Did Hitler have Asperger's Syndrome?

Joined: 6 Nov 2011
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I know I've pulled this out context, but...
Really? I mean, really? Who gives a damn? Really. Once a person, whoever they are and whatever they've been through, crosses the lines Hitler did, they deserve no sympathy, empathy, mercy or consideration of any disorder they may or may not have. The only thing he should be remembered for is for the purpose of learning how NOT to allow anyone like him to be enabled to do what he did again.
Too bad the humanity is a race of such slow learners, because it's happened dozens of times since then. And it will keep happening as long as we as a society keep looking for excuses for allowing such behavior. That's a side point from the AS question by the way. I'm not insinuating that anyone here is looking to excuse Hitler because he might have had AS. All I can say is "Why should it matter? He was a despicable human being deserving of nothing better than death, and he's dead anyway. Learn from the mistakes of those who allowed him to do what he did and move on."
I don't care what he may or may not have had. Some people are just plain evil. He was one of them. Glad he's dead.
You pulled it out of context and I didn't type it properly. I was trying to get people to understand that Hitler is not the only person responsible for the holocaust..
I know it's not an excuse! He took the political situation in Germany and blamed on any one who was not of Aryan race. He started the whole thing.
I know he deserves no sympathy. I hate him! I think Himmler was just as evil as Hitler.
Well, I'm arguing that it's point-blank impossible that he could have been an aspie. Someone with ADD can be a charming extrovert, and can certainly have narcissism overlaid on top of it, which would give Hitler all the ingredients he needed to charm and bully his way into power.
Think about it. Name *one* Aspie you can think of who could possibly win a modern media-driven election. It's almost unfathomable. We all know that he'd shoot himself in the foot during the first televised debate, and either come unglued or look like a complete tool.
Before you object and say it was the 1930s, remember... the Nazis basically invented the concept of using public relations to win a media-driven election, then used the same techniques to maintain power once they seized it.
When I enter a room, I'm in control of the psychology of everyone else there, including the psychopaths (although not always myself). It's possible. Say he had Aspergers and narcissism, like me and Jesus. Then he wouldn't lose his cool.

Joined: 23 Aug 2007
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I know I've pulled this out context, but...
Really? I mean, really? Who gives a damn? Really. Once a person, whoever they are and whatever they've been through, crosses the lines Hitler did, they deserve no sympathy, empathy, mercy or consideration of any disorder they may or may not have. The only thing he should be remembered for is for the purpose of learning how NOT to allow anyone like him to be enabled to do what he did again.
Too bad the humanity is a race of such slow learners, because it's happened dozens of times since then. And it will keep happening as long as we as a society keep looking for excuses for allowing such behavior. That's a side point from the AS question by the way. I'm not insinuating that anyone here is looking to excuse Hitler because he might have had AS. All I can say is "Why should it matter? He was a despicable human being deserving of nothing better than death, and he's dead anyway. Learn from the mistakes of those who allowed him to do what he did and move on."
I don't care what he may or may not have had. Some people are just plain evil. He was one of them. Glad he's dead.
You pulled it out of context and I didn't type it properly. I was trying to get people to understand that Hitler is not the only person responsible for the holocaust..
I know it's not an excuse! He took the political situation in Germany and blamed on any one who was not of Aryan race. He started the whole thing.
I know he deserves no sympathy. I hate him! I think Himmler was just as evil as Hitler.
IMO Mengele + himmler was worse than hitler, just saying. Hitler encourages the acts, yes, but his lackeys were the ones who carried them out as well as nudging hitler further down the road of having nothing redeemable about himself. In this case the supporters supported a bad person and made the situation even worse.
So yeah, He isn't the only person responsible. It takes more than one person to end millions of lives. Yet all it takes is just one nutcase to draw all the other nutcases out of hiding.
Myers Brigg - ISTP
Socionics - ISTx
Enneagram - 6w5
Yes, I do have a DeviantArt, it is at.... http://demonabyss10.deviantart.com/
Hitler had an uncanny ability to persuade people over to his point of view. Hitler knew how to manipulate and exploit people to his advantage. Hitler learned the ability to be a persuasive speaker when he gave speeches. These traits are not characteristic of Asperger's Syndrome.
Hitler had a severe personality disorder known as Malignant Narcissism. He had more in common with people such as Saddam Hussein.
