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07 Jun 2012, 5:28 pm

I usually have dreams about the expected events of the next day. Often I will go to school, but in bad versions of the dreams I forget very important things (like my homework, or ingredients for a cooking lesson). When things go wrong, the dream seems to run in real time, which is awful. The worst part is waking up, and thinking everything has happened. Sometimes I end up taking the wrong books because I assume I have done that day, and it is now the next day, which is the reason I now wear a watch with the day of the week set on it. Otherwise, I think I would go crazy.

Amongst these dreams, I also have dreams about falling off cliffs, and wake up just before I hit the ocean, and also occasionally of being locked in a room with one window and a silver doorknob. Just the doorknob, not a door... :roll:

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07 Jun 2012, 5:53 pm

Alot of my dreams sometimes involve,
-Video games
-Special Interest

Alot of times I have no problems at lucid dreaming it comes easy to me and even sometimes create my own dream landscape sometimes like in the Tom Clancy book Netforce series. Also alot of times when I get a new game the night I get it I will cream like I am in the game like with Battlefield Bad Company 2 and I think I had one based off of minecraft. Also I can recall dreams that my mind put into long term memory like if I am redreaming it. Also the dreams will involve all my senses like touch, taste, touch, hearing, and sight of course.

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07 Jun 2012, 6:07 pm

Sometimes I have fantasy dreams with occasional characters from real life, bizarre architectures and creatures, magic and stuff like that. An example is I once dreamt I was in a giant cave and had to fight a whole army of trolls with the help of just one guy called Achilles. But then fairies came to help us.
Sometimes I have nightmares in which "normal" things go wrong, As I child I often dreamt my parents smiling at me, and the smile looked normal, but I felt they wanted to do horrible things to me. Or I dreamt that I found little animals (I was kind of obsessed with animals) but when I touched them they turned into plush dolls.
Sometimes I dream about real things that are giving me anxiety. Recently it is about going back to school.
I often remember my dreams, and I write them down, and they're always very detailed and I have many lucid dreams in which I have control over my actions. Those can be really fun.



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08 Jun 2012, 2:00 am

lately i've been having quite a bit of late parent dreams [of my late parents], both down here on earth and up in heaven- and food dreams, where i'm in front of a banquet table full of delectibles, or i am seeing a table full of inedible stuff like twigs and slugs.


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08 Jun 2012, 1:39 pm

Going back a few decades and repeating jobs I've hated or else redoing school/college/university. The other old favourite is just getting angry and shouting at people I dislike, but that usually wakes me up very quickly.


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08 Jun 2012, 1:46 pm

Although current meds seem to suppress my memory of them, my dreams are very varied. Nightmares usually involve dying. Or falling! Falling has been a frequent theme in my bad dreams for decades. Sometimes I just dream the impact! Which has led to speculation that I may actually be experiencing an OBE at those times. But I never have memories of anything..
I have had dreams within dreams. I have also had a dream where I died & was refused entry into Heaven & Hell both! Symbolism is pretty obvious in this one. I was seriously depressed at the time, also.
Last night I dreamed I was chasing a scorpion all over the house & not catching it. :)


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08 Jun 2012, 1:53 pm

The dreams mainly involve me running away from everything

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08 Jun 2012, 2:33 pm

I don't dream when I sleep anymore. I haven't for a lot of years. I don't know if it was all the drugs or if it's because I stay awake until I can't think straight anymore (shutdown mode).

If I try to go to bed before my brain has worn itself out for the day, I'll lay awake in bed stimming and dissociating, way off deeeep in my own little world till I fall off to sleep, sometimes it takes hours if I get any sleep at all.

I don't like pills or chemical sleeping aids. Tried all the herbal remedies.

I have a type of synesthesia. Sound = Visuals. I can't filter it out and it makes sleeping or getting to sleep harder. I tried earplugs, white noise machines/mp3's, drugs...... Nothing works. I hum really low a lot to try to block it out, low tones give me fractals. It helps but it drives my boyfriend batty.

When I did dream as a child I had vivid nightmares and rolled special interests over and over.

I don't sleep much.


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08 Jun 2012, 3:44 pm

MarthaCannary wrote:
I don't dream when I sleep anymore. I haven't for a lot of years. I don't know if it was all the drugs or if it's because I stay awake until I can't think straight anymore (shutdown mode).

If I try to go to bed before my brain has worn itself out for the day, I'll lay awake in bed stimming and dissociating, way off deeeep in my own little world till I fall off to sleep, sometimes it takes hours if I get any sleep at all.

I don't like pills or chemical sleeping aids. Tried all the herbal remedies.

I have a type of synesthesia. Sound = Visuals. I can't filter it out and it makes sleeping or getting to sleep harder. I tried earplugs, white noise machines/mp3's, drugs...... Nothing works. I hum really low a lot to try to block it out, low tones give me fractals. It helps but it drives my boyfriend batty.

