It's kinda hard to say, since most of the time I don't realize I'm stimming. But when I am aware of it, it's kind of a release. I'll feel this buildup of...something, I don't know my chest. When I stim, at some point I'll get this electric shock feeling and then a relax after. It's almost an orgasmic-type feeling, although not nearly that intense. But it's the same idea.
I'll get this same sensation when I have to make a decision on something...whether it's going to a restaurant or something as simple as drawing Scrabble letters. I know when I've made the "right" decision when I get that release in my chest.
I never realized I stim as much as I do until I started making myself notice it. I rock (standing or sitting) whenever I'm in some kind of negative mindset -- angry, anxious, impatient, afraid, irritable -- but that's FAR from the only thing I do. Bouncing my leg, shaking my foot, twirling my wrist, clicking my teeth, clicking my fingernails, wiggling my fingers, stroking my skin, chewing my cuticles...need I go on?
AS: 136/200
NT: 66/200
EQ: 45/50
Go as far as you can see. When you get there, you will see farther.