CockneyRebel wrote:
I have delusional thoughts that once 2006 becomes 2007, that I will put the Routemaster on the Back Burner, so to speak, I won't be grieving anymore and I'll take that Big Leap Forward and become a Full-Blown Flower Child. Long Hair, Beads, Tie-Dye, Peace-Signs and all. But I'll still look at my Buses, every day though I won't be buying them, unless it's October or December. (My Birthday or Christmas.)
My reality, two months into 2007 is that I'm still very obsessed with the Routemaster. In fact, I have to have one with in the range of my vision, while I'm posting or psoting on WrongPlanet. I'm still grieving the last day of the Routemasters on the 159. I'm not that skinny hippie that I was predicting that I would be. I have the build of a rugby player, with quite the gut, very English facial features, and I still sport the Union Flag with a vengence. I also have very short hair, for a woman. It's shorter than it was in that picture that I've posted. My wonderful Cocnkey accent is also still as thick as ever.