The truth about cannabis
Ye Olde bridge lurking Troll,
Wow that really pisses me off when people b***h about weed, If you think marijuana is making you go crazy don't f***ing smoke it! go have a wine cooler with salley.
Marijuana is always pure no dealer would give you a free high and expect you to pay the same amount of money becuase then they'd be losing money stuff is not cheap.
I call it republican syndrome...
You can make anything look like a coincidence, is it a coincidence that alcohol abuse is linked to 75 000 deaths in america?
If people are ragging on a flower, and neglecting the cold truth about alcohol then we as a democratic world have some serious communication issues with science.
I don't support cannabis, I support the truth. - re-read this.... then re-read it again.
Ps, J walking is illegal... yet genocide is completely acceptable? re-read this.
I think they should be more strict on alcohol consumption because obviously people don't get the message not to f***ing drink and drive.
However with cannabis you can be sky high and drive perfectly fine check out this video
However if you do get caught driving stoned you can get arrested they do treat this like your driving drunk.
Also if anyone has ever been too a cannabis smoke shop they do not EVER support alcohol.
Have you seen gardening and driving on salvia? It's real funny :p
I don't think so, care to post that video?
Let me guess the guy was tripping to hard to even turn the key. ... VllL4tNZsI
I thought there was a better driving one... I couldn't find it, my bad!
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I wish to make two points at this time, for what they're worth.
1) Anybody remember the great cranberry scare? Well, here's what it turned out the researchers actually found: Don't eat 40 lbs. of cranberries every day for 20 years. It might cause cancer. Yep, they were stuffing some rats or mice to overload them, in order to simulate in a short period what they thought would be the long term effect.
2) Marijuana has been classified by the feds as being more dangerous than things like cocaine, because it's considered a "gateway drug". That's like saying dancing is more dangerous than sex, because it leads to it. Think about it. How many people that you know have had sex at leas once also danced at some point earlier in life - maybe even shortly before having sex?
Life is a classroom for a mind without walls.
Loitering is encouraged at The Wayshelter: ... VllL4tNZsI
I thought there was a better driving one... I couldn't find it, my bad!
That was isn't driving tho
This one is with salvia and driving and I never any videos on this subject but seeing people high on salvia I guessed that they wont even be able to drive. lol
Kail, I feel like you were completely out of line for blasting MrXxx and calling him a troll. I hapen to agree with everything he said except the bit about "a foggy mind on drugs is not to be trusted."
What he was describing, weed as a door way drug, is precisely what happened to me. 4 days after I first smoked weed, I dropped acid. I smoked weed for 3 straight years and did numerous other drugs during that time, including heavy psychedelics, hard stimulants, barbituates and opiates. And yes, I have tried morphine in a social setting.
My reaction to smoking weed was roughly the same as MrXxx's description.
Do I regret those years? No, not at all. I learned a lot about people by becoming other people. Do I think weed was more benign than any of those other substances? Well, yes and no. The "hard" stuff, I knew not to use it repeatedly, lest I become addicted. With weed, I had no such inhibitions. So it had a much more pervasive, insidious effect on me.
Would I ever want to go back there? A big, emphatic "no." Weed seems to agree quite well with some folks' brain chemistry, and wreak havok upon others. Yes, there are a lot of medical benefits that some people get from it. Those "some people" are not me. This is one of those obstacles to legalizing marijuana. As with any psychedelics, it's effect is inconsistent, varies wildly from user to user. Most of the people who use it frequently are precisely the people it agrees with, chemically. The people who have more severe negative reactions tend to avoid it.
I agree that criminalization of weed creates crime where there need be none. Got ripped off by a drug dealer? Someone stole your stash? Can't call the cops, need to settle the score yourself.
But criminalization also makes people think twice before using it, which can be a good thing. I know a lot of people in California and Colorado who can get medical mar. legally, via perscriptions that they admit are total BS. They will tell me which doctor to see to get an easy 'scrip, no hassles, no proof needed. And I know a lot more people in those two places whose weed usage interferes with their lives. A lot. The weed users I know in Minnesota and Iowa don't flaunt it nearly as much and don't encourage every person they know to start using. So I feel like areas where it is criminalized (but not really enforced) have more responsible users, less people screwing up their lives because it's so readily available.
But just because it is the best thing ever for you, does not mean that it is the best thing ever for everyone. Blasting MrXxx and calling him a troll for having a different opinion is just plain rude. Please do try to keep things positive and respectful here, people. Everyone has to live with their own experiences, and is entitled to their own opinions. Forums like this are for sharing different experiences and opinions, no?
No dx yet ... AS=171/200,NT=13/200 ... EQ=9/SQ=128 ... AQ=39 ... MB=IntJ
To those of you worried about the gateway effect, please start thinking. I mean really, wtf? Sugar is a gateway drug, caffiene too. Everyone who I know on hard drugs started with those, some when they were merely children, CHILDREN!
Okay so thats a bit harsh, and the statistics suggest that it is a gateway drug, but that is a conveniently naive interpretation.
First, weed is cheap and readily available. Second, the vast majority of people who do hard drugs regularly do not do them for fun, they work their way up with them to cover up serious issues and to put off or avoid suicide. Third, way more people smoke weed without doing harder drugs, regardless of whether they continue weed or not. Put it all together, and it not a gateway, just a step along a bad path for those who more or less can't help it. I've seen friends and family in all of these situations, and in my life the only people who believed it to be a gateway drug are avidly anti-weed. I also have a close childhood friend who spent 10 years getting wasted on everything, he came close to dying several times. Now he has gone from hard drugs to just weed, and for two years now has been living normally and holding a job, so if ou want to stick to thinking its a gateway drug, the gate opens both ways. And for what its worth, he was doing coke before he even touched weed.