When I did dream as a child I had vivid nightmares and rolled special interests over and over.

I don't sleep much.

Everyone dreams even in your case. You just don't remember them because you have very low recall. I don't recall most of my dreams either. But, if I dream shortly before I wake up, my dreams are quite intense and very detailed many times.

I stim a lot also, especially if I'm stressed. I rubbed my lips on my favorite object and sometimes my stimming get so bad that it cause my lips to bleed when I'm upset enough. But, if I'm not upset it has a very calming affect on me.

I know what you mean about the type of synesthesia or sensory overload. I can tolerate normal sounds quite well. But it is the low bassy sounds from drums or any instrument or song that's played in bass. Extremely upsetting to my system to the point where I'm crying and walking around the house ready to mash my head through the wall. This is the very reason I got rid of my 3 CD player. You are right about the ear plugs and white noise machines not working. Sound proofing actually made the situation worse. I'm extremely sensitve to light as well.

I have woke up from nightmares screaming things and it took me a while to get my bearings when I was much younger.

Do you have any physical problems or worries that may keep you from going to sleep? When I was having trouble with high blood pressure and extreme pain, I had a lot of trouble going to sleep. I researched this and stopped all of my prescription meds, the pain went away and my blood pressure went down. And now I sleep very good.


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08 Jun 2012, 6:25 pm

sometimes wet ones? lol

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08 Jun 2012, 7:11 pm

My dreams are often simmilar to "biblical doomsday", one that must have lasted the whole night was about meteorites or asteroides entering the atmosphere and burst into violent explotions, totally different from what we see on films. I always have my family with me but i fail dream the ending of this. The image from this reoccuring dream is so vivid and clear, I could easily have painted many detailed pictures from it. The main color is red and black as the sky is "on fire" or have at least bright red/orange color as ever more asteroids enter the atmosphere. Big buildings collapse and the ground itself is burning.

I also use to dream about war like situations with evacuation and cities turned up side down. I seem to find myself coping very well in these situations, because everything is changed. My knowledge and fields of interests suddenly have value as a way to survive. I tent to secure my family and give a s**t in others, except those who I really feel pity for.

I often dream about big rocks coming from heaven, pounding the sea, causing strange wave patterns, also unlike the movies.
I always feel totally different the next day after having these dreams, like if I am sedated or on some kind of drugs.
I also have dreams with the same structure as films with intro, story and an ending. Most of these are action filled with me participating, but with real emotions. Most of the time I'm scared, but I still do whats expected of me.

To scare everyone off, I have had weird dreams ever since I was a kid and many things I have dreamt have really happened later on in life.

In fact, these things had led me to websites about survival equipment and tips about hoarding of canned goods. I already have complete medical kits with everything needed to sew wounds and pull tooths. In the same box is everything needed to survive in the wilderness for weeks including high quality tents and garments, tools and other equipment, including rifles.
I can't explain this, but I have a strong urge to gather survival stuff and it is growing stronger each month.
Most of all, I want a winnebago, so that I can just take all my stuff and flee with my family if something happens.

Ohh, I guess its the aspie in me causing all this. Anyone else struggling with this?


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08 Jun 2012, 9:51 pm



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08 Jun 2012, 9:53 pm

Monsters, mostly.

Others are just memories of things.


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08 Jun 2012, 11:08 pm

I mostly don't remember them anymore, which I think is a good thing... because they're usually scary nightmares.

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09 Jun 2012, 2:27 am

AspieOtaku wrote:
sometimes wet ones? lol

been dreamin' 40 years and i still can't tell the wet ones from the dry ones ;)


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20 Jun 2012, 3:24 pm

The examples of dreams I'll list here likely relate to being on the Autism Spectrum as an adult; that is examples of dreams seem to indicate the dichotomies amongst feelings regarding people, art, inanimate objects, and movie theater, TV, Radio, and yes Internet content.

* Dreams of all-night movie-theater shows (complete with clocks/timers) with movie-plots containing good continuity. Sometimes dreams involve being both the audience and the participant in the movie; as well as exiting the theater at the "crack of dawn." NOTE; I've never attended (or plan to attend) an all-night movie show!

* Dreams involving mazes (endless hallways); Again, dream content includes people, and objects, as well as the feeling of never-ending searching (sometimes searching, after a few tries, for a resonably clean washroom).

* Dreams (or most commonly that half-asleep/half-awake state) of Abstract-art images e.g, collage images, sometimes faces. I recently had a dream involving an Abstract painting of a small crowd; such as an audience in a theater. I found myself adding special-effects that gave the painting a hazy, "myserious effect of sorts" to a still wet painting.

Anybody on the Austim spectrum note similar dreams?
