*Are there any groups that I absolutely cannot get along with?*
Actually very few, and they fall into the realm of murderers, rapists, people who like to mistreat animals, and harmers of children.
But these lesser ones I will mention as I simply dislike them:
1. Ultra conservative fundimentalist Christians-
Now I am a fundimentalist Christian myself, but I can't stand how this a few (not all, but a few) in this group likes to whinge on about how they are persecuted, how gays are monsters, how women should be submissive and men the leaders of the home, and how voting Republican is being 'Christian.' These are the loud vocal people that often get the front page news, and what many people associate with the word 'Christianity.' I really don't like them because they give us (Christians) a bad name. It doesn't mean that I hate them, but they give us an ugly reputation.
2. Gay Activists-
Regular gays I have no problem with. I like being around them and I like being friends with them. I especially love being near the ones that don't mind you sharing a differant opinion, because they are comfortable with who they feel they are. Even though we would disagree about the gay lifestyle, I would feel great respect and admiration for them. The people I actually can't stand are Gay Activists, who take any sort of disagreement over the lifestyle or gay marriage as a sign of bigotry. They annoy me greatly because they see anti-gay bigotry everywhere, and they can't simply disagree with someone and leave it at that. They turn disagreements over such things into wild accusations and then run to the nearest pro-gay lawyer to fire up a lawsuit. It's fine that they are doing what they believe in, but many of them will act like hysteric pricks over it.
3. Women in General- They aren't a adversarial group, but simply I can't really identify with them. Much of the 'women orianted' stuff like magazines or articles are filled with stuff that's alien to me, written for a being that's supposed to love babies, hug pillows close to their uterus and breasts, delight in candles, and gush over chick-flick movies. They are assumed (these women 'beings') to be empathic, want to be other women-orientated, be concerned with childrearing, and consumed with thoughts of weight and age. I don't have a clue as to these strange beings.
Crispy Pickles!!