Not through revolution but by evolution are all things accomplished in permanency.
This topic keeps coming up.
It was not settled in April: Settling the Hitler Debate
Nor in June: Hitler has AS?
Neither in August: Did hitler have autism?
This poll from September is pretty conclusive though: Was Hitler...an Aspie?
I don't think he was, he seems too manipulative, but Hitler was a very unusual man and probably not nearly as psychopathic as he is made out to be (ex. He was a vegetarian). If his life went differently he could have turned out to be a very different man. All I can say that I like his art.
Cinnamon and sugary
Softly Spoken lies
You never know just how you look
Through other people's eyes
Autism FAQs http://www.wrongplanet.net/postt186115.html
Last edited by Ganondox on 22 Nov 2011, 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Here we go again with someone trying to morph autism with psychopath.
Please read the already open topics on autism and psychopath because autistics are not psychopaths.
An autistic would not be able to charm so many people into killing. Those with disabilities were also killed. Please stop showing your hatred towards autistics by attempting to brand them as a dead psychopath.
Hitler was a complete social chameleon often posturing the same as whomever he was with in order to influence them and charm them.
Well, I'm arguing that it's point-blank impossible that he could have been an aspie. Someone with ADD can be a charming extrovert, and can certainly have narcissism overlaid on top of it, which would give Hitler all the ingredients he needed to charm and bully his way into power.
Think about it. Name *one* Aspie you can think of who could possibly win a modern media-driven election. It's almost unfathomable. We all know that he'd shoot himself in the foot during the first televised debate, and either come unglued or look like a complete tool.
Before you object and say it was the 1930s, remember... the Nazis basically invented the concept of using public relations to win a media-driven election, then used the same techniques to maintain power once they seized it.
Ron Paul is aspie like. Not saying he is one but how he is treated is how I would guess any aspie would be treated if trying to get elected. Ron Paul is good at fighting back using facts.
Ever noticed how the other "top tier" candidates are doing their smirk at him and the cameramen are making sure to include it?
They even make sure to exclude him when he wins polls.
If I had to choose which was more aspie like, Ron Paul or Hitler, I'd think Ron Paul. The way he is belittled, his strong sense of justice, he repeats facts and takes the constitution seriously.
Those with personality disorders tend to skew everything in order to gaslight and I see alot of that in our media and why is there this attempt to morph psychopath with autism and this topic is brought up mostly by people with very little post count? I see this at least once or twice every week.
It makes me wonder if they are trying to become our allies or if this is just their usual ploy to twist everything to suit their own goals.
They need to just accept what they are and quit being such chameleons. Admit you are wrong for once instead of twisting everything to hide your faults.
Aspies and autistics have their faults thrown in their faces all the time.
how can an aspie survive in politics? you have to understand people in order to get them to do your dirty work like he did. you have to use psychology and get into the minds of people, knowing what they want to hear and how to say it. he also poisoned his dog, the first one, a female, to see how poison works... we aspies love our pets and value them more than anything.
an aspie in politics? that would start a world war WITHOUT wanting to. can't kiss the right rear ends, insulting other presidents, saying the wrong things at the wrong time... a complete disaster (an unintentional one, that is).
a psychopath is a psychopath and an autistic person is an autistic person. there's no connection between the two.
A lot of people think former Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd had Aspergers. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/fe ... 5887059051
I really think you're underestimating us.
Actually, I could point to Ron Paul and rest my case
Remember, I qualified my assertion by saying an aspie could never win a modern media-driven election. Ron didn't get elected to Congress based upon his performance on televised debates and spontaneous sound bites. He got elected in a district the Republicans had largely written off, on a day lots of Democrats didn't bother to vote, after conducting a low-scale campaign that mainly involved mail, billboards, and public gatherings of people who overwhelmingly agreed with him. He didn't win the hearts and minds of people who disagreed with him and convince them to support him instead. He went out, preached to the choir, and got very lucky on election day.
Once elected, he made lots of Texans happy for purely ideological reasons. When he ran for Senate, he ran on his voting record for Congress, and did a very good job of avoiding situations where he (or any Aspie) would get crucified by opponents, like televised debates before a hostile audience. Ron Paul is probably the greatest inspiration to aspies with political aspirations in America.
