ZaannV wrote:
This is so f*king ridiculous. Im getting really pissed off to high heavens for all these psychotic pieces of sh** who do disgusting crimes and cause misery to others and are listed as ''AS'' in court, Just to get an easier sentence.
But supposing he
does have AS? What now - are you going to demand that he's
un-diagnosed to protect your delicate sensibilities?
Just because someone else with AS knows what he did was wrong and wouldn't have done it says nothing about
his state of mind and reasons for doing it.
Statistically, someone undeniably having AS will commit a crime sooner or later, and if it's serious enough then both the crime and that they have AS are likely to get reported in the press.
Having AS does
not guarantee someone is as pure as the driven snow, and neither does the mention of a diagnosis by the defence mean anything other than it
may be a mitigating factor.
And as for newspapers generally - I'd be surprised if anyone is surprised about the poor quality of their reporting.
That's about the top and tail of it, and I think it's quite wrong to jump to the conclusion that it's simply a handy label being used as a means for them to get an easier sentence.
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.