Okay so thats a bit harsh, and the statistics suggest that it is a gateway drug, but that is a conveniently naive interpretation.
First, weed is cheap and readily available. Second, the vast majority of people who do hard drugs regularly do not do them for fun, they work their way up with them to cover up serious issues and to put off or avoid suicide. Third, way more people smoke weed without doing harder drugs, regardless of whether they continue weed or not. Put it all together, and it not a gateway, just a step along a bad path for those who more or less can't help it. I've seen friends and family in all of these situations, and in my life the only people who believed it to be a gateway drug are avidly anti-weed. I also have a close childhood friend who spent 10 years getting wasted on everything, he came close to dying several times. Now he has gone from hard drugs to just weed, and for two years now has been living normally and holding a job, so if ou want to stick to thinking its a gateway drug, the gate opens both ways. And for what its worth, he was doing coke before he even touched weed.
The reason they consider cannabis a gatway drug is because inorder for most of us to obtain cannabis is from a dealer or a pusher right?
Some dealers who sell cannabis may very well sell other drugs that are more addicting such as cocaine or heroin so they might talk you in to buying it and people do all the time without thinking of the consquenses and get hooked on a hardcore drug.
To really test out the gateway theory is to legalize cannabis then see how many people end up shooting heroin. I'll try looking at the satistics for amsterdam and report back.
Very intersting ... leID=27828
As pro-pot as I am, I totally agree with this, I've actually stated it to smoking buddies. I think that it should remain criminal for not scripted citizens; the consequences help the substance self-regulate. As far as the ease of getting a script in CA and CO, I would attribute this in part to the fact that these systems are only being developed, and the regulations are in their infancy. Many parts of the government are also not ready to accept the legalized medicinal use, which prevent regulations from getting the appropriate attention, ie naysayers delay sensible regulations simply because they disagree in principle.
The medicinal mari system in Canada has been around for about a decade, and the regulation and application process is very thorough, as is the annual reapplication process. The crudentials required for prescribing it are also strict on the practitioners side, GPs cannot prescribe it without a "specialist" recommendation. The requirements for being a "specialist" mean that the doctor works in a specific medical area (e.g. Psych. or Oncologist), an area other than prescribing pot for random ailments.
I would expect that American regulations will evolve to exclude abusers. Even our Canadian regulation is in constant evolution. Time and time again, it isn't legalized, but like you pointed out Burnbridge, thats a good thing. With properly developed regulation I'm sure the American dispensory system will eventually come around, its just a shame that the half-baked (sorry I couldn't help myself) approach to establishing the American medicinal system has opened the door to abuse and given it such a bad image.
I just power through the anxiety and by the 2nd or 3rd day of smoking it's all good
I would end up being sectioned if I smoked for 3 days straight. I am not joking.
Zombies, zombies will tear us apart...again.
The reason I considered cannabis a gateway drug is because it completely blew my mind and was nothing, NOTHING like how it was described in "drug education" class. What they were describing in that class turned out to be Dextromethorphan (robotussin) which is a lot like PCP or Ketamine.
It made me very curious what else I was lied to about. So I personally sought out other substances and got to know the underground chemists in my area. No pressure needed, wasn't trying to escape and drown out my problems. I went exploring.
I do not for one minute believe that taking drugs, including weed, allowed me to see reality more completely. I learned a LOT from them, but most of what I learned took years of processing after I quit for me to get a firm handle on. Things I would've learned without the drugs anyway.
B.B.Brad, I found your upsights into the current state of medical mar. in CA & CO to be most enlightening!
No dx yet ... AS=171/200,NT=13/200 ... EQ=9/SQ=128 ... AQ=39 ... MB=IntJ
The reason I considered cannabis a gateway drug is because it completely blew my mind and was nothing, NOTHING like how it was described in "drug education" class. What they were describing in that class turned out to be Dextromethorphan (robotussin) which is a lot like PCP or Ketamine.
It made me very curious what else I was lied to about. So I personally sought out other substances and got to know the underground chemists in my area. No pressure needed, wasn't trying to escape and drown out my problems. I went exploring.
I do not for one minute believe that taking drugs, including weed, allowed me to see reality more completely. I learned a LOT from them, but most of what I learned took years of processing after I quit for me to get a firm handle on. Things I would've learned without the drugs anyway.
B.B.Brad, I found your upsights into the current state of medical mar. in CA & CO to be most enlightening!
For me I understand my reality very well but I struggle with emotional issues that I'm seeking help getting over thats all.
Lies. and no I do not see cannabis as a waste as it is used to help people but tabbacco yes it is a big waste I honestly think it would be great if that s**t wasn't even invented but hey I'm addicted.
Lies. and no I do not see cannabis as a waste as it is used to help people but tabbacco yes it is a big waste I honestly think it would be great if that sh** wasn't even invented but hey I'm addicted.
No lie.
sciencedailydotcom/releases/2007/12/071217110328 .htm
I myself have also researched scientifically this.
Addict? Spend a few hours in a dry Sauna and you'll feel some of the Marijuana toxins coming out.