I havent liked but it really comes down the individual, sometimes when that chracteristic is presented differently, I like it, idk. 1 group that I cannot get along with without putting on a huge mask is Christian Conservatives, or anyone thats heavily conservative for that matter. There just very intolerant people, I had a few conservative friends and they eventually drove me nuts. This is not a thing against Christians in general, I have a good number of Christian friends that are more moderate to liberal, thats fine.


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17 Mar 2011, 8:55 pm

*Are there any groups that I absolutely cannot get along with?*

Actually very few, and they fall into the realm of murderers, rapists, people who like to mistreat animals, and harmers of children.

But these lesser ones I will mention as I simply dislike them:

1. Ultra conservative fundimentalist Christians-
Now I am a fundimentalist Christian myself, but I can't stand how this a few (not all, but a few) in this group likes to whinge on about how they are persecuted, how gays are monsters, how women should be submissive and men the leaders of the home, and how voting Republican is being 'Christian.' These are the loud vocal people that often get the front page news, and what many people associate with the word 'Christianity.' I really don't like them because they give us (Christians) a bad name. It doesn't mean that I hate them, but they give us an ugly reputation.

2. Gay Activists-
Regular gays I have no problem with. I like being around them and I like being friends with them. I especially love being near the ones that don't mind you sharing a differant opinion, because they are comfortable with who they feel they are. Even though we would disagree about the gay lifestyle, I would feel great respect and admiration for them. The people I actually can't stand are Gay Activists, who take any sort of disagreement over the lifestyle or gay marriage as a sign of bigotry. They annoy me greatly because they see anti-gay bigotry everywhere, and they can't simply disagree with someone and leave it at that. They turn disagreements over such things into wild accusations and then run to the nearest pro-gay lawyer to fire up a lawsuit. It's fine that they are doing what they believe in, but many of them will act like hysteric pricks over it.

3. Women in General- They aren't a adversarial group, but simply I can't really identify with them. Much of the 'women orianted' stuff like magazines or articles are filled with stuff that's alien to me, written for a being that's supposed to love babies, hug pillows close to their uterus and breasts, delight in candles, and gush over chick-flick movies. They are assumed (these women 'beings') to be empathic, want to be other women-orientated, be concerned with childrearing, and consumed with thoughts of weight and age. I don't have a clue as to these strange beings.

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17 Mar 2011, 8:57 pm

I also don't get along with people who expect me to read their minds and I felt I couldn't get along with my office clerk at my old job because he acted like he wanted me to be psychic and have a savant mind.


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18 Mar 2011, 5:09 am

I have rarely gotten along with women. I am 40, soon to be 41, and I don't think the number of women I have gotten along with goes beyond 20.

I get along with some men, not that i am gay or anything, I just have more things in common with them. However, there are some men I can't stand either:

(1) Religious types. Sorry, but these people who want to turn everyone into a Christian and think rock music and horror movies are evil are just plain scary.
(2) Sport fans. They argue about sports as if the future of mankind depended on them.
(3) Rich folks. Needless to say, these people exist in a world of their own, where no one can touch them. Of course, they wouldn't bother with me or most of us either
(4) Party animals. And by this, I don't mean cats, dogs, and chickens that were somehow sneaked into a party. I mean the guys that spend their lives inside dance clubs, bars, beaches, and think
of nothing but booze and sex. I had a friend like that back in college, and he was nice, but eventually you want to move on.
(5) Criminals. Well, duh!


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18 Mar 2011, 5:16 am

Neo-Nazis, Sweden Democrats and other forms of racist lowlifes.


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18 Mar 2011, 7:40 am

I have a very very hard time with girly-girls. You know the type that enjoy getting their nails and hair done and wear heels and short skirts simply to go out shopping and like gold jewelry and fashion and such :roll:

I have to deal with these people though. Mostly they are nice girls but I just find their value systems to be too screwed-up for me to respect them.

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18 Mar 2011, 8:37 am

I can't generally get along with people who think they know me better than I know myself. And who refuse to accept "I'm inside of my own head, so I think I know better than you do what I'm thinking and feeling and what my motivations are, so please just stop telling me I'm doing things I'm not please" for an answer.

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18 Mar 2011, 8:50 am

Kiseki wrote:
I have a very very hard time with girly-girls. You know the type that enjoy getting their nails and hair done and wear heels and short skirts simply to go out shopping and like gold jewelry and fashion and such :roll:

I have to deal with these people though. Mostly they are nice girls but I just find their value systems to be too screwed-up for me to respect them.

Tell me about it :roll: I had to work with 3 of those for a few years...they outranked me and I was a newcomer, 19 years old. All they did in the mornings was whoop and screech about their new fashion accessories, the people they hated, and who they'd eyed up at the disco. But closer inspection showed that most of it was coming from just one of them, the other two weren't so bad. They did come to respect me a lot better in the end, but they were never my kind of people. One of them remarked that I seemed to go for the gypsy type rather than the dolly type, which was fairly accurate. It's getting worse - I used to be able to tell prostitutes by the way they dressed, but there's no longer any difference, at least in my city.


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20 Mar 2011, 2:33 am

I also cant stand people who are not genuine at all and are trying hard to be something that there not. Sometimes I'll start to befriend someone, if there not genuine, something bad will normally happen in the relationship even if I dont call them out on it. You never know what there really thinking and feeling beneath the mask. They'll try to act a way which they try to deceive people, some people are very good at it and some arent. But if a friend is not genuine, I can tell eventually even if it takes a while.


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20 Mar 2011, 4:22 am

We are all forgetting the main aspie enemy:

The one trying to help us by changing us.

It usually goes like this:

You need to live a little. Go to parties, have some sex, get drunk, go to a nightclub, or a bar or something.

The advice may work for some of us, but some of these things can be harmful to the average aspie. I know nightclubs and I don't get along. I get bored, and I can't stand the lights, or the music, and i hate it when people talk to me over loud music. As for bars, I can stand them, but I don't drink much. No thanks.

Once they get tired of trying to change us, they get all pissy because they failed to turn us into the ideal person, according to their standards, and they go away.