Weirdest things you hear about Asperger's?

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19 Mar 2012, 7:58 am

One of the weirdest things that I've heard about Asperger's Syndrome is that people who have it use it as an excuse for their "dorkiness" and it's not a real disorder.


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19 Mar 2012, 8:24 am

That it's not real. That it's just an excuse for the lazy. That anyone could be diagnosed with something then.

If people see things in black and white, they should deny the existence of all illnesses and disorders. They think their preconceptions are based on logic, while it's actually just what they "feel" about Asperger's.


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19 Mar 2012, 8:43 am

Bun wrote:
Oh, I hate 'you don't have it, my relative does'-replies, they're just baffling. It's more baffling when I found out a lot of people have been told that, that makes it another common phrase which makes no sense at all to me!

I hate that with such a passion it's difficult to describe.

So many people have done that. One of my best friends said, "You know, rethinking it, I don't think you have it because my brother is the poster-child of a kid with Asperger's."

Then when I told another friend, she simply said to me, "That's bullsh*t!" and walked away. When I asked her later, she said it's simply because she knows someone else who has it more severe and therefore shows it more than I do.

Now that's BS.

The ignorance is astounding. People don't seem to realize that it's a spectrum disorder. Also, it's kind of like saying, "I know you more than you know you." Don't you think?

Neurotypicals (or even other Aspies!) shouldn't assume these things if, a) They don't know anything about it, and/or b) They don't know anything about the person they are making assumptions about. Or anywhere in between!


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19 Mar 2012, 8:53 am

Bun wrote:
Today, I tried to describe synaesthesia to someone who hasn't heard of it before. She said 'Oh, Asperger's! It's a form of autism'. There wasn't a reference to Asperger's in anything I said, nor does she know about my connection to WP, or the group therapy I go to. It just seemed like she thought synaesthesia IS Asperger's Syndrome.

What is the weirdest misconception/story/myth you've heard about Asperger's?

You know, I sort of wonder what synasthesia is like. Never had it before myself, although I hear that it is somewhat common in us spectrumites. Can you describe it?

I heard that all aspies are geniuses. It's very hard to explain that THAT STATEMENT IS FALSE for me.

Also, some say Asians are not susceptible to ASDs, but this I hear of less.

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19 Mar 2012, 9:30 am

I've also heard that Aspergers is disease or it's not real and that it's excuse so that doctors can give medication for it. Which I know is not true because I have Aspergers and I've never had medication for it and I don't believe that other people with Aspergers has had medication for it either.

Hopefully with the education on the subject of Aspergers Syndrome and Autism though the media and schools hopefully the ignorance will go away or die down at least.


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19 Mar 2012, 9:39 am

That people with AS don't wanna talk to others and, if they do, they are clearly not autistic :roll:

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19 Mar 2012, 10:14 am

Kiseki wrote:
That people with AS don't wanna talk to others and, if they do, they are clearly not autistic :roll:



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19 Mar 2012, 10:21 am

This was my friends reply after I told him that I think I may be aspie.

"Ohh no! f**k that! Aspergers is the new ADHD. It's a fad diagnosis. I have known a few aspies and I have to disagree with that wholeheartedly. And seriously, they are diagnosing more and more people every year at an exponential rate simply because they don't talk to people as well as others. There is nothing wrong with you. Just because you're different doesn't mean you're wrong. People need to stop trying to fix things that aren't broken!"

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19 Mar 2012, 12:14 pm

"Everyone's a bit autistic, it's just normal behaviour but if you're diagnosed autistic then it's just normal behaviour but more of it!"

The biggest load of BS I've ever heard.

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19 Mar 2012, 12:58 pm

MONKEY wrote:
"Everyone's a bit autistic, it's just normal behaviour but if you're diagnosed autistic then it's just normal behaviour but more of it!"

The biggest load of BS I've ever heard.

I have heard this so many times, I think people say it to try and make me feel better.


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19 Mar 2012, 1:44 pm

"ass burgers [insert guffaw here]. Thats an excuse for nerds who cant find friends"

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19 Mar 2012, 2:28 pm

Those reincarnation threads/ideas crack me up!
A topic I cannot take seriously. How many people have been simple peasents through out all their past lives? 0. Well, that is frankly impossible, aside from any other issue.
Another case of memory created by hypnosis.


PS. If I hear one more Rain Man sterotype I might have a melt-down. Just saying!


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19 Mar 2012, 5:38 pm

jamieevren1210 wrote:
Bun wrote:
Today, I tried to describe synaesthesia to someone who hasn't heard of it before. She said 'Oh, Asperger's! It's a form of autism'. There wasn't a reference to Asperger's in anything I said, nor does she know about my connection to WP, or the group therapy I go to. It just seemed like she thought synaesthesia IS Asperger's Syndrome.

What is the weirdest misconception/story/myth you've heard about Asperger's?

You know, I sort of wonder what synasthesia is like. Never had it before myself, although I hear that it is somewhat common in us spectrumites. Can you describe it?

I heard that all aspies are geniuses. It's very hard to explain that THAT STATEMENT IS FALSE for me.

Also, some say Asians are not susceptible to ASDs, but this I hear of less.

It's an associative, involuntary connection between two senses. for example - hearing and sight, so someone with it may see a colour when listening to music. I never had it either, but that is what I know.

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19 Mar 2012, 6:31 pm

Ganondox wrote:
Weirdest misconception? Um, that we can fly.

You mean you can't? :D

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19 Mar 2012, 7:08 pm

Oh, that Aspies are unpredictably, yet severely, violent.



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19 Mar 2012, 8:32 pm

Koi wrote:
I hate that with such a passion it's difficult to describe.

So many people have done that. One of my best friends said, "You know, rethinking it, I don't think you have it because my brother is the poster-child of a kid with Asperger's."

Then when I told another friend, she simply said to me, "That's bullsh*t!" and walked away. When I asked her later, she said it's simply because she knows someone else who has it more severe and therefore shows it more than I do.

Now that's BS.

The ignorance is astounding. People don't seem to realize that it's a spectrum disorder. Also, it's kind of like saying, "I know you more than you know you." Don't you think?

It says two things to me:
* People who say it are also generally the type to think they/their families is where the world starts and ends, from my experience.
* Therefore, you're not even entitled to your own complex personality and individual experience, because THEY have something going on in their lives which they need to tell you about instantly. :roll:

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