Murdal wrote:
Sedaka wrote:
a very important concept in science:
correlation does not equal causation.
True but, that correlation shows that something is happening

I find it a bit odd that a lot of people are posting that they came in to the world through c-sections.
Actually, it DOESN'T! This thread is about as meaningless as the A blood type thread. I followed the A blood type thread, and it MIRRORS my prediction with only two apparant variants!
1. AB is more popular than B. I predicted the other way around. The sample isn't that big though. ALSO, supposedly AB is a newer blood type, and some say it is growing.
2. Negative appears to be over represented. This CAN present a more obvious problem to the baby in a positive mother. The sample isn't that large. Many other differences have been noted with negative children. HECK, I have seen sites claiming they are part alien(from another planet)! So who knows?
The end result though is that the original assertion made is TOTALLY wrong! It APPEARS right because A is the second most common blood type and will be well represented in ANY random poll, but the prevalence of O here shows it is just WRONG. The Negative has other reasons as well. Besides, I predicted all this when A was about the only entry. The person starting the thread had A-. BTW I am AB+.
Likewise, cesareans are VERY common, and done for LOTS of different reasons. Without more info, this poll is worthless.
It is like saying that most people having a cookie every day don't have cancer. That is PROBABLY true! And most are probably kids! Maybe the Kids just haven'thad enough time to acquire cancer.