nemorosa wrote:
b9 wrote:
i do not like to be called "pal" or "buddy" or "captain" or "champ" or "chief" etc.
if am called that by anyone, then i will inevitably become defiant.
i can not think correctly when i talk to someone who thinks i am inferior to them, and somehow, they wind up insulted and i wind up in trouble.
Those would irritate me too.
I was called "fella" by a policeman in my own home
Whatever happened to calling male members of the public "sir"?
well i had a major incident happen 8 years ago, (when i was living in the "pymble" house), and me and tammy were going to bed, and i heard a very loud smash down the street (i suppose tammy heard it too), and i determined that it sounded like a fatal accident, so i ran down the street (with tammy) to see what had happened, and i rang "000". the police turned up very quickly, and i could not work out where to stand.
one policeman said "out of the way bozo!", and i suddenly lost control, and i refused to obey any direction that he could utter, and then 3 policemen took me (forcibly) back to a police station, and i was non compliant throughout the entire episode.