I recognize myself, no problem. I look in mirrors a lot because my skin, hair, teeth, nails, etc. are always bothering me, feeling "not quite right". Get stuck fidgeting & preening in mirror, feeling irredeemably awful looking, before I'm supposed to leave the house. I don't mind photos, though I only like the ones (maybe 1/4 of the time) in which I look "good".
I despise recordings, whether video or audio, of me. My voice sounds grating & annoying played back to me, don't recognize it unless I know already it's me. On video, my appearance, mannerisms, movements, behaviors, etc. seem so fake/stilted/exagerrated & "unrepresentative of sample".
Idea of someone being able to manipulate my likeness freaks me out. Turning me into a repetitive caricature, as if how I am is set in stone because there's proof of how I was, which can then be used against me or to advance another's agenda. Don't want to be captured in motion, whether voice or image-don't want to lose what little control I retain over my own "public relations".
I always stand out (to my eye) even in a group photo from many years ago. No sense of whether I looked better, worse, average, in comparison with others.
Despite signs of aging & poor health, I still carry around mental image of self before visible deterioration set in (hear that's a common human experience). I feel insecure about my flaws and try to shunt away my constant awareness of them.
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*