I am getting early indications that I might go psychotic because I haven't really slept for 3 1/2 days (maybe a couple hours a night) and this is the first indication and also I am starting to get thought insertion.
I wouldn't worry yourself too soon - I had absolutely no sleep for three and a half days once. You'll pass out eventually - I woke up on the floor with no idea how I got there last time. Just out cold.
The independence thing just annoys me. My family are extremely controlling, intrusive and invasive and I can't stand it. I'm very private to the point of secretiveness, and would rather go without than accept help. I can care for myself - I'm neat because I'm minimalistic and utilitarian, so don't really have anything that's non-essential. I'm clean and mindful of cleaning myself regularly. I require no emotional support and actually find it uncomfortable when people try to give it. I do forget to eat, sometimes for a few days if occupied, but you can go several weeks without food before you die and I obviously remember before then. I'm odd, but I can communicate okay most of the time on practical matters. Not always, but mostly. I am very organized so long as my notebook is within reach (I have bad memory, especially short term, thus drive everyone nuts with lists and post-its reminding me of everything). I am a good cook and cook for myself, do my own shopping, drive/look after the car, pay bills, keep appointments.
What gets me is work. I burn out spectacularly. I have worked some professional full-time jobs before, and it's great at first - but then I can't sleep, I start feeling like it's oppressive, I can't see the end or a way out as it just goes on and on, same thing every day, I start shutting down and forget how to do simple things like drive or talk, start getting depressive and so on.
I'm moving on to another full-time job at the moment, and am just really hoping this one will be different. I would be the picture perfection of aspie independence if I could just manage to keep a job longer than a year!