Kimmy wrote:
*Gets in a patriotic stance*
I am happy, and its because of my autism.
*Inspiring music starts playing*
I have come far. My autism has given me much trouble, but I have overcome most of it and can function socially much better than I could several years ago. Now this may sound like I dont like my autism, but that couldnt be more false. I have good social skills, but I still have the tendencys that make me autistic.
*I stand in front of the Wrong Planet logo*
My tendencys make me a unique person.
I still spout random facts in conversation, and my Fiance says he learns something new everyday with me, and this got me on the Quiz Bowl team!
My habit of sorting random items has helped my family get more tidy, and now I work in the library.
And my unique look on life has spread to everyone around me, giveing us all something to think about.
Everyone has a purpose in this life, there is a plan for all of us, and for all of us here at Wrong Planet, that plan includes having autism. A purpose may move, so you just have to move with it. Do this, and autism will bring you happyness.
*Music and flag picture fade*
I am Kimmy, and I approve this message.
Love this. I would not relate my happiness to AS, but this is a very admirable perspective. I do hope to use my AS to inspire others.