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13 Dec 2006, 1:25 pm

DelicateCatastrophe wrote:
I was born cesarian. It was planned, since my mother was unable to progress in labor with my older brother, we were all cesarian babies. When she was being numbed, though, I got on a blood vessel or something and caused her to have a tonic-clonic (then called a grand mal) seizure. They had to get her knocked out and me pulled out FAST. They say they did it in three minutes from the time she started seizing.

I read somewhere that as many as 50% of those diagnosed with ASDs had oxygen deprivation at birth.

I don't buy that, ESPECIALLY since many here said they arrived cessarian. They were probably taken out BEFORE labor, and it is hard to believe that they suddenly were choked, Even in YOUR case, we are talking seizure, not major stroke. Granted, her lungs could have stopped, and the oxygen would not last that long, but you probably would have taken over anyway by then. Also, there has to be SOME oxygen left, because they apparantly come out of it. Besides, such deprivation leads to a palsy, mental retardation, or death. Since we obviously don't have death, that's out. SOME have something that might at first LOOK like a palsy, but isn't, so THAT is out. Mental retardation COULD fit except there is a change in STRUCTURE, and the mass seems to be there. Sometimes, it is even bigger than normal! Because of some things they have found, I think it either has to be something done quite some time before birth, or genetic.



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13 Dec 2006, 3:03 pm

I was born completely naturally, no drugs :)

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13 Dec 2006, 6:40 pm

This is very fascinating indeedy...

I myself was born naturally (was induced) but with complications - mildly cyanotic with immature lungs - though I was supposedly two weeks late in getting here!

I was in labour with my son for 36 hours - was induced three times but he STILL would not come out - had an emergency caesarian due to foetal distress (they had three attempts at the epidural as well because they kept sticking the needle in the wrong place - the migraines after the birth were unbelievable!!).

I've heard that AS/Autism is a genetic thing, I've also heard that it occurs just before birth, during birth, or just after birth. But who knows - it's interesting to speculate though.


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14 Dec 2006, 10:08 am

20 year old son was taken C-section after no progress with delivery. He was two weeks late, a little under 8 lbs., and came out looking sort of green and slimy! I think he just stayed in there too long -- he was probably holding on for dear life saying "NOOOO! I don't want to leave!! !! !"

My 10 year old was taken C-section under less than perfect circumstances. He was almost 10 lbs., scheduled C-section, but I had become allergic to the pitosin they gave me, so he had to get out quickly, and I couldn't spend much time with him the hours directly after birth because I went to anaphylactic shock.

Both births C-sections, and both births had some trauma involved.

Very interesting topic.

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14 Dec 2006, 8:17 pm

Born naturally about 5 weeks early I believe here.

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15 Dec 2006, 4:45 am

Was born through a c-section as well. Reason being is that I was coming out not only feet first, but my umbilical cord was wrapping around my arm causing my heartbeat to stop momentarily.

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15 Dec 2006, 4:47 am

Sedaka wrote:
a very important concept in science:

correlation does not equal causation.

True but, that correlation shows that something is happening :) I find it a bit odd that a lot of people are posting that they came in to the world through c-sections.


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15 Dec 2006, 8:54 am

Murdal wrote:
Sedaka wrote:
a very important concept in science:

correlation does not equal causation.

True but, that correlation shows that something is happening :) I find it a bit odd that a lot of people are posting that they came in to the world through c-sections.

Actually, it DOESN'T! This thread is about as meaningless as the A blood type thread. I followed the A blood type thread, and it MIRRORS my prediction with only two apparant variants!

1. AB is more popular than B. I predicted the other way around. The sample isn't that big though. ALSO, supposedly AB is a newer blood type, and some say it is growing.
2. Negative appears to be over represented. This CAN present a more obvious problem to the baby in a positive mother. The sample isn't that large. Many other differences have been noted with negative children. HECK, I have seen sites claiming they are part alien(from another planet)! So who knows?

The end result though is that the original assertion made is TOTALLY wrong! It APPEARS right because A is the second most common blood type and will be well represented in ANY random poll, but the prevalence of O here shows it is just WRONG. The Negative has other reasons as well. Besides, I predicted all this when A was about the only entry. The person starting the thread had A-. BTW I am AB+.

