Atomsk wrote:
Hmm... I've been noticing certain symptoms of mine becoming worse, recently.
Diagnosed AS/HFA as a younger child; I have not been to a psych or anything in over 11 or 12 years though, and my diagnosis came about 17 years ago - I have no idea what diagnosis I would get if I were to go in now.
Age is in the right area - 23. I've noticed much less ability to converse with others, among other things. Humor is an area I am having more difficulty with now - I feel like I'm understanding jokes less, and I just less often find things funny.
Another area of difficulty - socializing that I find useless or pointless, i.e. smalltalk, any social interactions I deem pointless, even including things like "good morning." Another one - when someone states the obvious. Not only am I having difficulty -doing- these things, I'm finding it sometimes unbearably irritating when someone else does.
There's a bunch of other stuff, but I don't really have the energy to keep typing stuff up tonight. I might make a second post later.
Very curious.
I'm 22 now and have been experiencing more difficulty around this age with some things, especially with my attention, organization, and awareness. I also seem to be becoming more socially awkward as I age.
The worst thing for me as of the last year is often trying to think of something and "drawing a blank". I don't recall having this happen ever before in my life. While trying to think of the phrase "drawing a blank" to post this I drew a blank and had to pause for a second.
?No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness.?