Your functioing level
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Age: 32
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Joined: 3 Apr 2011
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Same thing happened to me. I was told I'm on the spectrum but haven't been diagnosed with asperger's. Am I allowed to post?
'not only has he hacked his intellect away from his feelings, but he has smashed his feelings and his capacity for judgment into smithereens'.
employment: DNA
family: DNA (I'm only 17 and living my mother)
self-care: As I wrote above, I still live with my mother, but this will probably be a 75 if not 95, I just really want to be independent. I don't want to need other people.
education: I haven't graduated from secondary school yet so this doesn't apply.
friends and social skills: somewhere between the 25th and 50th percentile. I only have one real friend, all the others are just acquaintances. I don't have trouble reading body language.
Meltdowns: Not sure which one to take here. I rarely have meltdowns and can usually control them. I have a lot of shutdowns unfortunately. I think I'm in the 50th percentile.
Executive functioning: 75th percentile
Speech/Language: 95th percentile
Sensory: Not sure which one to take here either. I get a lot of overloads that make me hyperactive and nervous, though I'm not exactly sure what triggers them. I think I'm in the 75th percentile.
Last edited by Zexion on 23 Jul 2011, 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Some of the things, like employment and education, are partly to do with class and the lot that life handed to you, regardless of autism. I'll do this thing, anyway:
Employment = 65th
Family= DNA (does not apply)
Self Care = 95th
Education = 50th
Friendships & Social Skills = 75th
Meltdowns = 75th
Executive Functioning = 75th
Speech = 75th
Sensory = 75th
Zombies, zombies will tear us apart...again.
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Age: 50
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Location: In my little Olympic World of peace and love
Employment: 75th percentile: Steady job in their area of interest.
Family (Does not apply to those who don't want to marry):
Self-care: 50th percentile: Lives independently; does all own basic self-care; needs occasional help with things like doing taxes, finding a new doctor, moving, etc.
Education (Assuming it is desired): 25th percentile: High school graduate or GED; probably needed special education and/or an aide in school. May go to trade school or go for a professional certificate. Probably has learning disabilities.
Friendships & Social Skills: 75th percentile: Some friends; many acquaintances. Can effectively communicate with NTs and is not thought of as threatening, though may be perceived as eccentric or quirky. Proficient in social skills, but only with a good amount of effort. Will likely be exhausted after a few hours of socializing.
Meltdowns: 50th percentile: Meltdowns/shutdowns are common, but do not endanger anyone. Able to predict/prevent them to a good extent and only rarely has a meltdown/shutdown in public.
Executive Functioning: 75th percentile: Has problems with concentration/planning and transitions, and has compensatory systems that work most of the time. May be thrown off by new schedules or unexpected events.
Speech/Language: 75th percentile: Speech may be formal or have odd cadence, but is understandable by NTs. Can use tone of voice, etc., if concentrating in a quiet environment.
Sensory: 95th percentile: Has few sensory issues, and has learned to deal effectively with those they have.
The Family Enigma
Tufted Titmouse
Joined: 2 Jul 2008
Age: 55
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Location: Born on Betelgeuse 5, now central Europe
Family: 5-25th (Only one romantic relationship many years ago, she was active. Some unsuccesfull attempts ending at first date.)
Self care: 75th
Education: 75-95th
Friendship & social skills: 50-75th; some acquitances but no closer friends.
Meltdowns: 95th
Executive Functioning: 75-95th
Speech/Language: 75-95th
Castaway on Earth.
Excuse my English, please. My real name is H*Y*M*A*N K*A*P*L*A*N
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I have no official stats on this, but here's my best guess:
For the record; age 44, married, public high school diploma & a few community college credits, own & operate an avocado ranch
Employment; 60th; Social issues made it a little tricky to become a "team member" at the workplace. Much better off self-employed.
Sensory; 5th; Can be distracted, and mindset obliterated, by hearing a buzzing house fly, or by a granule of dust on my face, and can have a meltdown if I see certain flashing LED lights). Unable to carry on a conversation with anyone when I am thinking about something else, which is often, and difficult to control.
Personal care/healthy choices/hygiene; 99.999 Cleanliness is godliness, and I cannot stand to go a minute beyond a day without a long hot shower.
Gross motor skills; 50th I tend to bungle into things, constantly hurt myself by smashing elbows and hips into tables and doorknobs, etc. However, I have great balance, and am a good motorcyclist, driver, and can do most any demanding physical activity.
Fine motor skills; 95th I worked as a camcorder repair technician, and I can easily work with jewellers' tools and start nuts & bolts blind with either hand, and do things such as retrieve tiny objects fallen into tight spaces with tweezers, or even chopsticks.
Social life; 5th Most friends are other social outcasts, housebound or handicapped, or otherwise non-mainstream people. Although I can make a decent impression at a social function, people think I'm weird, and don't really connect with me. I'm often mistaken for a psychopath (blamed on funny eye movements)
Education; 95th Although no degree, I was blessed with great learning skills, and never had any problems with the fundamentals in education, and I can easily pick up a book and learn anything I want to know. Same with most any skills. I self-taught in the trades (plumbing, electrician, construction/carpentry, welding, and even automotive mechanics and heavy equipment). I took the online sample written test for commercial industrial electrician, and passed easily, just to see if I could. When I was 13, I volunteered to do a project for the UCLA Film, Television & Radio Archives (in the engineering department), where we developed a means through which to replay videotapes from the 1950s thought to be lost forever. I got an honorary degree from them for doing that, although it was so much fun that I don't consider it as earned. So long story short, education is my strongest point.
