BlackWolf wrote:
40 on the Wired test, but they don't specify what that actually means. Is high aspie or NT?
It's an "Aspie Quotient" test, so the score should primarily indicate the degree of 'Aspiness' as opposed to the degree of 'NTness'.
From the website:
Eighty percent of those diagnosed with autism or a related disorder scored 32 or higher.
Therefore; scoring 32 or higher would mean that the score falls within the same range as 80% of those already diagnosed who took the test.
Or: a score of 32 or higher is more of an indication of some form of Autism than not and the higher the score, the more certain the indication.
Well, 'certain' in
this test's opinion anyway.
anyone who doesn't know that gender = sociological and biological = sex can't have made a very proffessional test.
Or it could be that they're just collating demographic information for statistical purposes. If I put a test online I'd be curious to know the male:female ratio and score results too.
In any case - does choosing male or female actually change the questions presented, or alter the scoring method? If not, then that information is purely statistical.
If this test is indeed closely based on one by Simon Baron-Cohen and his colleagues at Cambridge's Autism Research Centre, then I'd say it's fair to call it "professional". See what you can find online about Simon Baron-Cohen and the Cambridge Autism Research Centre.
Who knows - you may even find some tests which can be downloaded directly from them.
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.