TechnoDog wrote:
Really think all drugs should be tested again.
Also I think someone could heal in a better way.
Also think the data needs collecting on medical, science & research. For this stuff.
And environmental data too.
Also could do with a equipment shop.
Dear Technodog,
Can't quite follow your e-mail, perhaps if you explain it very simply for me, I certainly agree that drugs should be tested again. I also think they should be tested for longer, like at least a decade, or two before being put on the market, but I can't see that happening.
Does anybody know if there is any collection of checkable and reliable data anywhere on effects of any mood change or drugs on autistic spectrum people compared with the same amount / strength of same drugs on neuro-typical people of similiar age, backgrounds etc. This might be interesting to read through.
All the best
D Maher