BlakesMom wrote:
Hi! I'm responding as an NT. My son is AS and I've recently found this site and learned about Autism..thankfully!
My thoughts are that most NTs are a social civilization feel interconnected with social cues and social norms and communication. They have a need for it. In many situation they value those skills so much it can compensate for inadequacies in other areas. These skills are very much tied to feelings as one person can influence another's feeling of comfort or enthusiasm etc in that moment.
Since those on the spectrum do not always communicate or connect in this way NTs can pick up on that differences and instinctively might alienate you or assume the difference is because you're not smart enough to communicate in the same way. Which is an unfortunate and ignorant reaction on their part. This issue makes me concerned for my son and his sense of self and confidence.
Not all NTs feel that way, I want you to know. I hate to hear about the bullying and such and I think its important for you to remember there is nothing wrong with you. People are different in many ways and this is one of them. I think the difference is fascinating!
Thanks. It's nice to know there's someone out there to who difference does not automatically equal deficit.
Too bad it seems to take loving an Aspie to persuade one to make this leap. Nevertheless, cheers to you for making it.
Score one for a better world.
"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"