That said, he has no chance in hell of winning an election for President, because the coping strategies he was able to follow to get elected to the Senate won't work. He made it as far as he has in the primaries because he has very strong ideological appeal to a large part of the Republican Party's core. The problem is, that core represents about 4-7% of the US population. You can't get elected President with 4-7% of the vote, regardless of how passionate those supporters are. In fact, as we all saw during the debates, if your core supporters are too enthusiastic, it can hurt you even worse. Remember the almost-standing-ovation from his supporters when somebody mentioned a person without health insurance dying? I know that Ron himself would have never kicked a dying patient of his own to the curb, but that cheer from his supporters will be playing in Obama's TV ads 24/7 if he somehow manages to win the primary.
The fact is, you can't be an extremist in either direction and win a presidential election in the US. You have to somehow manage to convince your party's core that you're die-hard, then turn around 3 months later and convince everyone else that you're not. An aspie could never pull it off. Even if he had psychotic handlers coaching him every step of the way and doing their best to control the media's depiction of him, he'd eventually screw up bigtime in front of somebody with a camera phone, and the video would go viral overnight.
There's also the problem of stubborn logical consistency. I hate to throw stones at him for this, because I know I can be just as bad about things I care about, but the fact is, Ron shot himself in the foot when he declared that the National Hurricane Center isn't a proper function of the federal government. Even lifelong staunch Republicans did a facepalm over that one. I'm sure that deep down inside, even Ron knows that if there's ever been a legitimate function of the federal government, hurricane reconnaissance and satellite telemetry ranks near the top of the list, if only because roughly 1/3 the population of the US (and at least half of our economy) lies directly in the path of hurricanes. The thing is, Ron didn't want to look like a hypocrite and back down, so instead he dug in and defended an indefensible position that he himself doesn't really believe for the sake of ideological consistency. That's a very aspie thing to do, and it's political suicide.
Consider this: Benjamin Franklin is regarded by most Americans as one of our greatest founding fathers. His picture is on a $100 bill. He was wildly successful, wealthy in absolute terms thanks to his publishing company (that specialized in printing pirated copies of British books). He's the poster child for Aspie inspiration, and could proudly stand next to Tesla, Einstein, and others. And he was never, ever the president of the United States. Because even back then, he couldn't have won. He would have been torn to shreds, and probably gotten himself killed before his final day in office. He was too smart to go waltzing into the wolves' den with steaks strapped to his body.
It was not settled in April: Settling the Hitler Debate
Nor in June: Hitler has AS?
Neither in August: Did hitler have autism?
This poll from September is pretty conclusive though: Was Hitler...an Aspie?

In 1944, Asperger described in the paper "'Autistic psychopathy'
^^^ Yes, but that's actually a mistranslation from the original German.
German is a close cousin to English, but German words that look like English words don't necessarily have the exact same meanings. In this case, Asperger's exact word was "Psychopathen". German is a polysynthetic language. That means it forms words by agglutination -- you take small words or word fragments that have "small" meanings, and glue them together into long words that have a "combined" meaning. In English, "Psychopath" suggests a pathological psychology, but literally means someone who's... well... psychopathic. It has a very specific meaning that goes beyond the meaning suggested by decomposing it into syllables.
In German, it literally means "pathological psychology". Nothing less, nothing more.
The correct English translation of "Autistischen Psychopathen" would be "Autistic Pathological Psychology".
hi there,
you are right, the meaning of words change over time.... so Hans Aspergers' "psychopath" probably just meant.... something like "deviant psyche" or a "pathological psyche".... which doesn't necessarily imply that the person with this psyche is any harmfull at all.
However, the word "psychopath" has today also another meaning, i.e. that a person is harmful to others.
I wonder, why autistics are so often thought to be psychopaths/sociopaths, ... actually i don't get that... they are so opposite.
I have to agree with the idea that Asperger's does not necessarily rule out sociopathy.
He may have had followers, but they weren't social followers. They weren't people following him around at parties. It's more like he was surrounded with a carefully selected few and interfaced with the masses from a stage.
As a person with Asperger's, I have had personal experience with successfully creating a following from a stage. You are communicating a carefully crafted message to the masses.
That being said: being the guy at the party that captures everyones attention by simply saying whatever is on my mind in the moment, THAT is challenging.
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