Adult situations/marriage; 10th My wife is very patient!
Speech & language; 95th Spoke, read & wrote very early, and I practice excellent grammar at all costs.
Charles: An avocado ranch? I am so jealous. I love avocados so much. When I eat them, I feel more alert, more intelligent, more capable of facing the outside world. Did I mention I am jealous? I have thought many times, I wish I worked on an avocado ranch. You are living the dream!
Sea Gull
Joined: 17 Jul 2011
Age: 33
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I am not a big fan of quizes and such but this seems like a useful exercise!
Employment - 25th
I have never had more than a summer job really. Every job I have had (except one) has come to me through my parents. I also work for my dad some as well. I have only had one job which I got through a formal interview process and that was a summer internship and it went OK (though I wanted to quit within the first few days). This is an area I believe I can do better in with some effort!
Family - 5th
I have had one real girlfriend but even that didn't last very long (a few months). When it comes to dating I really have no idea what the hell I'm doing. I went on one date in the winter and I thought it went well but then I don't really know what happened/didn't know where to go next.
Self-Care - 30th
I have lived away from home with roomates fairly successful, however living alone turned out to be a big disaster. Couldn't pay bills on time, forget to do things like cleaning, laundry, and shop for groceries (none of these things happened until my apartment was a mess, didn't have any clothes to wear, or I was hungry). Currently living with parents. Another area I believe I can improve in!
Education - 50th
My plan was always to get at least a Masters in Computer Science, however at this point I can't even finish my bachelors. I think the reason for this doesn't have to do with my ability to learn but rather more with independent living, social issues and executive functioning. (I remember a teacher in high school giving me permission to do my homework )
Friendships & Social Skills - 40th
I can certainly make friends, though it takes quite a while for that to happen. Most people have told me I am a nice person... though a bit odd and shy. I have lots of problems keeping friendships, people just kind of fade away overtime. Big groups are exhausting/impossible.
Meltdowns - 80th
I don't really have meltdowns, I am pretty good at keeping my cool even when things are bothering me. I think sometimes I might have shutdowns but I honestly still haven't figured out exactly what a shutdown means. The only reason I wouldn't put myself in the 95th is because I feel like the longer term 'burnouts' I experience are kind of part of this category?
Executive Functioning - 60th
I am terrible at remembering to do routine tasks like laundry and I am pretty poor and scheduling my time work on projects/homework. I also tend to loose track of time. I am exploring ways to work on this, and I think there are lots of things I can do that will work and get me up to the 95th eventually!
Speech/Language - 80th
I really have no problem with odd/formal language use, tone of voice, cadence, etc. What I do have problems with is actually coming up with things to say, so in a conversation I don't feel like I am 'able to speak whenever [I] desire', lots of my conversations include awkward pauses, mumbling, speaking under my breath, and sometimes just making quite noises when I was going to say something but lost it. There are some people that I can have a conversation with and not have very few problems.
Sensory - 75th
I don't have that many sensory sort of issues, mainly just sensitive to light and sound. Ceiling lights really bother me, if I am at somebodies house where they have them on I'll be annoyed. The worst thing in this category for me though is multiple conversations going on at once, I can't join any of them because I can't 'tune in' to one. Going to some stores or restaurant will give me a headache and disoriented feeling based on the combination of lights, sound, and people (something about every Best Buy or Circuit City type store I've ever been to gets me feeling this way).
I think some of these things I can improve upon and some are just kind of doomed to be where they are. Self-care, employment and executive functioning are the ones I feel like I could improve upon the most. My social skills probably peek at about the 50th percentile but trying to any higher than that would have a negative impact elsewhere (I've tried....).
((12+144+20+3*(4^(1/2)))/7)+5*11 = (9^2) + 0
Employment = 50th but I am sliding into 25th
Family= 5th
Self Care = 25th
Education = 5th I barely received a high school diploma
Friendships & Social Skills = 5th
Meltdowns = 25th up from 5th
Executive Functioning = 25th
Speech = 95th I have been told I talk too much
Sensory = 25th My sensory issues caused constant daily spikes in my blood pressure that nearly killed me with congestive heart failure
There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die -Hunter S. Thompson
I don't really know how to do this.
Symptoms are different from functioning-level with some, but this list has it mixed up. Maybe I'll come up with something later, right now it has me stumped after trying twice.
I wonder how you other people did it? If the ways of coping have exceeded the original limitations caused by the symptoms (at least for as long as everything goes as predicted)?
Autism + ADHD
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. Terry Pratchett
Symptoms are different from functioning-level with some, but this list has it mixed up. Maybe I'll come up with something later, right now it has me stumped after trying twice.
I wonder how you other people did it? If the ways of coping have exceeded the original limitations caused by the symptoms (at least for as long as everything goes as predicted)?
Yeah I attempted this the other day and it ended in failure... it was kind of tough to do. I tried to look at it from an external point of view and not so much internally. In some ways I feel like I could have been higher in Employment and Self-Care, in theory I could do these things no problem, but in practice it just doesn't seem to be the case. On friendship I really kind of gave myself the benefit of the doubt, I honestly haven't talked to someone my own age face-to-face in the last 3 months, and even before that I only sparingly would socialize with my 'peer group'... pretty much just see my one good friend once or twice a week.
I think it is worthwhile to do though. Maybe try to approach it as if someone else were evaluating you?
((12+144+20+3*(4^(1/2)))/7)+5*11 = (9^2) + 0