TheMachine1 wrote:
NeantHumain wrote:
So JonDevine or TheMachine1, do either of you want to try to analyze my handwriting? (I wrote that for that post, but it's my normal writing.)
You have long ending strokes on your letters. That may mean your willing to give your
time and energy to others.
Your slant is a little more to the right that indicates your emotional. More feeling type than the typical "logic" dominated aspie.
I am left handed; nevertheless, we were taught to write with a rightward slant when writing in cursive. My manuscript is my "normal" hand, though, and I rarely ever use cursive. I am mostly very detached and logical, but I can have my emotional moments too.
TheMachine1 wrote:
Your lowwer zones are extreme (it mentioned before so I'm guessing your doing it for
that reason?) If not it means extreme restlessness(aka ADHD type) I did not lookup
your personality type from threads but it seems to be **FP (I'm INFP myself).
No, I didn't make extreme lower loops because you mentioned it. I posted my handwriting sample on the first page of this thread, but no one analyzed it, so I quoted myself to repost it. I made no conscious adjustments for posting here but added doodles for bonus analytical "fun." I really make no adjustment for my handwriting from for personal use to public use, by the way.
Also, yes, I do happen to be quite restless.
TheMachine1 wrote:
You have high upper zones to that seems to indicate you live in a fantasy world
consistant with inattentive ADHD and *NP* personality.
I think NPA personality theory is quackery.
TheMachine1 wrote:
You have garland connetions in your letters meaning while your likely a little introverted from your small writing, retrace loopeds your still a friendly person.
I don't know what garland connections are, but again, I styled my cursive handwriting from what we learned in our Ziff-Davis handwriting books from elementary school. All the loops are basically replications of what I saw in the book to the best of my ability.
TheMachine1 wrote:
Cool I searched and found you self report being INFP. In fairness a INFP is the kinda of
person who would post his handwriting or believe in this quasiscience.
I don't believe in it; actually, besides its use for identifying two handwriting samples as being written by the same person (in all likelihood), I think graphology, astrology, Enneagrams, MBTI typing, horoscopes, UFOs, ghosts, religion, and similar things are quackery. Nevertheless, sometimes I find it entertaining to see what people say (and how accurate their guesses happen to be). I don't know if it's a small bit of self-absorption to take personality quizess like that that makes it fun or what (probably is). I'd hate to meet someone who takes any one of those things seriously because I probably couldn't help but laugh while they try to explain their beliefs.
I find the distinction between thought and feeling artificial, by the way; feelings are just a subtype of thought that relates to your judgments about yourself in relation to the environment. They are another variable to guide your decision making.