I can sing pretty well, and in fact I have always been a good singer. Both of my parents were good singers, so I know where my abilities came from. I was in the Kids' Chorale at my church at the age of 3 1/2, and I sang my first solo in front of the entire congregation on my sixth birthday. I had an incredible voice range, and could have easily qualified for the Vienna Boy's Choir had I tried out for it. When my voice changed, I kept the higher registers by practicing them every day. For two years I had a range of five octaves, even six on a good day.
Then I got strep throat, and I completely lost my voice for a week. I was barely able to speak during my second week of recovery, and by the end of the third week I could actually sing a few notes. However, my voice sounded like a gravel truck, and my voice range was less than an octave. I had to work on my voice for three years to bring it back to about half the quality I had before my illness. I now have a range of three octaves, and it isn't likely to improve any more than that. My voice quality is adequate, but certainly not as pure or strong as a Broadway actor's anymore. - LJS
Long John Silver
San Diego, CA, USA