That's great news that they changed their minds! You don't sound very happy, though. Do you have access to some conseling? Usually if I think I'm stuck at a sucky place, I try to change my mind about it, and take it as an opportunity to make it better. Since you're staying with your parents, why not try to make your life with them happier and more valuable? I don't know what you do for them of course, but if you don't do much right now, you can try to help with chores. Say if you mow the lawn, do some laundry, vacuum occasionally and wash some dishes, maybe cook dinner once in a while. I'm sure you'll have paid your room rent already in those works you do. Then you won't feel like you're being supported for free. As your parents get older, they might need more help. If you run errands for them, fix computer virus, do some shopping or give them rides, then you'd have paid for your meals and utilities as well.
Watch a movie or play a board game with mom and dad, drink some beer together, have a good time. Just because you're kinda stuck there doesn't mean you have to hate it. My grandma lived in my house for 9 years. I tried to make it good times instead of time I have to endure. It wasn't that bad.
AQ score: 44
Aspie mom to two autistic sons (21 & 20 )