Conspicuous wrote:
Is this block test used mainly for Asperger's testing or is it also used for normal IQ tests? I ask because I remember taking this test as a kid, but it was supposedly for an IQ test.
I think it's used for normal IQ tests. That's when they always gave me the block design. I vaguely remember doing the IQ tests. I remember one of the tests is with mazes and putting puzzles together. I remember I had a hard time with the soccer ball but when I was 10, I was able to put it together because I've done it before and I was older and the staff who did the testing told me she always had a hard time with that puzzle.
The last time I did an IQ test was when I was 12 but I don't remember it. It was when I was being tested to see if I had AS and I scored above average at the time when before it was in the average range.
Plus one of the testing they do is they say numbers and you repeat them back. Same as sequencing pictures about what order they happen in.
About AS testing, I am not sure but I know they do the IQ test as well.