daspie wrote:
emlion wrote:
I forgive people way too easily.
I find it harder to forgive for the little things than the big ones.
You forgave that punch also:). I guess that the reason why many of us, as I used to, forgive big things is that we do not understand their social implications as much as we can for small things. What do you think?
YES! Here, tell me if this is an example of what you mean:
Somebody stole my car once, and they found it a month later about 30 miles away. I never got angry, and even if I knew who did it I wouldn't seek revenge. Another time, some kids shot at me with a b.b. gun, and I chased them and smashed a beer bottle at them, but never really dwelled on it. Somebody tried to get me fired at a former job for something THEY did, and while I did avoid them, I never really tried to get back.
However, rejections, gossip, and being bullied have caused me to hate people for decades at a time.
Perhaps you did not get angry on the guy who stole your car because you did not realize the mind behind that action. When you got the car back you thought "all is well that ends well". But you did not realize because of asperger's that the intention was not well and you might not have got your car, which is a very expensive property, back. In second case I think again you did not realize that they affected your life by making you lose the job.