The_Perfect_Storm wrote:
MoonMetropolis wrote:
12. I don't create solipsistic neologisms.
Literally translated: "New" statements about the non-existence of other people because you don't believe other people exist/have feelings/etc. Basically it's an Aspie thing to "think the universe revolves around you" because you don't have NT empathy abilities, thus you can't take other's perspectives, resulting in you thinking you're the only person who exists. >.> This might have complicated matters.
-Suck at math
-Use analogies/idioms/metaphors/etc to understand things. (literal language non-fail in other words)
-Have lots of imagination
-Pretending games were what my childhood consisted of
-Other stuff people have mentioned
Lol, it seems like there's a group of Aspies who have these similar qualities that seem to be contradictory to the diagnosis. There are 2 groups of Aspies*:
Those who can do math
Those who can't do math
Since I'm also ADHD, I have to wonder if the others who have similar characteristics have ADHD qualities or are diagnosed with it. But that could just be corellation and causation and all that good stuff, so if not, then one more wild theory for the trash.
*vague generality that does not necessarily represent actuality
Someone who's only willing to give you a penny for your thoughts isn't worth your time.
Aspie Score: 170 of 200
NT Score: 37 of 200