MarthaCannary wrote:
I don't dream when I sleep anymore. I haven't for a lot of years. I don't know if it was all the drugs or if it's because I stay awake until I can't think straight anymore (shutdown mode).
If I try to go to bed before my brain has worn itself out for the day, I'll lay awake in bed stimming and dissociating, way off deeeep in my own little world till I fall off to sleep, sometimes it takes hours if I get any sleep at all.
I don't like pills or chemical sleeping aids. Tried all the herbal remedies.
I have a type of synesthesia. Sound = Visuals. I can't filter it out and it makes sleeping or getting to sleep harder. I tried earplugs, white noise machines/mp3's, drugs...... Nothing works. I hum really low a lot to try to block it out, low tones give me fractals. It helps but it drives my boyfriend batty.
When I did dream as a child I had vivid nightmares and rolled special interests over and over.
I don't sleep much.
Everyone dreams even in your case. You just don't remember them because you have very low recall. I don't recall most of my dreams either. But, if I dream shortly before I wake up, my dreams are quite intense and very detailed many times.
I stim a lot also, especially if I'm stressed. I rubbed my lips on my favorite object and sometimes my stimming get so bad that it cause my lips to bleed when I'm upset enough. But, if I'm not upset it has a very calming affect on me.
I know what you mean about the type of synesthesia or sensory overload. I can tolerate normal sounds quite well. But it is the low bassy sounds from drums or any instrument or song that's played in bass. Extremely upsetting to my system to the point where I'm crying and walking around the house ready to mash my head through the wall. This is the very reason I got rid of my 3 CD player. You are right about the ear plugs and white noise machines not working. Sound proofing actually made the situation worse. I'm extremely sensitve to light as well.
I have woke up from nightmares screaming things and it took me a while to get my bearings when I was much younger.
Do you have any physical problems or worries that may keep you from going to sleep? When I was having trouble with high blood pressure and extreme pain, I had a lot of trouble going to sleep. I researched this and stopped all of my prescription meds, the pain went away and my blood pressure went down. And now I sleep very good.