Likewise, cesareans are VERY common, and done for LOTS of different reasons. Without more info, this poll is worthless.

It is like saying that most people having a cookie every day don't have cancer. That is PROBABLY true! And most are probably kids! Maybe the Kids just haven'thad enough time to acquire cancer.



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15 Dec 2006, 9:20 am

I was born naturally 2 weeks later than the given date.

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16 Dec 2006, 8:05 am

SteveK wrote:
Murdal wrote:
Sedaka wrote:
a very important concept in science:

correlation does not equal causation.

True but, that correlation shows that something is happening :) I find it a bit odd that a lot of people are posting that they came in to the world through c-sections.

Actually, it DOESN'T! This thread is about as meaningless as the A blood type thread. I followed the A blood type thread, and it MIRRORS my prediction with only two apparant variants! Blah blah blah...

Meaningless to some perhaps.. sure, who can be certain why the hell we are what we are, but if some of us want to speculate in a "meaningless" way so be it. I would LOVE to know the reason for my AS, and my son's AS - not that it would change anything for us of course! Speculation generally brings about discussion and that can't be a bad thing eh.

I missed the blood type thread, but my blood type is O+ and my son's is A+. I'm sure we are part alien as well, as we often get misunderstood by people :lol:


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30 Apr 2011, 5:26 pm

I was born 10 pounds 7 ounces. The obstetrician on call was a dumbass. My mom kept telling him "This baby is too big for normal delivery. C-section" I didn't have a C-section. The man gripped my head and yanked me out of the womb. Now picture how much damage is done to a baby's brain with a skull not completely calcified. This is what I believe caused me to have developmental issues as I was growing up. This is what caused my Aspergers. Birth trauma. Because some stupid obstetrician didn't see the need to perform a C-section, when clearly it was needed.

So guys, C-sections wouldn't lead to Aspergers. Because I was delivered the vaginal route, but my skull was too big to fit through.

Oh by the way I am new to WrongPlanet :)


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30 Apr 2011, 5:51 pm

My mom should have had a c section with me because I was in the wrong position and wouldn't come out. I almost died. The doctor had to reach up there and pull me out and I was covered in poop because I pooped in there from getting stressed. She had a Keizer doctor and eventually he worked there only, not at where my mom worked where she had me.


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03 Mar 2020, 10:43 am

Yes. I am a caesarian-born aspie. I was breech and could not be turned around, so I had to be delivered caesarian. They didn't have a choice. I actually read a scientific study on the connection between ASD and caesarian deliveries when I was in college, and it was mentioned in a special education textbook I read. My son was delivered naturally and is not on the spectrum.

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03 Mar 2020, 10:47 am

I came into this world via ordinary vaginal birth. Also, I was not a "bottle baby", so the ideas of ceasarean birth, failure to bond with my mother, and contaminants in my infant formula causing my autism don't apply.


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03 Mar 2020, 11:02 am

I was born naturally.
Weight: 9 pounds, 4 ounces
Long labor (16 hours), rapid delivery

High energy as a child, but not classically hyperactive. I enjoyed books and music. I was an ESL student (first language was German).

I did well academically, but poorly socially


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03 Mar 2020, 11:11 am

jodiemh wrote:
Alot of people I know of who have Asperger's have been born through Cesareans, and I'm just wondering if there could be some mild connection. My brother was born 11 weeks premature, and is now 11 years old, he has just been diagnosed with Asperger's and he was also born through cesarean. Anyone else hear noticed some sort of mild connection, or does anyone else here have similar experiences... Or is it just a coincidence?
I read an article a few years ago that says that there had been a study done on Autistics and birth. They had discovered that none of the children that they studied who were Autistic had spent enough time in the birth canal. They came out too fast. I came out very fast as well. They found this to be the same with horses, that horses who did not spend enough time in the birth canal came out with Autistic symptoms. They were able to mitigate the Autism in the horses by applying deep pressure to their bodies shortly after birth. So I think it is very possible that cesareans could play a part.

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