not wanting to be human??
swbluto wrote:
SammichEater wrote:
I hate how complex everything has to be, mostly on the topic of sociology and economics.
I run a successful business and economics is actually pretty simple, at the "real life" level. Sure, it gets more complex as you get into academics, but when it comes to asking for money and offering services/products, it's pretty simple to understand. Just beat your competitors and you're golden!
That is simple. It's all the other unnecessary complexities that we have, like the stock market, taxes, insurance, and the rest of that crap. While we kinda need that in order to have society the way it is today, it's society that I have a problem with. Everything should always be as simple as possible, and there's nothing simple about the way the world is run.
Remember, all atrocities begin in a sensible place.
I've been studying economics for a number of years, and it's actually quite surprising how logical everything is. There is a lot of logic to the illogical things people do. There are a number of mathematical formulas at the core of the stock market, for example.
Even stuff like sociology and anthropology has some kind of logic to it. It's caught up in massive mazes of irrelevant chatter, but there's logic at the core.
"Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and constant. " -Socrates
AQ: 40/50
EQ: 17/50
SQ: 72/80 (Extreme Synthesiser)
Aspie test: about 150/200 Aspie, about 40/200 NT
jojobean wrote:
MagicMeerkat wrote:
I also remember wanting to be a snake. Speficaly so I could bite people who got too close or who were mean to me. I OFTEN felt under pressure and attacked as a child...for once I wanted to be the attacker.
I feel a deep sureal bond with snakes. My uncle danny once pulled a handful of garter snakes out of the storm shelter when I was 5 and held them up in the air like some kind of pagan god. I remeber screaming totally terrified of what looked like the hair of medusa twisting in his hand. After that, I felt a deep facination with snakes. I was branded.
I was never afraid of them. I would scream if I was outside and noticed one slither past but I think it was the movement that scared me. I gasp if I see deer or groundhogs when I'm safe in the car. But I always thought snakes had such cute faces. I found the faces of human babies ugly and repulsive. I never thought snakes were dangerous, they seemed so me at least. I think fear of snakes is stupid and silly, you can easily outrun them. A lot of people who get bit by them do so because they were stupid and were drunk and trying to show off with it...they had it coming. Most bites aparently come from people accidently stepping on them. But still, most snakes are harmless. I wanted to be a snake becuase even that young I knew other people were deathly afraid of them and only stupid people harassed them.
Spell meerkat with a C, and I will bite you.
One of my professors tried to convince us that some fears were set in our genes (like fear of snakes). I disagreed. Vociferously. I've always liked snakes, even though I respect their ability to kill me.
"Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and constant. " -Socrates
AQ: 40/50
EQ: 17/50
SQ: 72/80 (Extreme Synthesiser)
Aspie test: about 150/200 Aspie, about 40/200 NT
Artros wrote:
One of my professors tried to convince us that some fears were set in our genes (like fear of snakes). I disagreed. Vociferously. I've always liked snakes, even though I respect their ability to kill me.
I think it's a learned fear. Whenever there is someone at a zoo, holding a friendly snake for people to touch, there's always at least one parent who jerks their kid away from it. I notice a lot of people who are deathly afraid of snakes come from fundemendlist Christan backgrounds where the devil is often represented as a snake.
Spell meerkat with a C, and I will bite you.