Exaggerations in level of functioning?

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Which of the following best matches your ability to "emulate" an NT?
I can act like a neurotypical with ease. I very rarely make social mistakes, and have minimal, if any issues relating to people and making friends. 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
Acting like an NT is somewhat difficult, but I can effectively pull it off for several hours if I absolutely have to. I may make social mistakes occasionally, but as long as I have adequate resting time, I generally don't have many issues. 6%  6%  [ 4 ]
I try to act like an NT, but sometimes I appear to be weird and aloof. It is mentally draining, and I need time afterwards to recover. I find relationships with NT's moderately difficult to form and maintain. 58%  58%  [ 42 ]
My ability to adapt to an NT world is limited. It seems that no matter how hard I try I can never appear to be normal. I make social mistakes frequently, and I often have no idea how to handle many situations. As a result I may have many issues in life. 25%  25%  [ 18 ]
I absolutely suck at being an NT. It is impossible for me. I may or may not be nonverbal, and cannot function without support. 7%  7%  [ 5 ]
Other (please state in comments) 3%  3%  [ 2 ]
Total votes : 72

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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15 Aug 2011, 12:55 pm

littlelily613 wrote:
If NO impairment is present, wouldn't it just then be "NT"?

No, that is subclinical or BAP. Those would be diagnosed with Autism IF the point of diagnosis were cataloguing the brains, but since it's about support if you are weird but living well they don't diagnose you - still, you are not NT.


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15 Aug 2011, 5:49 pm

I try to act like an NT, but sometimes I appear to be weird and aloof. It is mentally draining, and I need time afterwards to recover. I find relationships with NT's moderately difficult to form and maintain. <-----me

I don't like to be around people because they drain me, and this drives me nuts. being around people places unnatural demands on me mentally. I am not a social person, and my behavior in company sometimes reflects this. I look like I don't want to be there, don't talk unless talked to, and find myself at a loss for words. I would rather not deal with people outside of regular family members unless I want to. but, then again, I live on the computer, so I pretty much ignore everyone but myself unless addressed or somehow drawn into a conversation, and even then I am pissy or, at bare minimum, uncorfortable.