layla87 wrote:
I think it is a good idea. If people knew I had Asperger's Syndrome, and had a conrete idea of what AS was, I feel maybe they would start to understand us better.
Along with your license of course, I think any Aspie driver should carry this card with them. Aspies can learn to drive and usually will follow traffic rules to the letter, but its good to know that someone has asperger's
This is not a bad idea, I would carry one. I know I've gotten into trouble with police even though I've followed all the rules precisely because they were accusing me of something I couldn't see that I had done... it would be nice to give them a brief description of how to talk to me so the officer doesn't feel like I'm being combative.
Anyone else here come across as combative, argumentative, or difficult to authorities when they accuse you of something you didn't do? I know I argue til someone keels over from the impact and have a hard time shutting up if I'm riled up... lol