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11 Apr 2011, 12:18 am

I was interested in streams (which is not that weird) but I has a fantasy where I was a girl who lived in a stream and had to live off of the resources in and around a stream (salmon etc,) ............I could not go into the river or ocean but had to wait for salmon to finish their migration etc and I had gills so I could breathe under water but otherwise I looked like a regular person...............and my name was 'streamy"! Btw I was an older school age child ..........9, 10 years old the time.


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11 Apr 2011, 4:17 am

Feral cat TNR programs has probably been my oddest one so far.

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11 Apr 2011, 1:39 pm

Yes, like pixels, I had an obsession with the black scan lines found on analog television sets

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11 Apr 2011, 4:19 pm

I have several interests which, although not as unique as others, are fairly different from the interests of most people.

I am fascinated by tornadoes and have read everything I can get my hands on about them. I am also fascinated by commercial flight and have worked for several weeks on a project that, if implemented, would enable a total restructuring of the way airlines schedule flights in the US. For example, it would enable many more nonstop flights to and from medium-sized airports. It would cut costs by as much as 30% over the entire airline industry and enhance consumer satisfaction. Only one problem: It will never be implemented. Aside from my own research, I know nothing about commercial flight. I researched for days on every commercial airport in the US, every available aircraft suitable for commercial flight, the price of jet fuel, the number of crew needed on each flight, and so on, to get a clear and accurate idea of how much each flight would cost. Once this project was done, I quit working on it in favor of a new obsession, although I return to it now and again because I am fascinated by the hectic changes in airline ticket prices.


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11 Apr 2011, 4:39 pm

University prospectuses. When I was 13 I started sending off for them. In those days I sent off postcards to every university requesting one. Every year I requested one from every university and polytechnic. I used to be a complete expert on which university did which course. I did that for about 10 years. I guess it went with my obsession with courses. I'd pore over them for hours. It became less fun when everything was put online.

Also penpals. I was in the IYS - International Youth Service, which matched people from different countries. And I tried to get a penpal from every country in the world.

Even now when I see a postman I get incredibly excited, although nowadays all he brings me is bills.


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11 Apr 2011, 6:09 pm

Cults, specifically fundamentalist Baptist and Evangelical groups and Quiverfull ideology.


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11 Apr 2011, 7:29 pm

Xeno wrote:
Cemeteries, Pompeii, abandoned buildings, empty playgrounds, decaying machinery, transparent animals, and old black and white photographs with unknown origins are a few of my weird interests.

I'm very attracted to morbid things like this, I like reading about death and disease and I enjoy reading about the holocaust and gulag's, I find it very interesting, and I find the idea of my body going to dust appealing, I still want to visit chernobyl, also very interested in fascism and totaltiarianism in general, dark fellow, but I'm also crazy into anarhist history, which is more cheerful.


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12 Apr 2011, 12:33 am

obsession with the number 7 in still makes me happy when I come across the number 7..........................

I have a lot of weird childhood ones..........I keep thinking of new ones to post...................


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12 Apr 2011, 7:38 am

The longer this thread goes on, the more I realize that I've brushed into almost all of these special interests at one time or another, but almost always in very brief bursts. A week or two, sometimes much longer.

Most were kind of interstitial: they occupied me in between the shift of two much more intense interests. One ebbs, then a sudden and intense interest in, say, urban exploration photo-essays appears, then a few more short interests cycle until I'm fully on the track of my next major interest. It's like my mind is throwing things at me to keep me occupied while it shifts into another gear.

I'd be curious to have a thread where we can actually keep track of how our interests evolve. Say, noting one's open tabs at intervals, or the last 3 books purchased.

I bet that even those people with a single, decades-spanning interest, have had microflirts with other subjects. They may just not remember that week where they got bored and ended up reading everything possible on Japanese tea ceremonies and the like, before getting right back to their main interest.

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30 May 2011, 5:31 am

When I was a small child, I was obsessed with burping. Wasn't really an interest as such - just an obsession. It was a weird obsession. I think I only had this stupid obsession because I could never be able to burp loud like everyone else, and I always wanted to know what it was like.
