This is probably old and predictable news from me or anybody, but generally reading a lot of people's threads and posts on here, I feel like in a place that I aim to relate to people with AS, I don't fit in.
I'm so jealous of lots of you, who are very intelligent and being able to use that intelligence to be a success in jobs, in life. I'm also shocked at how you can get into relationships, and just casually talking about all the different partners you've had and whatnot. Heck, for me to achieve such a thing would be the most amazing thing I would ever do. And those of you who are married, that's just... phenomenal. I don't feel as if I ever, ever could.
"Well stop moaning about it and get into one!" But that's the thing, I don't know how, so I can't work hard or get better at something I don't know in the first place. Even if someone taught me how, I'm so far beyond the 'unknowing' that I can't learn how.
I shouldn't be moaning and being dull because I do have some good things in my life, but I just wish I didn't feel so, so out of place, even on here. It's actually scary, and it's hard to explain.
So the "you're still young" argument isn't valid for my case (but it can be valid for yours, only time can tell).