nirrti_rachelle wrote:
Unfortunately, I'd suggest that anyone who can remotely do any kind of job, even if it results in a nervous breakdown/getting sicker, do it. At least when you end up in a psych ward or in intensive care, they can't say that you're "faking it" to work the system.
I actually basically tried that and it was still bad. I ended up unable to work at all (physically or cognitively), and only had a diagnosis of CFS, which by itself is a diagnosis of "no-one-takes-this-seriously syndrome." Among other things, I passed out in the parking lot at work twice, once ending up in the ER. But they called it 'dehydration' (after accusing me of being on drugs), so it wasn't any help.
Luckily, I still had $2000 in the bank, which I spent on tests which I knew would be taken seriously, and fortunately that was enough. (And I had to arrange all of it myself because even my doctors were not taking me seriously (until those test results came back).) If I hadn't had that money, I would've been screwed.
But anyway, yeah: the system sucks.
This society doesn't give a sh*t about its people and they think anyone who has a disability is a waste on resources. If they could, they would probably euthanize anyone whom they think just might cost them money. The only reason they don't is that it's become one of those "socially unacceptable" things since we beat the Nazis.
Yeah, but euthanizing people costs money and why waste money on worthless, disabled trash? Soylent Green or compost -- that's the moral way to deal with those slackers. Maybe they could fight each other to the death in a cage or something.
(Because they all are slackers, you know. If G-d had wanted them not to be punished & made into compost, then he wouldn't have made them ill and poor in the first place!)
Anyone who applies for assistance might need to lie a little or exaggerate. People who really need help from government entities have always done it as a means of self preservation. They know they can't make it without assistance and it's better to lie than to end up homeless or hungry. Besides, the system is designed specifically to hinder people who need help the most and does NOT play fair.
In a perfect world there would never be a need for that, but this is far (far, far, far) from a perfect world. I have a hard time judging someone facing being homeless while ill or g-d knows what circumstance, and doing what they need to do to survive.
(OTOH, the people on Wall Street, who legally steal so much money, can rot in hell for all I care.)
And anyone who thinks "legal" and "illegal" is the same as "moral" and "immoral" needs to examine the workings of the world more closely.